| 11 January 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Livewire242 I gave the show 9 out of 10 overall, but the first series should really get only a 7. Much of it was awkward and forced, although still funny. Series 2 had better stories, better jokes, and the cast were more comfortable in their characters' shoes. If series 1 doesn't quite click with you, at least give one episode from series 2 a go.I didn't see Hyperdrive in its original run, so I knew series 2 was the end. I really wish they had continued the show for another couple of years. It felt like it could have gone on quite a bit longer.There seems to be something about sci-fi, whether it's comedy or not, that leads networks to cancel it before it really gets rolling. I don't know why they even give it a chance if they're not going to let it run its course. I suppose we should be thankful for the little we get.
    Kjetil B First of all; I love Red Dwarf, Spaced, the Office, Black Adder and British sitcoms and comedies in all. I'm mentioning this to underline that I normally like these kind of television shows and this type of humor.But Hyperdrive simply is not a good series. It is unimaginative and un-original. The characters are flat and dull. The script and lines are uninspired and without the English sting that the Brits are so well known for. Hyperdrive is boring and not funny. I honestly didn't laugh once! during the two seasons. ...the worst part is that I payed good money to see it on DVD.
    ljbonner There has come into existence, born from generations that have gone before, a new genre (well, almost) of British Comedy.More stupid than Monty Python. More camp than Lost in Space. Greater than the legend of Doctor Who. Dare I let let the words past my lips; funnier than Fawlty Towers. Born of, and carrying the genes of, The Office, a new legend forges a path across the known universe. Gone are the pioneering days of Saturday morning cinema with Jet Morgan and the Invaders from Mars. This new generation exceeds, yet contains, the very essence of British Comedy and takes it to new heights; mostly measured in light years. Its stage sets far exceeding any BBC production budget yet strangely similar and lacking that Star Wars polish and sophistication. Only one other, who's name cannot be spoken in full, is on a higher plane. Only one other has depth equal to the ancient philosophers. The HHGTTG, blessed be the Vogons, is as God is to Jesus and Jesus is HYPERDRIVE
    botaknee It got better, and it keeps getting better. 'Hello Queppo' was hilarious, and 'Asteroid' brilliant.One of the most memorable scenes is Teal and York jockeying to push the button that destroys the Swiftian civilization on Queppo as the captain pines for his alien love interest. Freeking hilarious. Another great moment, crewman Jeffers entering the rehabilitation chamber and being bombarded with images of kittens playing with balls of yarn. I almost split my gut laughing at that one. If Hyperdrive keeps up at this pace it will join 'Coupling', 'South Park', 'Family Guy(OK, I've revealed myself too much on that one) ,' and 'The Office' in the uncluttered pantheon of truly funny TV sitcoms. BTW whenever I find myself watching too much of the above comedies on my Tivo, a line from 'Hyperdrive' comes to mind: "Remember, lager is not food. Please eat food with your lager."