City Guys
City Guys
TV-Y7 | 06 September 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    True_BackLash This was a very cool show, almost like SBTB the second coming. Each character on the show had a special trait that made City Guys unique and awesome. Like all Peter Engel shows this one was constipated with morals and life lessons, and like SBTB it had a very, very strict prinipal figure, however, mix that with the main two characters (Chris and Jamal) and the great writing of the series and it is a very decent show.This is the only show I watched on TNBC and I'm glad to have seen it. Take it from me folks City Guys is one great show.
    budikavlan Neither the best nor the worst sitcom aimed at teens, this was one of several shows programmed after the success of "Saved by the Bell." The acting, as always in these shows, was execrable when compared to good prime-time programming, but a lot of that is deliberate. The actors are too busy mugging for the camera and encouraging whoops and catcalls from the hyperactive audience to worry about realistic performances. This one was set in an inner-city high school and featured a now cliched multicultural cast. The lame attempts at street cred and hipness were about 5 years behind the times, which means this was seriously cutting edge for network TV.
    jwrowe3 PERSONAL NOTE: I used to watch this while I was working as a traffic reporter in Tampa Florida. This and the other shows that followed it, like "Just Deal" were better than watching infomercials....but not by much.....Even though I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay past main demographic for this show, it's still something I look forward to on Saturday mornings. I have the NBC affiliate on in my office when this show airs, and happened to take notice of it a few years back, and got interested. I was actually a little sad when the last original episode where the cast graduated from "Manny High" aired!'City Guys' is the story of a group of students attending high school in NYC.Fairly typical "T"NBC programming, and best described as a more mature "Saved By The Bell", or "California Dreams". The story lines are pretty much typical teenager fare, with the usual assortment of dating, family, love, and school issues included. Plus toss in a caring school principal, played by Marcella Lowery, for some added fun.The best aspect of the show are the young actors, themselves, I think. They all seem to have a great chemistry, and are all likable, in general. Wesley Johnathan, and Scott Whyte, as does the rest of the cast, have plenty of potential. The interplay of 'Jamal', 'Chris', and 'El-Train' has it's moments. I hope that some smart casting director gives them the nod for some ensemble work in the future.Here's a show that could go on to become a made for TV movie, easily.
    stephanotis323 I caught this at nine thirty in the morning one day saturday. I saw it again. It is not a popular show, and it reminds me of saved b the bell. Its all right. The theme song is very catchy. City Guys is a good show to watch, if there is nothing else good on.