TV-14 | 19 April 2016 (USA)

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    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    sally-93052 Watched Ep. 1; stereotypical characters: long-haired, sexy women, men who want them; follows the formula of having several characters who won't do what is asked of them, but somehow get away with it; PC situations like a woman in charge and a multi-ethnic relationship with an unwed pregnant woman with a "mean" mother and nice boyfriend who knocked her up. All boring at this point for me. Also, one character in particular is annoying, the young neglectful mother who spends time on the phone while not keeping track of her own child, much less 12-14 others she is in charge of on a school field trip, while making goo-goo eyes at a hot looking cop.
    Siamois All hell breaks loose in Atlanta when a mysterious and deadly virus strikes. To contain the outbreak, a "cordon sanitaire" is established, which is a fancy term to say a portion of the city becomes a quarantine zone from which no one enters or leaves. This self-contained 13 episode mini-series tells the story of several of the people stuck inside the zone, as well as the main outside actors working the crisis. Certain steps are taken by the show runners to show the deadliness of the virus in its gory details but despite the gravity of the situation, this is at all time handled like a poorly written "young adult series".I won't lie, this is absolutely terrible. It had to be for me to resume writing reviews on imdb, something I used to do frequently ages ago. But the situations, the direction, dialogues and the horrible acting reach the funny side of "bad".Let's get out the most important piece of entertainment. David Gyasi plays "Lex", a straight arrow cop who has to maintain the integrity of the cordon from the outside, while being worried about his girlfriend who is stuck inside the zone. But Gyasi seems to be acting as if Dave Chappelle was doing a Denzel Washington impersonation. You read that right. He's doing an impression of a guy doing an impression of another guy. Lex is a central character as far as demonstrating the need to remain tough and not allow those in need of assistance inside the zone to go out. He is supposed to be a complex, tortured character but Gyasi atrocious acting skills and his curious interpretation choice become the central comical aspect of the TV series. At times, he's literally trying to be Denzel and fails miserably. You'd swear it's a comedy. In this drama, everybody has white teeth, most actors are nice looking and recite dumbly their lines. There is a romance striking inside between a rebellious cop and a "single mom" played by Kristen Gotoskie. Problem is, her son is about 11 years old and she's obviously way too young for the part. At one point, her character recites says to her romantic interest "Yeah, I had him extremely young" but you know it's the show producers winking at the audience "We know the actress is too young for the role but she's hot, right?". At various points, people in the show suffer tragedies that don't seem to register for them as much as they should. People sometimes act carelessly around the virus. Some people suit up for protection, than speak to unprotected people 6 inches away from them. People wear gloves and then throw stuff at others who have bare hands. The cordon zone is constantly compromised. People inside and to get way too close to each other. People buy food from each other. One of the protagonist accepts a water bottle from a complete stranger he just crossed. That guy has one of the best lines later, when his wife just learns of her daughter's death "Oh, my dear... is there something we can do for you?"I'm pretty sure the poor actress, having to respond to such a stupid line, must have thought: "Yeah, you could find me a better acting gig".
    storeyonastory I missed out on this show when it was airing, I hadn't even heard of it. Netflix suggested it to me and I have binged it over the past 2 days and I must say that I am sad that it was canceled. It's a good show, so much better than the other reality show garbage they keep filling the airwaves with...rotting our brains. I love these virus outbreak shows and movies, and I think this one really focuses on the humanity aspect - both the positive and negative - of the terror. Some reviewers have said that the writing and acting is poor, but I greatly disagree. If you're curious, just give an episode a try...see what you think.
    gamgra Stumbled upon Containment browsing Netflix for something to do on a rainy Saturday night, and never expected something so captivating and moving such as Containment. The plot was believable, acting was great, and writing and production was excellent. I was choked up a few times throughout the series, and what made it more compelling was how I arrived at the show feeling prepared to be amused for a short time, perhaps an episode or two, and move on like the rest. It didn't turn out that way; I was glued to the television, which I rarely am, and I pretty much watched the entirety within a few days. There were highs and lows, sadness and happiness, but throughout was excitement. I was saddened to hear the series would not be renewed, as this story could definitely go on, perhaps with the virus spreading outside the cordon. There are a few loose ends to be tied up as well, and they definitely left it open to be continued. Haven't really heard of CW since now, whom I highly recommend giving this series a second look. Enjoy!