| 16 April 1975 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    sandreacci Probably one of the best "end of the world as we know it" series. It is sad that it took as long as it did for Survivors to come to DVD in the US. They obviously didn't have a large budget but they really didn't need it. One of the things that stands out and actually makes it even better is they did not use any music to set the mood/tone of the show. The actors had to carry each episode along with the script. All too often music is used for dramatic effect and if it was removed, the scene would fail. Not with this series. There is a theme at the start and it comes back in at the end. So no incidental music is used and it actually makes this even better. In fact, I wish this would happen more often. As with any series, some episodes are not as good as others. The plot sometimes jumps around but for the most part the series holds up on its own and leaves you wanting to know what will happen next. The remake of the show in 2008 does not come close to this original. I highly recommend it!!!
    pjuk-1 The iconic opening sequence of this wonderful show was something I have never forgotten and, unlike many other series from this period, I actually have the three season box set on DVD and have watched it recently and - barring a few obvious age related issues - can confirm it is as good as it initially seemed back in 1975.The post-apocalyptic mood is brilliantly captured and although the plot and stories do dip after Terry Nation gave up full control of the project, the sense of loss and foreboding is superbly carried forward.The absence of one of Series 1 leading characters in series 2 and 3 is managed to reasonable effect although it is obvious the writers would have preferred to have carried on from where Season 1 left off. The attempts to shoehorn the missing person's back into the show from time to time is an obvious issue. Also, there are some plot lines that don't entirely work but 'Survivors' is really about characterisation and how you relate to these people in this world. Barely an episode goes by when the viewer doesn't wonder what they would do if it were them in the situation and this adds to the feeling of belonging and care for the survivors - it also adds to the sense of fear and desperation for the viewer.As you'd expect, the age of the show does leave some reservations and some of the stories would never make the cut now - undoubtedly it is dated, of course - but it also has to be said that the slow pace and different requirements of mid-70's TV actually enhance some aspects with regard to tension and plot building. When they tried to recreate and update the show later, the increased pace and need to make sure something was happening all the time detracted from the atmosphere and understanding of the characters. In the original, you care about the people and what happens to them. There is never any point you don't believe in this post-apocalyptic world and this is the show's strength.Some detractors have mentioned specific story lines where people don't behave as we'd expect them to do with second decade 21st Century glasses on. This is difficult to argue but, like listening to an old record from the same time, it is a pointless exercise to bemoan the different production values or to miss a modern trope. This is of its time, of course, but it shouldn't detract from the project. Don't forget, when they tried to remake it and modernise it, it was truly awful.For anyone with an appreciation of classic TV and good story-telling this is highly recommended.
    michael-leacy Having just viewed all three series for the first time, I'm surprised that every reviewer seems to love Season 1 and hates Seasons 2 and 3. To be honest, I can't see much of a shift in quality between the three. I would probably agree that the first series is the best - but only just. I think that Season 3 is almost as good. Season 2 - apart from the excellent "Light of London" is largely a disaster, settling into an almost comfortable 'everyday' life-style which just feels too safe. Season 3 pulls the rug out from all that by being continuously threatening with the heroes moving from place to place with no sense of any roots. A third season with them happily working the land would have just sent the show down the tubes. Much of the second half of Season 1 also suffers from this "happy" community syndrome as well (excepting the harrowing "Law and Order" episode). Season 3 has some duff episodes as well, but then all 3 seasons do, but a number of very hard-hitting ones such as "Mad Dog" and the haunting "Last Laugh" - as adult as the series ever got. Yes, Jenny has become very annoying and shockingly willing to leave her son behind, while the character of Ruth (one of the best) is written out without explanation. Overall - good and entertaining to watch (perhaps just once though) - but patchy throughout.
    Theo Robertson This speculative drama starts each episode with one of the greatest title sequence ever devised for television : A Chinese scientist accidentally drops a glass tube . Cut to the scientist collapse at an airport where planes are arriving then taking off again then the camera focuses on passports of Moscow , Madrid , Madrid , Paris and London being stamped as the picture dissolves . It doesn`t sound very exciting and it`s probably not but it is very very effective because it`s so simple . The whole premise of the series and its consequences of a lab borne virus escaping and being carried around the world sums up what has happened to humanity - the survivors - in the opening credits . Not a lot of programmes do that . And credit too for Anthony Isaacs title music which is understated , bleak and haunting Written by Terry Nation the first couple of episodes introduce us to the main characters of Abby Grant , Jenny Richards and Greg Preston , three people who have survived a superflu like virus that has wiped out 99 % of the world`s population . The trio meet more characters on their travels , not all of them good . One thing season one was good at was showing us that a worldwide calamity will not bring out the best in people and in some episodes like " Garland`s war " and " Something of value " that people may have to turn to violence if they want to survive at all . One outstanding episode " Law and order " centres around the premise of how will people deal with someone within in the group who harms another person in the sanctum Unfortunately as soon as Nation left to create BLAKES 7 at the end of the first season he took many of his Wyndham / Christopher inspired ideas with him . Seasons two and three are far less interesting than the first . Charles Vaughn who wouldn`t be out of place on a hippy or Greenpeace commune becomes the central character and SURVIVORS becomes a sort of BBC post apocalypse rival of EMMERDALE FARM with the only episodes worth watching being " Lights of London " , " Mad dog " and the absolutely outstanding " Last laugh " All in all a fairly good mature intelligent drama series but it should have been an unforgettable masterpiece from the golden age of British television. And if only Terry Nation had been given more control I`m certain it would have been . So if you`re going to watch SURVIVORS make sure you watch the whole of the first season and the episodes I mentioned above . Ignore the rest