TV-Y | 11 August 1991 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
    Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Lee Eisenberg "Rugrats" is the sort of thing that you might find entertaining when you're nine years old, but not afterwards. It seems like the shows on Nickelodeon were just long commercials. If I had children, I most certainly would not let them watch any of these. This story of babies and how they interpret things gets old pretty quickly. The animated shows that remained watchable over the years - Rocky & Bullwinkle, The Flintstones, The Simpsons, South Park - did so because they were and are clever. Not so with "Rugrats", "Ren and Stimpy" or "Doug". If I ever have to sit through this again, I'll want to then watch an Ingmar Bergman movie to wash the stupidity out of my head.
    kailomonkey I loved this show in the 90s. It probably started my conviction in enjoying shows that can give the wrong impression but are actually smart and entertaining to older viewers.Rugrats is about a group of babies (but not made for babies). They can talk to one-another but not adults, with toddlers being a middle ground who can talk fully with either, much like Stewie in family guy today. The show is also full of references, mostly to movies and TV.Their greatest enemy is fear resulting from misunderstanding, often exacerbated by their older toddler cousin who likes messing with them, or simply imagined enemies in their games that come to life like a vivid long cutaway.As time went on they eventually added more characters to the baby mix which weakened the show and going back to the earliest episodes the show started quite different with no speaking sections perhaps actually aimed at a young audience. However at its height Rugrats was one of the smartest and most entertaining animations on TV.
    GravityLoudHouseLover1 Hello Today I'm reviewing a Classic Nicktoon that was on for 13 years it's called Rugrats. A show loved this as a kid I still love today. This show was Four about four babies named Tommy Pickles, Chuckie Finster and Phil and Lil Devillie and there Angelica tommy mean older cousin. I remember watch this my sister on Nickelodeon and on VHS as a kid. This show also three movie The first one came out in 1998 when I was 2 years old. Then the second movie came out in 2000 when was 4 and also owned' this movie as a kid On VHS. Some people didn't like when they added Dil Tommy's Younger brother and Kimi Chuckie' sister but still like at that point. BOTTOM RUGRATS is Childhood CLASSIC it gets 10/10 stars.
    nursewratchet_romanorn Yes the greatest ever-even better than the Simpsons. Rugrats managed to do everything that the Simpsons did, without being rude, vulgar, and obnoxious. Well OK, Angelica was obnoxious. Anyway-The best part of the show, was how accurate every character type was portrayed. You had the super intelligent Tommy, the I am not sure, I am scared of everything Chucky, The spoiled brat cousin Angelica, the I can do anything as good as you Susie, and the bro and sis twins who argued about absolutely everything-Phil and LIl. And then there were the parents and Grandparents. The workaholic, power suit wearing, I am always in charge-Angelica's mom, coupled with Drew(Tommy's uncle)-The yes dear, whatever you say, and I am always right older brother to Tommy's dad Stu. Stu the stay at home dad wannabe inventor, and his wife who always seemed to keep everything together, no matter how bad it got-Didi. Chucky's dad the paper pusher accountant type-who was also never sure about anything(his wife left them in the first season, then later had died). Phil and Lil's parents- The role switching large sized crack the whip type mom, and the mealy mouthed yes dear husband-Howard(who always seemed to have a lot of laundry to do). And last but not least-the granddad(drew and Stu's dad) who lived with Tommy, and my favorite characters-Boris and Minka(from the old country)- Tommy's other Grandparents. As far as I could tell, all the main characters were Jewish, which clearly led to the charm of the show. Another great part, was that the writers always threw in a couple of jokes that only adult viewers would get. So you as the parent would always want to watch, if for nothing else than to see what jokes they would have that day. To this day, my wife and I both use references from Rugrats episodes on a regular basis. Similar to MASH, the baby characters would mispronounce words, that would be a play on that word to give it more than one meaning. My oldest child grew up watching the show, and I think it actually helped her quite a bit. Every funny family subject was covered-especially holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Passover and Chanukah. There were several Stu invention shows, shows where the babies got lost(mostly because Grandpa fell asleep), and even a 4 part episode about Reptar(their version of Godzilla). If I had to pick one show to watch for the rest of my life-Rugrats would be right up there with MASH and Bonanza, and maybe Star Trek TNG. Can't recommend it highly enough. Tons and tons of great life lessons disguised as a kids' show. And all done in the best light hearted manner possible. Glad they have the reruns on again on late night Nick. At times the show is so funny you cannot take your eyes off it!! IT is the kind of old school humor that doesn't exist anymore!!