Zero Charisma
Zero Charisma
NR | 11 October 2013 (USA)
Zero Charisma Trailers

An obsessive fantasy nerd gradually becomes unhinged when a charismatic hipster joins his role-playing game

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
The_Real_Review This movie was incredibly disappointing, as it had plenty of potential but lacked any payoff or real redemption. First of all Scott's drug addict mother who abandoned her son comes back to humiliate him in front of his friends in the most crass and juvenile way imaginable. That is just pathetic and was hard to watch. Second, Scott's grandmother just agrees to sell her home to pay her useless daughter's debts and move into a nursing home? I mean seriously, no grandparent would agree to this. Finally Scott winds up playing RPGs with the elderly at the end? Just about anyone could have written a better script. WTF did I just watch?
zeusandtomshow Sam Eidson does a fantastic job playing Scott, an old loser with an old school nerd gimmick. Living with his Nanna, but thinking he's a big shot. "Because I'm the game master, that's why," says the bumper sticker on his unimpressive car. Scott takes the audience with him on his descent from lowly loneliness into the abyss of public embarrassment via a myriad of burnt social bridges. Scott's ugly demise at the hands of Miles, played brilliantly by Garrett Graham is a thing of comic beauty. Scott's futile attempt to maintain his reign over his nerdlings falls short. Katie Folger is a bright spot, playing Kendra, Miles' girlfriend. "The gods must be avenged," as Scott would say, and you must watch this movie to find out if Scott has the last laugh. Highly recommended by The Zeus and Tom Show.
spazzyp Frankly as a nerd i'm quite offended by this ridiculously predictable portrayal of a nerds life, it has just about every boring cliché that has become overused by years of declining media values such as geeks and nerds are fat, socially awkward, angry and in need of every bodies pity, whilst in most cases this may be true, it was unnecessary to throw it in the viewers face at every turn. I would absolutely NOT recommend this insulting pile of garbage to anyone other than maybe a schoolyard bully wanting to laugh at all the childish jokes that have ever been thought up to hurt nerds and geeks. I watched this movie because i was highly bored and the tag-line stood out, it failed to even alleviate the boredom slightly.
jonnytheshirt Well I watched this because I tremendously enjoyed gaming as a kid, before the internet and Playstations it was great. Is this a geek movie for geeks, nerds gamers or whomever? Yes in some aspects - I started watching it with my girlfriend who can happily watch the Avengers and whatnot but changed movie, the game references just went over her head so I watched it later myself. In the end however really at it's core to me it reflects people, their obsessions, their behaviour and interactions. The Game is a catalyst really and the movie proved more thought provoking than I expected, and more seious, the cast were good and incredibly awkward at times which provided the laughs. Zero Charisma was apt. Enjoyable enough however although I'd certainly recommend only to those who don't mind their geekery.