Space: Above and Beyond
Space: Above and Beyond
| 24 September 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    pkpera I was looking for some little older Sci-Fi, because being not happy with what runs today, except couple serials. So, spotted this pretty much high rated at IMDB . And what I can say ? This is probably most overrated serial I seen.It was clear from start, that will be military type, and that was OK for me, although I'm not really much for such type, but if it is well made, can be good and enjoyable. There was nothing original really, plenty of cliche, some lovers, who were forced to separate, yelling officers and other usual 'supplement' .Some things already did not make sense, attacks of aliens were presented poorly. CGI was not that bad actually - we are couple years after Jurassic Park and Terminator 2 . But realism was almost equal to 0 . Most noticeable in battle near to end of ep2 . They went in space battle with airplanes like those from 1980, with classic guns. I did not see even missiles. Dear God ! What a lame excuse for Sci-Fi. Where is science ? And fiction was like bad joke. So, we seen practically something like in Top Gun, just in vacuum. Lot of maneuvers possible only in atmosphere. And they shut down bogeys mostly with gun fire, with ridiculous explosions. Why so much ratings of 10 here ? That's good question, and I will not go in it deeper.. Only will say: those who called this deep really have no clue about what that word means when talk about anything other than digging hole.I guess that this was financed my US Military (as Top Gun too). Was it planned for more seasons, how much popular was it really ? I guess that we will not get answers here. I think that was not much popular - I mean not much people liked it. Those who liked, liked it too much :-) And that's not enough to keep it alive. For once, I'm happy because that.
    the_james_carey The best part about this were the sarcastic jokes in my head in between each poorly uttered, stagnant, piece of detritus dialogue. Atrocious acting, unbearably slow direction and what the hell is with the constant ear grating sound track?!? From beginning to end my only hope was for them to all just die already and be done. It's only saving grace being that it was cancelled after just 23 banal and facile episodes. Having read many of the good reviews here before watching, it was beyond disappointing. The only reason I've bothered to write a review is in the faint hope that if per chance one day another bored little sci-fi geek comes along looking for something fun to watch after running out of "Dark Matter" Episodes... is that they see and heed this as a warning! Would be more aptly titled: TIME(A complete waste there of): Below average and Beyond comprehensionCould be fun to watch with friends as a drinking game, if you take a drink every time there is a shudder or cringe inducing line or scene. Might take a few sittings due to 'black-outs' (alcohol induced time travel) but at least you'd likely forget where you were what you were doing and maybe even the entire show... If you could be that lucky!Enjoy
    sabrose This series caught my eye when it first aired . The script writing was top notch and the stories were often intense. The characters were well played by the actors especially James Morrison as Lt. Mcqueen. Its didn't have the politically correct fluff of Star Trek's sequels likeStar Trek's The Next Generation and Voyager. Its special effects were reasonable for when it was made but not spectacular.Anti-war types wont like the show but who cares about those fluff balls anyway. You will care about these characters and will be left wishing that their virtual lives could have been prolonged more than a season.Great shows sometimes don't appeal to the masses or they are moved around in their time slot too often as this one was. Some are expensive to produce and need exceptional early success to pay the bills.As Emerson wrote ""War educates the senses, calls into action the will, perfects the physical constitution, brings men into such swift and close collision in critical moments that man measures man" In this series the characters grow and their measure becomes greater as they embark on the missions that make this show memorable and engrossing.
    karl-leofrsson It seems to be that if a show has gadgets, lots of flashy lights and at least one taking computer, it is set to be a hit. Think of Blake's Seven, Star Trek, more Star Trek. If a show has a deadly enemy, structural technology and computers that are programmed rather than told, it is doomed. Here think of Babylon Crusade, and Space, Above & Beyond.Dr Who & Star Trek were axed, once, a long time ago, but they were brought back by popular demand a private investment, so put the money up and anything is possible. I think that Farscape survived and grew because the ship was organic, a living conscious entity. This was unique and imaginative.Stargate survived because... What can I say. Stargate has established its own genre, as well as securing its place in TV history.When Space, Above & Beyond was first broadcast, I only got to see the first episode. I think it was work that I missed the rest of it. But those first forty-five minutes hit hard. I never forgot those few precious scenes.A few weeks ago I was introduced to Babylon 5's spin off series, Crusade. Much more engaging and enjoyable than Babylon 5, yet cut off at thirteen episodes. Not only was the story not finished, it was not even ended. It just ran out of time. A great opportunity of storytelling thrown away.Yet this gave me the push I needed to start trying to find out what happened to Space, Above & Beyond. I found out of course, axed at part twenty four. The characters were amongst the best of any in a space series. The interaction of the members of the team was tightening, as they became a family. The relationship between Commodor Ross and TC MacQueen was fascinating, being a distant fondness of family, with a close respect and understanding of command.This series could have run for years, incorporating true life politics and experiences was wars around the world into the matrix of its story structure, but this was not to be. When you consider the cost of the costumes and the principal sets, the models and the props, and the concept art and sculpting for the aliens, how can they justify cancelling after so short a time, and then have the gall to claim that the show was not a financial success. The drawings, designs, tech specs and models for the tow dozen or so different types of space craft used, Terran and alien, fighters, bombers, transports, shuttles, escorts and capital ships, there is thousands of hours of work, for an eighteen hour program.I will never understand the mindset of entertainment executives, or whatever they like to call themselves nowadays, and I do not know if this series will ever be available on DVD. For those who know where to look, the series is available to watch again.It is their mistake. It is our loss.
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