And the Ship Sails On
And the Ship Sails On
| 26 January 1984 (USA)
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In 1914, a cruise ship sets sail from Naples to spread the ashes of beloved opera singer Edmea Tetua near Erimo, the isle of her birth. During the voyage, the eclectic array of passengers discovers a group of Serbian refugees aboard the vessel. Peace and camaraderie abound until the ship is descended upon by an Austrian flagship. The Serbians are forced to board it, but naturally they resist, igniting a skirmish that ends in destruction.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
TheLittleSongbird By all means it is not of Fellini's finest, Nights of Cabiria, La Dolce Vita, 8 1/2, Amarcord and La Strada involved and moved me more. However along with Ginger and Fred(my personal favourite of that particular part of Fellini's career), When the Ship Sails On it is one of Fellini's better later films after Amarcord. The visuals as to expect from Fellini are simply gorgeous in both photography and scenery. The music is both beautiful and quirky. While Fellini's direction is more restrained than usual, there is still the distinctive style that made his films so wonderful. The story has some nostalgia, some surrealistic beauty and some impish humour, all three of which blend superbly and are interesting individually. The sudden arrival of Balkan refugees does have an emotional impact. If there was a weak point it was the acting, Freddie Jones as always is excellent but the rest are uneven ranging from decent to poor. The dubbing also has moments of sloppiness. Overall, a fine film and while not one of my favourites of the later Fellinis it does stand out as one of the better ones. 9/10 Bethany Cox
nv-11 At 1st view, I thought our sound didn't work on the DVD player, then so typical of Fellini, knowing this, he slowly adds little sound bites, then there is music and singing, then there is voice. Everyone on the ship is requested to be there by the dead opera singer's will to witness her ashes being blown at sea at her desired place 3 days sailing out. There is no point to this movie, a bunch of hodge podge scenes, each with their own uniqueness. But the sum doesn't add up, it is just vignettes (almost) on this crazy ship. It starts off in the dining room like a choreographed ballet. Everything is orderly, then as the days go on it is not so. Many scenes are hilarious, like the sing-off to the boiler room sweaty guys and the sweaty guys are really getting into it! Even to the point of singing and swaying to the music as if they would know opera! The concert of the glassware in the kitchen as the cooks are frantically preparing the meals was by far my favorite scene. Then there were refugees on the ship. Was Fellini privy to future conflict to happen in 10 years future? And a rhino in the ship's hold then needs a hose-down? Dis-jointed but yet like life, everyone has a story. The movie ends but you know everyone else's story doesn't. Great movie!
Cristi_Ciopron E LA NAVE … certainly deserves a place of honor is the master's creation—as the most eerie, genuinely Goyesque and intriguing rune, a surrealist and twisted vision using profuse intuitions and ambiguous understatements. That's why few movies can match this one. It does not require maybe that much expertise to acknowledge what a thoughtful movie this is, and, beyond being thoughtful, from what depths of genuine intuition it does proceed.E LA NAVE … is one of the buff's exams—the master has long ago already passed his exams, and now the buff faces this one—what will he/ or she, fair reader, make of this bizarre, strikingly funny, surrealist _capriccio ,once its very visionary nature is acknowledged and brought to full admission? Me, I'm a man aged in such Fellinianisms. I recognize quickly the artifacts of the surrealism contrived and forced; I can testify for the authenticity of the Fellinian creative intuition in E LA NAVE …;it's a fever of the Fellini—beyond—Fellini, at a stage without sentimental-isms and heartache; a coherent world-view, a satire and a bitter comedy. Maybe, just maybe, a surrealist cosmogony as well.Already in Fellini's time, cinema was long ago validated as art. There was no word of acknowledging or validating it as art; Fellini already comes after some giants. Nowadays as in Fellini's own time, some people, less discerning, seem eager to recognize DAUGHTER OF HORROR (which I comment on this site) as genuine surrealism—but to a lesser degree E LA NAVE …; now that's awkward. Because here Fellini the wizard went beyond ambitions and achieved this part—Goyesque part satirical take on a world long ago abolished and drowned; and some of those who know at least some of the important Italian cinema of the '70s and '80s (things like the Ottaviani brothers, the Avatti, and the master Fellini himself) will not fail to recognize rather promptly this blend and also this special flavor of temerity and decadence.Now of course most do not even need this; yet I would insist of taking by the hand the unconvinced few and dip them a little in this—what shall we call it—in this primordial soup, in this _cosmographic sketch. I bet you do not know many other musical sequences in the cinema as good as the glasses session in the ship's kitchen. They are good, are they not? You had some fun. Or the countless jokes issued by the master's inventiveness—beginning of course with the silent scene right at the beginning, before the color shift.The final Fellini was somehow the mellower; understandable. Do not be fooled by the down-talkers. They ignore the trade. Maybe those used with the first Fellini—or with the first Fellinis, should one say—failed to adapt and change. But for me, after the '60s Fellini only got better—if such a thing were possible. In E LA NAVE … there's nothing phony or fake; on the contrary, it's creepily genuine.Enjoy the style, the movement, the atmosphere, the approach! I have mentioned the scene of the glass concerto; there, the cinematographic phrase itself dances. What Fellini delivers here are not a few gimmicks and tricks but an original take. Here at least some schmucks who pretend to direct movies could learn at least some of the externals.
Aw-komon Fellini's worst film? What nonsense! If you want that "Satyricon" is waiting for you. Antonioni has called this one of his favorite Fellini films and after seeing it myself, I knew he didn't make that judgment rashly. "And the Ship Sails On" is a thoroughly 'modern' film and one of the maestro's best--certainly as good as "Amarcord," and probably better. It is less crudely silly and linear than "Amarcord" and harder to understand for anyone not intersted in progressive cinema, much more ambiguous, flexible and prone to take risks. To even breath the climate of opinion which deigns to compare this ambitious masterwork to an overblown piece of commercial fluff like 'Titanic' is nauseating. The fact that both films happen to take place on the deck of a ship is their only similarity and the 'message' of Titanic has absolutely nothing do with what Fellini was trying to say. Fellini doesn't make 'allegories' of society; at his best, he makes 'allegories' of 'allegories.' His sense of humor goes deep enough to include ridicule of people who take allegories too seriously within his allegories, hence his true artistry. And those kinds of people, obviously, sense that the joke is on them, and don't particulary like this film. The level on which Fellini succeeds is invisible to them, outside their conditioning. And often they claim to be bored just to cop-out on having to examine themselves and their ingrained ways of thought and judgment too closely. In fact, you could write a whole book analyzing "And the Ship Sails On" solely on its deep artistic value and another on all the great things in this film that certain 'cultured' people don't get because of their particular brand of 'high-brow' conditioning. "And the Ship Sails On" is a PURE film, folks, one of the few amidst an ocean of endless mediocrity; and that is the hardest thing to achieve when trying to integrate as many elements as Fellini tries for (he himself has failed many times precisely because he was seeking purity within excess and got lost). He tried for it all and got the balance right this time. It is both satirical and deeply serious, excessive and understated. It is a totally stylized non-sentimental 'sentimental' work in the best sense. It works on many levels and transcends petty criticism from anyone too busy making mountains out of the latest flashy molehill that caters directly to their tastes. This film isn't traditional cinema, it is progressive all right, but it will be ready for you as soon as you're ready for it. Watch it for yourself with an open mind (whenever you're ready for it) and experience the power of art: it's worth more than you've been taught to think it is.