As Told by Ginger
As Told by Ginger
TV-Y7 | 25 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    dustshadow25 Granted, a series about a girl and her friends in Jr High isn't the most original thing but As Told By Ginger gives a remarkably fresh spin on it.It revolves around the dead common girl Ginger Foutley, whose only remarkable trait is a love for writing and literature, and her friends and family. The story lines are based on notes in her dairy. They are short, anecdotal but with often with a tricky twist in it. Characters are recognizable, well rounded out and come almost all with a darker side. Themes are regular stuff like peer pressure, friendship and boyfriends, but also things like divorce, depression and backstabbing. The red wire however is coping with change and matching old regular habits with exiting new stuff. The animation is a darker and more detailed version of what producers Klasky-Csupo usually produce. Things like composition and 'camera movements' are well thought out and clearly influenced by live-action shows.It's a series you'll love or hate. Either you think of it as over-the-top preteen chatter or you'll take the time to sit down and watch a few eps as there's much more to see. And anyone over 18 will probably be drawn in mostly be the often-present melancholic sub-tone. One of the best Nicktoons, sit back and enjoy.
    scissorhands__emily This show is pretty good and a lot better than shows like 'Zoey 101' and 'Romeo!', which are completely unrealistic. Although this is a cartoon I can still relate with stuff on it (I am still in school so I can def. relate) like having friends get jealous because your new boyfriend is taking all your time away from them, although these are usually the really attached ones. It's different than a lot of pre-teen/young teen shows because it actually deals with real things apart from school bullies and the same old clichés. Even though the main char. Ginger's best friend Dodie is really obsessed with becoming popular, I don't believe Ginger is. She is just an average girl whose everything gets mixed up because the most popular girl thinks she might be okay. If Ginger was so into becoming popular she would of immediately ditched her best pals and gone and become one of Courtney's clique. This show deals with real things, including death, first time using makeup or shaving legs (I know, not such a big deal as death, but the younger audience will still relate with these changes in themselves). I totally recommend this show for anyone that is open to watching pre-teenish shows, especially when they're good like 'As Told by Ginger'.
    snarvle Is anyone else creeped out by the character's mouths? I hear them talking, but i keep staring at the space in-between their noses and mouths. I have to agree with almost everyone else on this board, this cartoon is fairly awful. I've seen it a few times on NTOON on my digital cable, and I have to say that most of the filler they play is terrible.
    krustwell granted, as a 31 year old male, i'm not exactly in the "target audience". but i've found myself watching a lot of Nick lately (Sponge Bob, Wild Thornberry's) and happened to catch this show.i like it a lot. the premise might be a little old, but it's funny and there's usually a lot going on to keep you interested.if i had kids, i'd let them watch this. and isn't that what it's really all about? somebody complained in another comment the show was "morals, morals, morals". why is that such a bad thing? if you can teach good morals in an entertaining way, what's the problem?and to people who have a problem with the voice work: Tress MacNeille...look her up.
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