Life of Ryan
Life of Ryan
| 27 August 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
    leriejane This show is a great show. But it is not a documentary! What some people may need to realize, it that it is a REALITY show. It is edited for entertainment, and that's it. The show follows pro skater Ryan Sheckler life: his family and friends. His friends are very tight-knit, and while his mother is portrayed as sweet, his father is portrayed as an objective jackass. Watching the show almost makes me feel like I know all about him, but I draw the line before I reach that point.A lot of people write that he's a spoiled little brat, who can only focus on getting a girlfriend and trivial issues. But let's bring ourselves down to earth. This guy is still a teenager; if you are past your teen years, it's easy to remember how focused you might've been on present issues. Wasn't almost everything a big deal in high school? That's part of growing up, and we're watching an edited version of him growing up. There's no way I would've complained about the same things now that I did in high school, or worry about the same issues, like getting a girlfriend. For a while the show kept emphasizing his serious desire to have a girlfriend. He got one, then realized he didn't have the time for it. I think what he might really want is some semblance of normalcy in his life.What's interesting about this show is it sort of brings you into the world of professional skating; we get to see the chaos that he deals with (promotions, competitions, tours) and how he deals with it. Bottom line, underneath it all, yes he's a great skater. Yes, he has a lot of money. But he has the same issues that many other people have, and a lot of the same needs. It's irritating that other people complain about him being spoiled and bratty---who are we to say that we know him personally? The show does play up some "fancy" things about his life, like his material things, and let's face it, it's pretty cool that he has a skate park in his backyard.Watch the show! Form your own opinion about it; just remember reality shows aren't REAL!
    Pepper Anne At age 13, skateboarder Ryan Sheckler was a novelty when he beat Eric Koston on the street course at X-Games. But at age 18, he's a just another painfully dull teenage celebrity. The relationship with his parents appears to exist purely as business deals and his friends look like a carefully selected entourage of trust fund babies. Skateboarding, in fact, has become an aside. Assuring audiences that he's trying to live life as the normal teenager despite circumstances (a stupid comment to make once releases are signed to allow the superficial voyeurism to begin with), Life of Ryan is your typically scripted "unscripted" Reality-TV show where otherwise idiotic teenage drama is milked for all its worth. Even Ryan's friends (including fellow skateboarders) look increasingly bored of the nauseating discussion of girlfriends and divorce. It's all Ryan all the time.
    realisticjj48 this guy has a life to kill for,I'v watched every episode and was stoked when i seen season one previews and was stoked but soon was sadly let down.All this guy does is complain about how bad his life is and how no girls will date him,well for those of you who have not been the dew action tour let me clue you in,every girl at these events is in love with him and wait at his hotel for him,now I'm sure 95% of these girls are not dating material but for him to say he cant find a girl couldn't be further from the truth.Hes buying a house at 18 that most of us could never afford,he has a range rover and several other cars,but yet he still finds stuff to complain about,now i know money doesn't buy happiness but it sure helps,bottom line is this show either portrays Ryan in a bad light through editing or this guy is what we see on TV an ungrateful spoiled brat,p.s.the show has already jumped the shark.
    kirstenjones 'Life of Ryan' is a show that fits into MTV's line-up of 'reality' shows. The show follows Ryan, a 17 year old skateboarder as he competes and lives out his life. I admit, when it's on TV, I find myself watching it- but mostly for comic relief. In the handful of episodes that I've watched, Ryan has complained, whined, and defied his parents. Like many kids in America, Ryan has divorced parents- but rather than become a role model for his younger brothers on how to deal with the situation, he plays dramatics whenever his clash in the slightest. There hasn't been an episode yet where Ryan hasn't mentioned his parents divorce at least three times. I understand it's a big deal, but the way he talks about and complains about it makes it into a bigger deal than it is. Next, he whines about him not being able to find a girl for him, but it's clear that the only reason he can't is because of his infatuation of Taylor, his best friend's girlfriend. Ryan- you're rich, you have a loving family, and you two brothers that look up to you. Stop complaining about the little things. There are people in life a lot worse off than you.