Ultimate Force
Ultimate Force
| 16 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
    Burkettonhe This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
    Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
    yvonnelowrie ultimate force being about the SAS (special air service) follows the red troop regiment in different stories each episode or a story continued. Starring Ross Kemp who plays the role of Sgt Henry Garvie extremely well the 4 series are explicitly violent (as you would expect them to be) and are very well depicted with none of the explosion every second crap you find in Schwarzenegger blockbusters.All the weaponry are exact with no 'space age' laser gun nonsense. I feel ultimate force is one of the best TV series ever made and the cast and crew should come back together to make a few more series since I have seen just about every episode.Thanks for reading and,Who dares wins.
    magniloquent Suspension of disbelief is required when watching this series. Lots of guns, explosions and shock horror, a LADY in the SAS, who would have thought it ;-). Maybe they watched GI Jane and thought it would be good for viewing figures.I am sure there will be people out there that have been in the armed forces who will tear shreds into this series claiming it is not true to life, unrealistic, too gun-ho etc.....But... this is entertainment and cheesy entertainment at that. Ross Kemp is very watchable as the leader of the SAS unit, leading them into hijacked planes and excursions in South Africa.
    Stephen Bailey This show is an insult to every member of the Special Air Service Regiment and the only award Ross Kemp deserves is a firing squad. I served in the British Royal Air Force Regiment for a number of years and we sometimes played the "baddies" in SAS exercises. I never met a single SAS soldier who was anything like Mr Kemp and his "team". THEY would look better with stick-on red noses and flowery bowler hats, riding round in an exploding Model T Ford and shooting people with water pistols. They're a bunch of clowns and the whole show is a joke. It has a high budget and it's certainly "glossy" and popular with the general public but as a representation of the SAS it's SO inaccurate it's plain insulting. I was glad to see a coloured actor playing one of the troopers, but in the new series they have a LADY SAS soldier. Sorry but this simply would never happen. Maybe the next series will introduce us to the SAS's first one-legged soldier? Avoid at all costs. I give this rubbish a vote of 2 out of respect to the REAL Special Air Service.
    StevinTasker We need a series like this. It does exactly what is says on the tin. Most of the situations are unbelievable but what do you expect from a show about the SAS? The production values are OK and the action is exciting without being silly (compared to made for TV American action movies). There are some stock characters but the script isn't laughable and the actors seem to care about what they are doing. As the new team member Jamie Draven portrays the right amount of innocence and brings a sense of duty to his role; his interactions with the rest of the cast are well thought out; you can see some chemistry between him and Alex Reid and I hope this is fleshed out in the next series. Although billed as such I never found Ross Kemp to be the star of the show and at times we aren't even supposed to like him; I am glad character is written this way and that his obvious mental scars dictate the person he is. This is in stark contrast to badly written imported shows where we are expected to believe that hardened battle veterans who are emotionally scarred and have shattered private lives are really nice guys who never do any thing wrong.Some episodes are better than others; I actually thought the first episode was fairly weak but the second with the pressure group sniper story was excellent and allowed us to see flashes of how good the series could be.I only got to see the first episode of the second series which took place on board a ship; the standout fight scene being that in the belly of the ship between Jamie Draven and the legionnaire, it was a tough no nonsense scrap and as exciting as the fight in the Bourne Identity. Looking forward to the DVD.