Nights of Cabiria
Nights of Cabiria
| 03 October 1957 (USA)
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Rome, 1957. A woman, Cabiria, is robbed and left to drown by her boyfriend, Giorgio. Rescued, she resumes her life and tries her best to find happiness in a cynical world. Even when she thinks her struggles are over and she has found happiness and contentment, things may not be what they seem.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Executscan Expected more
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
grantss Rome, 1957. A woman, Cabiria, is robbed and left to drown by her boyfriend, Giorgio. Rescued, she resumes her life and tries her best to find happiness in a cynical world. Even when she thinks her struggles are over and she has found happiness and contentment, things may not be what they seem.Wonderfully engaging movie from Federico Fellini. There's a lightness and sweetness about the main character that makes her easy to support. Some great comedy too. It's not all wine-and-roses though. There is a fair amount of struggle, bitterness and cynicism involved. The ending is particularly cynical, possibly too cynical. I am generally not in favour of Hollywood, happily-ever-after, endings but this story deserved a bit more happiness and closure than it ended with.While Fellini pulls the strings to perfection, it is the performance of Giulletta Masina as Cabiria who makes the movie. Street-wise and sassy yet sweet and vulnerable. Very funny, yet able to convey great sadness and struggle too. Some of her physical comedy is Chaplinesque in its brilliance. Her performance spans the whole gamut of human emotions and expressions and she does it incredibly well. Incredibly engaging and it is this engagement that makes the movie so great.
Boba_Fett1138 This is being a very typical Fellini movie, with a Fellini style and look to it as well as some of the typical characters and story developments. And I must say that this is probably one of my favorite Fellini movies! As basically all Fellini movies, it has a very simple concept and an extremely straightforward storyline. It's simply following its main character around, who is in search of love and happiness. The story is getting told almost like an adventure movie, as the main character visits lots of different places and is meeting a wide variety of characters. The movie is foremost a drama but it also has a strange comedy tone to it, making this still a very entertaining movie to watch as well.The message you can take from it is that you shouldn't desperately search for happiness and then expect to end up getting more happy than you were before. That's a lesson the main character in this movie learns the hard way. But luckily it really isn't a movie that is being preachy in any way. It never tries too hard to get its message across or to try to get any emotions out of you. It's a far too subtle and superiorly made movie for that.Most credit of course needs to go to Federico Fellini, who does a wonderful job with the storytelling. But the cinematography also is an important aspect. The movie has some very dynamic camera-work in it, that makes the movie a very lively and warm one, even thought its shot in 'cold' black & white.But just as much credit needs to got to Mrs. Fellini, or rather said Giulietta Masina, who plays the lead role. She goes through some amazing transitions throughout this movie and she was an actress that could act just as well with just only her eyes and facial expressions. Truly a wonderful performance and all a real pleasure to watch. It's probably even a better performance than the one in the other Fellini movie "La strada", which was also a movie that I just loved.Simply storytelling and film-making at its very best!9/10
ElMaruecan82 Like Maria Falconetti in "The Passion of Joan of Arc", Meryl Streep in "Sophie's Choice" or Gena Rowlands in "A Woman Under the Influence", Guiletta Masina in "Nights of Cabiria" displayed, with a poignant authenticity, the courage to overcome the adversity underlining her vulnerable condition.Coincidentally, like Gena Rowlands with John Cassavettes, Masina was directed by her husband, Federico Fellini. And I believe this is the key of intimacy that liberates the actress in front of the camera and allows her to express every single emotion with intensity, and no fear of being over-the-top, the man behind the camera takes care of everything. And "Intense" to describe Guiletta Masina's performance is an understatement, so is the very word "performance". Masina lives Cabiria, with an endearing generosity and universal appeal. Rarely have I felt so much empathy toward a character who happens to be a loud-mouth thirty something prostitute.Cabiria is introduced as a joyful woman living a passionate romance with Giorgio, she kisses him, embraces him, then he suddenly steals her purse and pushes her into the river, where she nearly drowns before being saved by a group of young men. The opening scene is intriguing by its setting, an industrial area far away from the city, and the broad daylight, and its cheerful tone followed by a tragic twist, then an optimistic resolution. Basically, after a first viewing, you simply realize how the first minutes, in their tragicomic aspect; represent the movie in microcosm. But the emotional trap not to fall in is to consider Cabiria as a pathetic woman on which bad luck keep going on, Fellini's film is the chronicles of a series of misfortunes punctuated with optimistic statements about human nature, and it's up to the viewer, to Cabiria, to see the half-filled or half-empty glass.Cabiria's surprisingly ungrateful reaction after she's rescued is another indication of her unique temperament. She trusts any bad intentioned smooth-talking Don Juan over any genuinely caring person. In the following scene, her best friend Wanda seems very concerned and friendly before being harshly dismissed. Cabiria has the sweetness and the temper of a child, and her tragedy is that she never displays the right reactions at the right time, making the general mood of the film fascinatingly unpredictable. Cabiria never misses an occasion to dance, with her unique charisma; she steals the show and creates an eccentric cheerful mood even inside the prostitute's circle. Her positive attitude is a personal way to rise herself above her condition. As she likes to remind everyone: she owns her house. She has an almost childish way to brag about the fact that she's not like any prostitute. Indeed, we never see her in activity, she embodies the condition of being a prostitute, disdained, insulted, taken advantage of, and her eternal suspicious attitude toward any sign of kindness is an unfortunate professional bias. Both tragic and comic, Cabiria reminded me of two classic movies notorious for having inspired Fellini.Cabiria's appearance is almost comical, she's short but doesn't embarrass herself with high heels, instead she has these white socks worn with very unlikely sandals, and eyebrows a la Mickey Mouse. During the Mambo part, every eyes stare at her. She dances and moves a bit like Chaplin in "Modern Times", Cabiria is a sort of female clown with the right mix of pathos and burlesque, the Tramp with the umbrella as cane-like accessory. And when she gets in the beautiful house of the rich movie star, and he starts developing a fondness on her, we expect a disillusion to come, like the Tramp with the Rich Man in "City lights". Mickey Mouse or Charlie Chaplin, Cabiria is the female incarnation of the universally appealing figure of "little fellow who does his best" in a quite hostile world. The music of Nino Rota embodies the playful mood of Cabiria's misadventures until the sense of urgency in her quest of a new life started to remind of another masterpiece: De Sica's "Bicycle Thieves". Like the new bicycle changed Ricci's life, a new love would transform Cabiria, and the desperation growing deeper and stronger as indicated in that scene where she joins the pilgrims and asks the Virgin Mary to change her life, was a powerful reminiscence of Ricci visiting the Wise Woman.This is the dilemma that inhabits "Nights of Cabiria", romantic or realistic. When after having been so mistreated during a magic show Cabiria was approached by the kind accountant Oscar, played by François Périer, I wanted her to keep her guard up. And as he seemed genuinely in love, convincing her after several meetings, to marry him, and leave everything for him, my heart pounded as I was expecting the worst to happen. And then came the climactic scene in the cliff when Cabiria understood Oscar's dark motives, just like Giorgio's, and she started sobbing, my heart literally melted. Cabiria is the quintessential romantic person, in the denial of the world's reality, and the pain in her heart, was her realization that the vision she always tries to reject was true. But she pulled herself together, started walking when a group of happy young people dancing and playing music formed a cheerful parade around her. This was the "City Lights"-like ending the movie needed: the ultimate triumph of the faith in human spirit. Cabiria is like reborn in this scene, her eyebrows are natural, her smile genuine, her wounds healed, as she feels in security again, hence her quick glance at Fellini, behind the camera, or was she simply thanking us, viewers, for loving her?Kabir' means 'big' or 'powerful' in Arabic, and I wouldn't be surprised, if the name was a derivation from that Semitic epithet. Cabiria is a character defined by a personality that transcends the limits of her tiny little body. Size-wise, she's everything but Cabiria, street-wise, she has one hell of a big mouth and as a human being, her heart is simply gigantic
mlc2005 Most of us watch a lot of movies in our lives. I saw "Nights of Cabiria" twelve years ago in a friend's college dorm room. We were all sitting around, and my film student friend popped in "Nights of Cabiria." I had no idea what to expect. I had never even heard of the movie. Talk about the proverbial sucker punch! Cabiria has stayed in my mind ever since, and I find myself thinking about her all the time. That's the power of this film. There's no need to comment on the acting and directing, which are simply astonishing. What makes this movie so exceptional is the fact that the audience cannot help but fall madly, tragically in love with Cabiria (and of course with Masina). Throughout the movie, as others have noted, I just wanted to jump into the screen and hug her, save her from those around her and her own naivety. At the end of the day, it is our affection for Cabiria that pushes this movie to the heights of raw, emotional power.And that phenomenon is displayed so beautifully in the famous, magical closing ten minute sequence. I have to admit, when Oscar stole her money on the cliff, and we saw her (yet again) go from the euphoria of being in love to rolling on the ground, begging him to kill her, I was furious. How could Oscar do that to our beloved Cabiria? And more importantly, how DARE Fellini do this to me!!!! And that was the magic of Fellini. He KNEW that, by this point, the audience was so totally invested in Cabiria that her heartbreak was our heartbreak. Widely hailed as one of, if not THE most emotionally powerful endings in film history, Cabiria's final walk through the forest is simply beyond words. The explosive power, again, lies in the fact that we care SO much for this character, and when she smiles through her tears while walking among the festival goers, she looks in the camera (and in our eyes) and nods, letting us know that she will be okay. It's the most generous moment I have ever witnessed in film. I have chills just thinking about it.
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