The White Sheik
The White Sheik
| 25 April 1956 (USA)
The White Sheik Trailers

In Italy, small-town newlyweds Wanda and Ivan Cavalli embark on their honeymoon in the big city of Rome. Ivan dutifully wants to keep appointments with family and church, but Wanda is only interested in meeting her favorite photo-strip star known as "The White Sheik". While Wanda impetuously sneaks away to locate the object of her affections, disconsolate Ivan tries his hardest to keep up appearances with the couple's relatives.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
kijii I LOVE this movie! It's so nice to see a fun Fellini movie with pure humor—no deep symbolism, semi-autobiographical narcissism, or self- analysis here. I think that this is one of the few non-English movies where I laughed out loud--while viewing it by myself!! The plot is funny enough, but the thing that really nailed it for me was the expressions and gestures of the two main characters.The movies starts as a couple comes to Rome on their honeymoon. Since the husband's uncle is an important public official, he has arranged a VIP tour of the city for them-—including an audience with the Pope!!. The husband, Ivan (Leopoldo Trieste), is anxious for everything to go well for between his uncle and his new wife, Wanda. (Brunella Bovo). However, Wanda is swept away by the chance to visit a photographic comic book studio (or fumetti) where a serial romance with her favorite star, 'The White Sheik,' is being made. She wants to know the future of the fumetti plot and get 'The White Sheik's autograph. When Wanda disappears, Ivan is left to make excuses to his uncle for her whereabouts. In the meantime, she is taken away into by the fumetti group's photograph sessions. As time runs low, they are both left on a comical verge of a nervous breakdown.
dlee2012 Fellini's earliest vehicle, the White Sheik, is a screwball comedy that has aged well, due to its light touch and social critique.The story of a bride and groom who travel to Rome to meet relatives and the Pope at a mass gathering of newly-weds, the narrative depicts how they both cope when the girl absconds to meet her hero, the male model who features in an ongoing photo-serial in a pulp magazine.During the comic proceedings that follow, she discovers it may be best to live with the illusion of her icon than meet him in the flesh. Indeed, Fellini explores the question of which is better, real life or a dream, in detail as the story unfolds.The kitsch tackiness of the soap opera magazine and its decidedly uncultured models contrasts sharply with the street scenes of Rome where every fountain and statue is emphasised by the subtle, yet well-executed cinematography.The groom's obsession with family honour is also scathingly examined, including his devotion to the ultimate "father" of his religious denomination, the Pope, and his desire to meet him and appear good before him. The final scene, which lingers on the facade of the Vatican, perhaps indicates just how much facades have played a part in this comedy. When the groom meets with the Pope, perhaps he too will have his illusions shattered when he sees that the man is not really like how he is portrayed. This question is left lingering at the film's end, leaving the audience wondering how this reception will go.Nevertheless, the main strand is answered as the bride recognises that even her husband, despite all of his flaws, is the true white sheik intended for her.The acting is good for this type of film, with the two leads highly adept at comic expressions.The soundtrack likewise emphasises the lighthearted nature of proceedings and provides a tempo to match the comic proceedings.Ultimately, this film will appeal to more than just Fellini enthusiasts. It remains a classic comedy that can be enjoyed by all of the family.
Modalrose18 I recently viewed this movie and was left in awe at the sheer awfulness that this film portrayed. You would actually have to compliment the writers for making such a disgusting film, because to my knowledge no being who had any semblence of dignity could be capable of making such a horrible movie. Translations from the attempt at italian in this movie were terrible. In conclusion, avoid this film at all costs.
zetes This is Federico Fellini's first solo effort, his first film, Variety Lights, having been co-directed by Alberto Lattuada (although it is unmistakably in the style of Fellini's early films). The White Sheik is quite underrated - there's no reason why it should be so much less respected than the other early films, particularly La Strada and Nights of Cabiria, the two most often cited as masterpieces (and I'd agree). I actually like The White Sheik quite a bit better than I Vitelloni, Fellini's next film (Il Bidone is the only one from his early period that I have not yet seen). The White Sheik is quite humorous, perhaps Fellini's funniest (although so many of his films contain a great amount of comedy). No Fellini fan should go without seeing it, because so many of his themes and images are established in it. In fact, no one should miss Variety Lights, either, for the same reason. But The White Sheik, unlike Variety Lights, stands by itself as a great film. 9/10.