Sister, Sister
Sister, Sister
TV-PG | 01 April 1994 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    dee.reid I got my first glimpse of the antics of twin sisters Tia and Tamera Mowry, strangely enough, in my 8th grade health class; we were in the middle of the seemingly state-mandated and (clearly) pointless drug and sex education courses. We were forced to watch the episode where Tia and Tamera give into peer pressure and start smoking in the school bathroom; it's real life issues that made "Sister, Sister" genuine in its hayday.This was about five years ago and I hadn't seen the show since, until this summer. Though it's immediately proceeded on Disney by "That's So Raven," it makes for one of the best hours on children's television in my opinion, even though I'm 18 and have long since given up on today's children's programming."Sister, Sister" is funny in a way that's mature and adult without being too tacky or silly; a lot of today's kid's programming is idiotic toilet humor and is therefore complete crap. At least when I was growing up in the early 90s, we had cartoons that were genuinely funny and intelligent; if anything else, you might have actually learned something from them.I've watched several episodes and I'm amazed at how great a show about identical twin sisters can be, that it's funny, touching, AND intelligent - all at the same time and without selling its soul. "Sister, Sister" was entertaining for these very reasons and I'm sure that's why it lasted for as long as it did on television.It's a great show, and one that I hope is released on DVD soon so that it can be experienced to its greatest.
    extremes334 hey, this show is cool and i like Tia and Temera Mowry. they should put some new episodes on here to. Tia and Temera Mowry are good people i bet,eventhough i have never met them. so i like their show better than boy meets world.
    glitringangel I personally, LOVE this show! I think it is SO funny! I haven't seen it on TV in a while but, I really like this show!! =)
    flamingangel882 You have to give this show SOME credit. It was a pretty long-running show, considering its home was the WB. But that being said...WHY? Why did this show make it past one season?The basic idea is two twins, Tia Landry (Tia Mowry) and Tamera Campbell (Tamera Mowry) meet up in a store one day, astonished by the fact that they look alike, and find out that they were adopted by different parents years ago. Tia and her mom Lisa (Jackee Harry) eventually move in with Tamera and her dad Ray (Tim Reid), so that the girls can get to know each other and make up for years lost.The premise sounds slightly interesting. The show is not. Basic story ideas involve boys, celebrities, boys, rivals...and oh yeah, boys. Your basic teen comedy (although I don't think it can pass as a comedy), with the same shallow plot lines. What do you expect though?Now the characters. Ugh. The twins are downright annoying--especially when they say things at the same time. Tim Reid, as Ray, seems like he really doesn't want to be there--and who would? And now for Lisa. I mentioned that the twins are annoying--but they have got nothing on Lisa. She is the most annoying creature I've ever had the misfortune of seeing in my lifetime. If she weren't on the show, it would be a lot more bearable. Some people consider her the foundation of the show--when in fact, she is the reason this show is rendered annoying. She makes me want to break the TV just to shut her up. Or at least change the channel. The only good character on here is Roger. He's so sweet and likable...which is waaay more than I can say for the rest of the cast. Roger can be worth watching the show...because he is the only good character...but even he cannot save the show from its monstrosity.Some people call this show "the black Full House." And I can see how they'd think that. Both shows are incredibly annoying, but you see that Full House has at least one corny speech (along with cheesy music) PER episode. Whereas Sister, Sister has no corny music, but just as corny speeches. Such as Lisa uttering so brilliantly in one episode, "Words can hurt!" Grr.Just avoid this show. Unless you like annoying characters, corny plot lines, or tasteless humor. And I don't think anybody does.