R | 15 October 1972 (USA)
Roma Trailers

A virtually plotless, gaudy, impressionistic portrait of Rome through the eyes of one of its most famous citizens.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
grantss I really don't understand why this movie is so highly regarded. (Could say the same for most of Fellini's movies, in fact). A rambling pointless movie with no discernible plot. At best it's a tourism advertisement for Rome.There are sparks of life and point. The Catholic cardinals prancing around as models in a fashion show was quite funny, and a bit of an stab at how the clergy tries to be hip, in a phony sort of way. Also, the stabs at the idleness and anarchy of the younger generation. Most importantly, how a city, and civilization as a whole, changes with the times.Unfortunately, these points are brief and are not followed through. Plus there is no connection between these brief sparks of life. It's all fairly random.
atlasmb One reviewer asserted that, whether or not you enjoyed the film, you must recognize it as a masterpiece. Not true. Yes, it is colorful and full of memorable images. But that is not enough."Roma" is a sometimes energetic collection of sometimes surreal moments. The fact that it is an ego-centric indulgence would not invalidate the film except for the fact that it is little else. There is some entertainment value, for sure, but it never rises to the point that it truly stimulates the emotions. Being surreal, you can insert your own intellectual interpretations, but the same can be said of inkblots.In comparison, I think Woody Allen films are often self-indulgent, but they always have something to say, they entertain, and they have significant emotional content. If "Roma" had been Fellini's first film, I wonder how well it would have been received?
kakoilija i mean people who complain about plot are idiots... well most are =D.this movie is the best living description of a life in a city.i mean hardly any movies are as lively as this... it has some magic that other movies don't have.little aging has happened. i'm a very realistic in my giving points... i mostly give 2-4 points to movies... so this one is a masterpiece...i think that these should be the movies shown to people on TV. no it's crap after more bull after more shaissenburgen... =D but people like only bad movies. (not all) but my old friends who have gone through college, and work. they seem reasonably intelligent, but when it comes to culture these people fail miserably... oh well =D definitely one of the best of fellini...
daniel Carbajo López Fellini's Rome is a very weird film: it has not a clear plot, in fact there isn't any main character but the great city of Rome. We can watch different people from different times living and enjoying Rome. As a movie without plot it could become absolutely boring and annoying, but the greatness of Fellini transforms it in a curious portrait of characters that go up and down in the city. It is clear that it is an exercise of exquisite quality in directing, the main problem is that it is difficult to the film to be more than that. Had the movie a worse director, it would have been one of the worst films ever made. Being directed by Fellini, it becomes a curios strange film. I have not liked it at all, but I have to admit that the directing is great.
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