Postman Pat
Postman Pat
| 16 September 1981 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    bruener Okay, Postman Pat was one of the many shows I was crazy about during my childhood. I watched it a lot, especially the specials, The Greendale Rocket and Magic Christmas. Even as a 16 year old when I'm writing this, I still enjoy these specials a lot. They are very amusing and enjoyable. I do not ever understand why people give shows like Postman Pat a very bad reputation. Is it because it's a kids show? Well that's a very stupid reason like it's a kids show after all, it's not made for you.The show has a few flaws with some errors at times but these are quite minor. However, these minor flaws still make the show a 9/10 instead of 10/10. Flaws include in the Greendale Rocket of this: Pat goes to the school to give post. The wind blows his post away but the children all manage to get his post. Then he goes off after thanking them for catching his post and not giving any of them post. So why exactly did he come to the school? If to see his son then that's fine but the point is that he said, "hello everybody, post". Like I said, the flaws don't matter much and children are highly likely gonna enjoy watching this excellent TV series. From the title, you might think it's all about postmen, parcels and letters etc, no it's not. There are many different adventures like the two specials I mentioned and others like Clowns Around in which you can assume what it's probably about. Anyway, brilliant show for children and I even still love it to this day.
    Mark Nurdin Postman Pat and his black and white cat, Jess - legends in their own right. I was entertained endlessly by pat and his adventures when I was a young lad. The stories are simple and very easy to understand and teach us all valuable lessons on the road to life about being helpful and kind to your neighbours. With a theme song that rocks and other songs and music that were great to hum along to, Pat was truly a hero for our times. He's changed recently; in my opinion the changes are not that great. They've tried to make Pat even more PC, his lips move (sacrilege!) and there's no more moments of Pat just driving like there were in the 80s...just driving through the countryside. If anything the Postman Pat of today comments on the fast-pace of our children's society. But despite all that, no once can argue that Pat was, is and shall always be the greatest British hero.8/10
    Scapegoat_Y I really am not so sure about this show. When I was a little girl, I begged my mum to put on the tapes for me, so I could watch Postman Pat and his black-and-white cat go on all their amazing adventures.Now I'm not so sure.I gave this show a 6 out of 10 because, even though the new series is far from perfect, it has its moments. Like baby Niquille (please pardon my spelling). And something about Mira and the Doncaster soccer team. I wasn't too keen on the Greendale Rocket and Clown episodes, they were okay, but I much prefer the old series. Don't get me wrong, both are carefully crafted in a manner that only the British can achieve, but the old series had that archaic mid-20th-century England sort of feel, which was peculiar in a time like the 1980s. The new series is, in one word, alright. But Postman Pat is still an old favorite of mine, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
    MayhapsItWasGoodBackThen Since there wasn't a single comment about this marvelous TV-series, I thought to share some of my thoughts about it. For the record: I'm not 6 years old anymore (sadly...), so please try to see my views expressed here in that perspective. ;) This show is not running in Finland anymore (doubt if anywhere?) and unfortunately I too have no idea on what time period this series was made, or for how long it was on TV. But it's OLD I tell you that! But enough of that. I used to love this series when I was a little kid! I remember that at some point I actually wanted to be him... Or at least a postman anyways!For all of you who don't know what this series was all about, I'm now going to tell it to you fair and square. The whole idea is simply based around the life of this well-mannered and witty English postman. He always comes across with these problems that seem to make the deliverance of mail hard or almost impossible! Eg. road block of some sort, flat tire, weather conditions etc. But being a smart man, he always finds a way, one way or another. By his own or with help of other characters in the series. I can't remember much about the other characters, just remember the good-old Pat and his way cool lorry!The roads portrayed in the series are really really winding and tiny plus they're surrounded on both sides by stone walls. So, Pat must have both eyes on the road at all times when driving around with his lorry through the bumpy scenery! Though, somehow I have this image that Pat used to be quite easy-going fella all in all and he usually was a bit heavy on the gas, if you know what I mean? ;)As far as I can recall the series was 'acted' by puppets, which probably gave it that great and funny look. And the jingle was unforgettable too! I would sing it here, if I only could... Heh! So, in short: Postman Pat is awesome. I recommend to all the kids and child-like adults! ;) Enjoy! (And drive carefully!)