The League
The League
TV-MA | 29 October 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    CrenshawPete I can't understand how The League made it past the pilot. It's got to be the most infantile, unfunny show I've ever seen. I love It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, with its crazy episodes: the U-Haul road trip, the Mexican home makeover, the P Diddy shrimping boat. That show can be low-brow and far out, but it's extremely well done and the cast is excellent.The League is clearly a cash grab to capitalize on / ride the coat-tails of Philadelphia's success. Unfortunately, it fails at everything. The characters aren't only unlikable; they're extremely abrasive, especially Ruxin! The jokes are all immature bathroom humor and sexual innuendos even a high school student would cringe at, and they come at you one after another in rapid fire. If you've got nothing to offer, then I guess you hit the audience with as much shock value as you can and hope that something sticks.A woman sitting in a high-end restaurant shouting shouting about her p-word isn't funny. Neither is coming up with stupid catch- phrases like "vaginal hubris" or "Eskimo brothers." These people are supposed to be lawyers and plastic surgeons? Where did they graduate from, the University of Beavis and Butthead?Perhaps making a comedy about sports isn't easy, since football seems to be just a backdrop in the episodes I've watched so far. I don't consider myself prudish or easily offended, but this show rubs me the wrong way. The writers probably thought they'd struck gold when they came up with the idea for the "I shaved my ****s for this?" t-shirt, which was displayed proudly in one of the early episodes. Immature and abrasive shock humor is really the only way to describe this train wreck.I'm kind of concerned that A) this show has lasted for so many seasons and B) it has a pretty high rating on the IMDb. This doesn't say much for the taste or maturity level of our society. I think we're definitely regressing. Is it the state of the education system? I don't know, but I can only hope this doesn't represent the average football fan.
    Jburn123 I see a lot of people writing about the actual American football side of the show.. I'm from Just outside belfast where American football generally isn't watched too much. But I assure any Non American Football watchers that this is Definitely worth a Watch!! Great characters and great comedy! It really rips on topics that a lot of American TV programmes are scared to touch. I won't give examples in case of spoilers but I hope someone reads this review and takes my advice to watch it (that will be my mission accomplished!) My favourite's in the programme are definitely Raffi (purely for shock factor and how much Craic he can be!) and Taco (for sheer stupidity laughs)And another factor that makes me love the programme is if you watch Pete and Kevin when there's a truly funny scene it is clear as day to see that they are genuinely laughing and not acting (especially Pete) don't know about you lot but It always makes a show better for me when you can see an actor enjoying it as much as the viewer
    Frank Dudley Berry, Jr. This otherwise rather interesting show is rendered almost unwatchable by the 'Taco' character, who simply doesn't fit into the pattern or logic of the show. Whose bright idea was it to add this sort of randomness? The jokes attached to him are bafflingly lame, the characterization is bizarre, and the character adds absolutely nothing to the mix.I'm going to continue to watch because of Mark Duplass, who is a real comer. But every time Taco enters, the show nosedives into imbecility. The action grinds to a halt, the other character drop into a different zone, and loses all its momentum. Why did the creators shoot themselves in the foot like this?
    johncheese2 This is a good show and provided me laughs.But I have two problems with it.1.) It's another show that is too clever for it's own good. While it's not on Scrubs levels with that, it's still too much. Each character has witty line after witty line to say, and a lot of the time it doesn't feel natural. Not every line needs to be some incredibly clever retort or jibe.The best shows let the humor and wit come from the situations as well as the dialog.2.) Too much to do with sex. We get it. Men are not only sex crazed, but sex sells and brings in viewers. But thats not what makes a great show.I'm no prude, my favorite shows are Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. They cover some pretty dark topics and do some sick things, and I love almost every second of it. But they cover a variety of things.It's Always Sunny is probably the most twisted show ever on television. Topics it tackles includes: homophobia, abortion, homelessness, crack addiction, hallucinogenic drugs, cannibalism, serial killing, all forms of racism, corporate greed, police corruption, transsexuals, etc. etc. It covers a vast amount of area and does it well. Not every joke is a sex joke.It seems there are at least 20 sex jokes, or a new sex term in every episode. Try something new. You don't have to cover cannibalism, but there needs to be some variety.Other than that I like the show. It's made me laugh out loud a lot, and it is the right amount of clever sometimes. The cast is good, but can be annoying at times.With this show you have to take the good with the bad, but there's definitely more good.