My Little Pony
My Little Pony
| 15 September 1986 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
    Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    emftamatalk As much as I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I feel that this is way better. Even though it was made over 10 years before I was born, it really captures my heart and makes me smile.First of all, I love the theme song. It's so cute and catchy, and the cuteness is matched by the show itself. The ponies are adorable and more realistic than the Friendship is Magic designs, and I also find them more likable. They seem younger than FIM characters, making them even more innocent and endearing so that young girls are able to relate to them better. The ponies' voices are so adorable and my heart always melts when the baby ones talk! Despite the cuteness, this show seems to be pretty dark sometimes. I will not go into detail because I don't like giving spoilers, but some of the episodes take shocking twists and have really intense situations. The episodes are pretty long but are well thought-out so that they hold your attention for long enough.It is amazing to see human girls in such a wonderful world filled with cute critters and colorful ponies. I think it will really stimulate the imagination of young girls.In conclusion, I find this show utterly captivating and it definitely deserves more love from My Little Pony fans.
    morphricky After watching "My Little Pony: Friendship is magic" and being tortured by the excess dialog, it reminded me of why I love the old cartoons so much. I personally hate any movies and animation where the characters are talking excessively, it also feels like a bad excuse to fill the show with dialog rather than animation. As for the old episodes, the characters talk at a normal pace and at least in the Swedish dub from the eighties, they had normal sounding voices and rarely any excessively squeaky.As for the actual show, some of the episodes have good morals and are fun to watch, such as the episode where the baby ponies learn to use their imagination. It also develops the characters very nicely as you get to know each pony and their dreams. I also enjoyed the episode where Sweet stuff is treasure hunting and they teach the morals about being happy about being yourself. Some episodes were not dubbed in the eighties and watching the new dub is unbearable as the translators sometimes completely misses what a sentence meant.However, there are some episodes which are quite frankly dreadful. I find that the episodes which focuses on characters which are only there for the plot are usually the worst. I hate the episode with that unlucky creature. I did as a child as well and they gave him a very annoying voice in the Swedish dubbing. But compared to 20 minutes of "Friendship is Magic", I'd rather watch that episode.... twice! I also found some episodes a bit too dreary/violent, such as the ice cream wars. That episode is nothing but bickering, arguing, crying, whining... and then "Moral of the story" slapped on in the last two minutes of the episode. Similarly I feel about the episode with the evil queen and her daughter.The show is enjoyable, though I tend to watch the same episodes. Because of the clumsiness of VHS, it was hard to watch certain episodes as they (as I assume was deliberately) crammed the boring episodes in the start of the cassette and the good episodes were last.
    TheLittleSongbird I remember seeing My Little Pony n Friends as a kid, and I loved it then. Re-visiting it a decade or so later, I do still like it now, if not as much as I did when I was younger. The animation is of inconsistent quality, the characters are well-drawn, and mostly the colours are vibrant and backgrounds fluid, but the continuity from things disappearing out of frames, things appearing out of nowhere, colour changes in the same scene, voice actors speaking different characters' lines and sometimes a lack of consistency between story-lines has never been a strong suit. Some of the characters served a good purpose in some episodes but were pointless in others. This was especially true of the sea-ponies. However, while not always memorable, the songs are sweet and tuneful and the characters are likable and engaging, with Megan a sympathetic character, the ponies and Spike adorable and the villains interesting, some comical(Hydia in a sense), some threatening(Tirak) and some very dimensional(Catrina). The writing always maintains it gentle nature, while showing humour, poignancy and suspense also, and the story lines are charming often in their simplicity with some having a dark tone like Rescue at Midnight Castle and perhaps Return of Tambelon. The voice acting is great, Nancy Cartwright I am most familiar with, but Susan Blu and Ellen Gerstell also stand out. Overall, I quite like this show. 8/10 Bethany Cox
    Stompgal_87 When I was little, I had about three 'My Little Pony' videos and I watched them constantly. Even though this cartoon is mostly for girls, my brother liked it as well because he liked the brightly-coloured ponies.My favourite Series 1 episodes are 'The Return of Tambelon,' 'Fugitive Flowers,' 'Pony Puppy,' 'Crunch the Rock Dog,' 'Mish Mash Melee,' 'The Revolt of Paradise Estate' and 'Sweet Stuff and the Treasure Hunt' while my favourite series 2 episodes are 'Flight to Cloud Castle' and 'Ice Cream Wars' because they're the ones I always watched on video when I was younger. I didn't see 'Crunch the Rockdog' and 'Mish Mash Melee' until I was about 11 because those two episodes were on a video tape that was exclusive to Asda stores in the UK at the time. I thought those two episodes were originally broadcast in 1990, the year on the tape case, but I soon found out that they were broadcast in 1986 like most of the episodes.The things I like the best about the show are the songs, the memorable story lines and dialogue and the diverse range of characters. I have recently found episodes of this show on YouTube and there were a few on there that I hadn't seen before. I also liked looking out for continuity errors in this show because there were so many of them that let the show down a bit, but overall, the show is an entertaining nostalgia trip. 8/10.