Strange Angel
Strange Angel
TV-MA | 14 June 2018 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    metatron-17305 I love this show so much! It shows haw nasa came about, and how people who think outside the box and Don't except conformity are the people who actually change the world.
    damianlewis-800-454976 If you have little to no interest in how modern technology and culture were born, and no interest in the occult, then this show is not for you.If you do not like complex plot lines or nuanced acting, then this show is not for you.If you do not like to have to concentrate for long periods of time, then this show is not for you.If you are not inquisitive about what defines the post-modern era, then this show is not for you.If you find it hard to recognise art for what it is, then this show is not for you.This show is not for you.
    sales-85 Definitely more interesting than either Westworld (S02) and Yellowstone. At least, so far (3 episodes in). The story, based on an actual person, along with the supporting characters and side (or maybe main?) plot, is very interesting. It sort of reminds me of "Halt and Catch Fire" in its development so far. Not sure why AMC originally backed this and then scratched it. Could have been a bad mistake for them. Pop some corn, give it a couple episodes. After 3, I'm in.
    mbara33 As the author of a best-selling book (Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA) that deals with Jack Parsons, Crowley, Hubbard and their influence over JPL's occult patterns, I have to say the pilot was disappointingly slow. The show's writers chose to focus on a fairly non-descript period of Parsons life, but that's no excuse for how dull the episode was. The show pretty much glosses over what a complete lunatic Parsons actually was, and how poorly he treated many of those around him. There was never really a point in his life where he was in any way "normal" as is portrayed in the show. He had major emotional problems and his hatred for Western Civilization and its mores defined him from an early age. I know the shows creators were going for a slow set-up, but not much at all actually happened in the episode, nor is there really a hint of who Parsons really was or what he would become.That said, the show has some potential and I'm sticking with it, hoping the writers, directors and producers pick up the pace and get to the juicy stuff. Honestly I could have written them a more interesting take on Parsons life and the extent to which NASA and JPL are still influenced by Parsons relationships with L. Ron Hubbard and Crowley. But, I won't get that chance so I hope they go deep into the story and bring out the honest truth about what Parsons really desired, which was no less than an apocalypse. How they treat the Babalon Working will be the key to it all. It will be interesting to see if they recognize that the Working was the basis for the film "Rosemary's Baby" as well. I'm all for ripping the lid off the occult freak show in Hollywood as well as NASA, and I hope they can pull it off.