Justice League Action
Justice League Action
TV-Y7 | 16 December 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Eye_MD_B This show is obviously designed to be a flexible program-filler with 10 minute short episodes, plus few parents are likely to mind their kid to watch such a short cartoon.For me as a mature person those episodes are ideal whilst rowing on the machine, because they push me, but I would not recommend using such a show as a babysitter-substitute for your kids for follownig reasons.In the begining, superhearoes, such as Wonderwoman were created by the intelligent psychologist W.M. Marston for example, who also invented the lie detector (which is probably half the reason for the lasso). It was meant to fill a gap in our needs to feel special, but superheroes are commercially so over-exploited that the entire concept is degraded to mere action - as Charles herold here wrote in another critique - without investing in any background-story anymore.The problem with this is that if you are a parent: 1.) The constant loud noises and bright flashes will make kids more aggressive (from the point of Chinese Medicine, because it destroys Liver-blood), 2.) and the non-stop heroism will (on a western psychological level) give rise to image neurosis, so that the kids will grow up feeling insignificant if they can't live up to normal powers, 3.) so from a western medical perspective they are more likely to run into adrenalin-burnouts or ADHD etc.The first idea of Superpowers initially came out of the realm of spirituality, and they were called "siddhis", but such series have the exact opposite effect on children by making them having to think so fast that their phantasy and ability to reflect may suffer when watching such stuff too often.
    machonon77 I promptly stop watching this show, when I saw that they had Superman and Wonder Woman dating. These two iconic characters should never date or be in a romantic relationship with one another. It feeds into Nazi points of view of creating a super race of people and eugenics amongst the none white race.The Justice League already has a Image issue when it comes to both diversity and female superheros walking around in outfits made for strippers. This just make Superman more unrelatable and sabotage Wonder Woman empowerment as a legit hero.Plus it feeds into the fact that Kryptonian race might be racist in nature, because you never see Asian, Black, or other Kryptonian races in all the 84 years Superman has been around and NO Token minority members of the Justice League doesn't count.Also the scripts seem to be puerile and under-dramatized. In the sense that it lacks any character depth. Conflict within a team and individual internal fights will always take a bad script to a Great script.
    adonis98-743-186503 Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman will lead the DC Super Heroes against their most infamous foes. Just finished Justice League Action and i gotta say i loved it now is it better than Justice League Unlimited? Nope but is it better than Teen Titans GO? Absolutely Yes it's a mix of everything that you have seen before with a lot of nostalgia and fan service especially Episode 9 is easily the best of the entire season since we get a bit more inside the world of Batman but we also get a lot of Easter Eggs from the Batman: Animated Series it does have flaws tho as a series i thought that it was going to be a bit more serious but since it's for kids of 2017 and not for kids of 2001 it might not do it for some but it's pretty funny it has a Brave and the Bold kind of humor, the animation is good but nothing really amazing for example Batman looks great, Mr Freeze looks great but some others are not that great as they were before like Martian Manhunter who is used really badly here but i gotta say they did a great job with Firestorm he was pretty hilarious. Overall although it's not as good as Justice League Unlimited it's still a show that kids are going to love and even adults depending your taste if you'd liked the humor in Teen Titans and Brave and the Bold you are going to definitely enjoy this if not maybe you should skip it. Also try to find as many easter eggs as you can because there's a lot of them from Batman: The Animated Series to Injustice and even Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.
    Charles Herold (cherold) I used to watch a lot of the superhero animated series in the '90s, but haven't seen any for a while. I'd heard this one was good so I thought I'd take a look, but the first episode lost me immediately.I don't love the art style, but I could live with it. What I couldn't deal with was the manic pace. The series is pure action with virtually no time spent on story or character. The show starts with a fight, soon there's an explosion, more fighting, a little explanation, some more fighting. The series from the '90s like Batman the Animated Series and X-Men had characters, stories, a point of view. This show might be fine if you're a kid - I haven't been a kid since the '70s so I can't speak to that - but this series doesn't not give me much hope for the current state of TV kids cartoons.