Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica
Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica
| 19 August 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    bridjlove_u Most people think that Jessica Simpson is dumb! I can understand ur point of view! But she's not! My friends like to compare Jess to me! But we're not dumb, it's just that we're young, and we haven't learned everything yet! We are "naive"! But we are all like that! Oh yess! Even YOU! But the difference between me and you (or Jess and you) is that we're not afraid of saying what we think! For most of the "stupid" thing she said, you probably laughed at it, but when u think about it, you we're thinking just like her, but because society forces you to "be" intelligent, you shut your mouth and you stay innocent, you don't learn anything! But we do! Anyways! The show Newlyweds is really cool :) I can't wait for Christmas to receive the DVD of the first season! Oh yeah! I don't watch TV, but this show, i can watch it again and again! It makes me smile! :) Nick and Jess are so cuuute :)
    mcfinley I've just seen the show and I thought it was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Nick and Jessica are so immature and affected, it's like watching two children play house, but they can't go home after recess. Seriously, this show is like watching God restore the balance in the world, and the two newlyweds are in purgatory for their undeserved pop status--they were so made for each other.
    fandangonoir Man, Jessica Simpson has GOT to be the dumbest bubble head on the planet. This TV reality show about two spoiled, rich brats who have no real talents other than looking good and making mediocre bubblegum pop music is mindless fun though.Jessica Simpson is the ultimate spoiled rich girl brat. And man, is she DUMB! The episodes where she thinks Chicken of the Sea tuna is made of chicken or where she things buffalo wings are made of buffalo. You get the idea. This gal is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. She's a pretty, spoiled little rich girl who's been waited on hand and foot her whole life and can't even do basic household chores!Nick will dump Jessica in a few short years if he knows what's good for him. Sure she's hot, but can you imagine spending the REST OF YOUR LIFE with this woman? I can't either. These two no talents had better save their money too, cos their careers and fifteen minutes of fame were over about fifteen minutes ago.But then again, if the rest of us had that much money from a young age, wouldn't most of us be spoiled too? This show proves all our worst suspicions about life are true. Nice guys finish last, women really do love jerks, pretty people come out on top in life, and obscenely rich people sleep very well at night. Happy viewing!
    res1e8mb This show just sucks, it just shows what MTV dose to television. Who cares about what to rich snobs do in there lives?! All this shows is that these two no talent people are just spoiled with there wealth. If you put them in a smaller house they would be lost. i hope they never lose there money because THEY WILL NEVER make it in the real life. Thats why this is the WORST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!