Channel Zero
Channel Zero
TV-14 | 11 October 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
    jessicamintondds This series will satisfy fans of BBC style shows where each season delivers a separate and compete thought (anthology). I know this to be a deterrent for some viewers. I personally love this style of television. It does not cater to the shock scares or gore for the most part. Great production value for the SYFY network and acting is above par for their norm! As a die hard horror fan, I STRONGLY recommend!
    Antonio Kowatsch This TV show is inspired by internet horror stories, or as some might call them "creepypastas". Every season has an independent theme so this is in all actuality an anthology. With that being said this anthology suffers from all the typical problems that are usually associated with the genre; "it's not balanced". But about that later. Initially 4 seasons were planned but it's uncertain whether the fourth season will be released next year. So for the time being I'll focus on the first 3 seasons.Disclaimer: Since Season 3 had clearly the strongest story arc I'm basically only going to focus on that particular season in this review.Season 3's allure and horror is more nuanced and eerie than that of the seasons that preceded it. What makes it so special is the way in which it approaches a complex topic such as mental illness. If I were to rate Season 3 as an independent story I'd give it an 8/10, highly recommended.Quick synopsis: We follow the two sisters Zoe and Alice on their journey to reconnect with society after a tragic "family incident". Since "mental illness" (schizophrenia to be more precise) runs in their family Alice is trying to come to terms with the fact that she too might develop the condition. Her mother had it, her sister Zoe has it so it isn't much of a stretch to suggest it's a hereditary thing in her case. In order to leave behind their past they decided to move away from their hometown which harbors so many painful memories. And that's where the season starts. We get to see how they both try to accustom themselves to their new environment. A small town with a "dangerous" neighborhood where people mysteriously disappear. The locals have their myths surrounding the disappearances, myths about the "butcher". Well, there is some truth to those myths but it's not exactly what you'd expect. It's more "messed up". Without giving away too much I'll say this; overall, the story manages to be actually scary, which can't be said about most horror themed TV shows these days. I should know, I've seen them all. For me personally the breadth of the horror was what sold me to it. It wasn't the typical 1 dimensional horror but rather a complex horror that incorporated psychological aspects (fear of mental illness, protagonists questioning reality and the trustworthiness of their own senses), supernatural aspects (demons, the pestilent God, and other disfigured monstrosities), and straight up gore (all kids of crazy execution scenes with a lot of blood).Just to put into perspective how much better the third season really is than season 1 & 2 I'll quickly recap on them. Season 1 is inspired by the fairly popular creepypasta "Candle Cove". And I have to say; they have actually adapted it really well. I have to give them kudos for that. It was very true to the story. But here's what I didn't like about it; it just wasn't exactly a story that fits the TV show format and it became really obvious with every episode. The pacing was fairly slow at times and it did feel like a drag. It was definitely above average but not by much. Another thing that I'd also like to address is the color grading. It was quite horrible. All the colors looked lifeless and most shots looked terrible as a result of it. I highly doubt this was done intentionally since the other seasons seemed to get it right.Season 2 on the other hand was an unfortunate adaptation of the "No-End House" creepypasta. Look, the main premise of the season was scary on a psychological level but the story was just too lackluster and much too predictable. Furthermore it didn't really have "likeable" protagonists in my humble opinion. It's almost as if they were too "flawed" for their own good. I can guarantee you that the original story is far superior to its adaptation due to it's uncertainty and brilliant ending. My Personal Opinion: Personally, I'd just recommend season 3 because it's the most well-rounded one of them all. But if you're just a casual horror enthusiast you'll probably enjoy all of them.Final Verdict: Season 3 is highly recommended (the rest, not so much). It really depends on how well you know the original stories, I guess. If you don't know the stories that this show is based on you can watch all of them. But if you do know the stories you might be a little disappointed about season 2.
    serhatbekk I'm a horror genre fun and I've been obsessed with it since my childhood. What I like about Channel Zero is that it really goes the core of horror genre. These guys know what they are doing. It's so pure, there is no unnecessary jumpscares or wrongly used disturbing sound effects everywhere. The story line is well written. Everything is artistic, atmospheric, dark and surreal. Candle Cove was a good start and NoEnd House improves the series much more. I strongly advice you to watch Channel Zero. It has many potential. True horror lovers will adore it! This show needs much more attention!
    movie1994 I really really enjoyed this series! Granted, I've only seen the first season, but I'm excited for the upcoming episodes! I can absolutely say, I personally liked it better than Stranger Things. I'm 40 so I've only heard about Creepypasta from my kids. I had known about Candle Cove, but I did not know there was a TV show about it until yesterday. I downloaded the SYFY app and binged them all. Some parts of the story started teetering on ridiculousness, but because of the story line, it made sense. Just when the "oh here we go, it's about to get stupid" scenes were on, they'd pull back just enough. I think the episode format worked well, as they were able to explain the story in more depth. I believe had it been a movie, it would have been just another stupid horror movie. I'm glad I found it and I do wish the show had been marketed or promoted more. I'm a die hard fan of American Horror Story, and while this no where near touched the shocking aspects of that show, it was definitely eerie enough to keep me intrigued. I liked the characters and the acting was believable. I've read in places that SYFY is known for canceling their shows. I really hope the second season draws a bigger crowd, maybe through word of mouth so this show will have a good run.