| 13 December 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    lizardjims This is simply one of the best crime tv series I've ever seen the last decade and one of the most brilliant European television productions airing today. ''Engrenages'' is a French word that can be loosely translated as a complex mechanism, and in the series context it refers to the French judicial system from the top ranks till the last patrol officer. All six seasons so far follow a central storyline which involves a grisly crime, mainly homicide or/and rape, and the pursuit of the guilty party from a team of the experienced Paris Homicide Unit. The main characters are Laure (Caroline Proust), the captain of the team, Gillou (Thierry Goddard in a magnificent performance) and Tin-Tin (Fred Bianconi) who, more than often, adopt a convenient interpretation of the legal procedures in order to nail the perpetrator(s). Apart from the Homicide Unit, the series focuses also on the professional and personal lives of a judge, a prosecutor, and a female barrister. The direction and acting are both exceptional and offer the chance for the spectators to learn a bit more about the mean streets of Paris, a metropolis which seems to be always in a flammable situation, facing major problems like drug abuse, extensive street prostitution, aggressive immigrant minorities etc. Actually, sometimes you may feel that you should stop watching ''Engrenages'' for a short while in order to take a breath of clean air, as the depiction of these issues offer no chance of optimism, but on the other hand you can never do that because the plot is so compelling that you are eagerly waiting for more. It is definitely not the usual stuff that the genre offers and you must have a strong stomach to get through the viewing experience, nevertheless, in the end, you realize the brilliance of ''Engrenages'' and wish that in the future we will have the opportunity to see more television productions of the same high-quality standards.
    paulaker There is much to commend this french police drama series set in suburban Paris - interesting characters, intense drama, mostly realistic feeling. However, my strikes against the series are: excessive focus on gruesome corpses - just too much; complete absence of any operational co-operation with the uniformed gendarmerie - surely unrealistic; very casual and disrespectful relations between the detectives of different ranks - improbable; security in the police station is so careless that lawyers wander freely unescorted gathering intelligence useful to their clients, and it is a wonder that half the suspects don't simply escape by running out; nearly all politicians are shown as corrupt - typical french intellectual prejudice. I don't believe this is a spoiler, but my final criticism against this series concerns when an undercover agent is planted in a gang at great personal risk but continues to frequent the police station base at high risk of being seen by dubious gang lawyers, gang suspects or other criminals brought in, any one of whom could blow his cover, causing his death. This was so ridiculous I found it hard to continue watching. In reality, once an agent goes undercover, all interactions with the originating force are managed with the greatest possible secrecy and precautions. Nevertheless, if you can stomach the excessive gore & violence, there is plenty of substance to sustain interest.
    David Wi Read about Engrenages and got hooked from the first episode.I only saw season 4, the only one available on Netflix, but could not stop watching it. I grew up in France and French TV dramas are usually boring compared to their US counterparts. This series is different and so much better than the packaged US shows (CSI comes to mind) because no one is completely clean, no one owns the truth, no happy endings. This looks like real life and goes against the stereotype of cool, beautiful Paris. The depressing, "noir", side of the show is actually a real depiction of Paris, a grey city, with grey weather and depressed people (I lived there too). The grime estates and sinister characters - including the stars of the show - reflect the troubled state of French society at this point in history. The depiction of the French judicial system is extremely accurate and can make British and American audiences shiver. This is great TV with great actors (you love to hate and hate to love Capitaine Laure)and the language spoken there is nothing like what you learned at school - but certainly more like what's spoken on the street. One word: Bravo!!
    Ana A. I just watched the Pilot... " The victim that had her face bashed up is blond, has a manicure, must have been beautiful, comes from Eastern Europe(Romania or Poland)...conclusion: SHE MUST BE A PROSTITUTE." What?!!!Really, that's your conclusion? So, when I went on a trip to Paris a few years back, if I would have ended up dead in a ditch, with my face shattered, and a "good manicure"...the French Police would have come, they would have looked at me(what was left of me anyway), checked my ID, they would have scratched their heads and said: "Oh, good, just one less Romanian prostitute!"Oh, but wait, not just one of the characters thinks that all blond Eastern European women with "good manicures" are prostitutes, we have another police guy to reinforce that.Moving on...the victim was actually a Romanian Biology student. Moving on...no she was not...she was a prostitute. She was a prostitute that was studying Biology. How would you like this: " The victim is kind of libidinous...OH, he must be French!" That wouldn't be nice would it?You just have to love narrow-minded people that use offensive generalizations. They manage to touch so many people.So I am not going to use your method, guy ... I don't have a message for all the French people...no...just for you: You should check your family tree dude! Your mother must have come from Eastern Europe too.
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