White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf
PG | 15 April 1994 (USA)
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf Trailers

A boy and his dog, White Fang, must try to save the noble Haida tribe from evil white men in turn-of-the-century Alaska.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Shawn Watson Ethan Hawke returns for a mute cameo before passing on the lead role to an unknown actor in this pointless film. Henry Casey is looking after Jack's claim and White Fang after Jack finally moves to San Francisco. He meets a native girl who convinces him to search for Caribou. And...that's it when it comes to plot.It's very, very slow and doesn't really build up to much. There are still some lovely views and scenery but the scope is lost, and even White Fang himself has a diminished presence and function.Overall White Fang 2 feels and looks a lot like a Disney Channel TV and not like a theatrical movie. Nothing to do with Jack London either, so I can't really recommend it to any particular fanbase the first might have had.
Theo Robertson At 1.30 am on a Saturday what do you think a British network station would choose to show ? Something adult with some bad language , sex or violence ? A film everyone has seen on network TV a dozen times at least ? Or as is becoming more and more frequent a British independent movie that is so poor that it deservedly gets buried at a graveyard slot where no one can see it ? None of these things because the local ITV station decided to show WHITE FANG 2 : MYTH OF THE WHITE WOLF which is made by that well known factory of filthy films The Walt Disney Studios . That's right - ITV decided to broadcast a Walt Disney movie at 1.30 am ! First thing you notice is that it's a Walt Disney production ( Even if you haven't seen the on screen credits ) because we're shown wild animals and beautiful natural landscapes and the hero isn't Steven Seagal so it's obviously a Disney movie , in fact the hero is the eponymous White Fang who's a wolf and the humans are somewhat peripheral . Secondly we see for the first time since BLAZING SADDLES a tribe of Jewish Indians led by Moses Joseph and I'm not making this up moi dearz . I don't know what the producers were thinking of either . Moses Joseph ! Oi oi oi As you might expect being a Disney production there's little in the way of bad language and violence and lots of fluffy mammals and romance and nature studies . Too much in fact because this holds the story up as we see the male hero and White Fang pursue their loves who at first glance ( YAWN ) aren't interested in them but you just know there's going to be a happy ending . As for the adventure element which involves evil gold prospectors ( Makes a change from evil oil barons I guess ) trying to enslave the Hebrew tribe this works in a fairly effective way and found myself wishing the producers had concentrated on this far more than the predictable subplots that we see in countless Disney productions I also guess that I would have found this film slightly more palatable if the local ITV company had decided to broadcast WHITE FANG 2 at a respectable hour since the last thing you're expecting that time of night / morning is a Walt Disney movie . Despite the shortcomings I probably would recommend this movie as a family adventure even if it isn't 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA .
dcly1025 White Fang 2 is a wonderful movie filled with fun and adventure. Henry Casey was a miner who was living a bachelor life in the wild. His only companion is a wolf dog named White Fang. Later, on a trip to cash in his gold, Henry meets a Native American tribe who believes he is a wolf. In this movie, Henry finds the courage in him and learns about what is truly valuable in life. I rate this movie a seven out of ten. It is a great family movie about courage and adventure. White Fang Two will leave you sighing happily. It is a great movie that can be watched again and again.
The_One_Dude White Fang 2Already the beginning causes you to grip your chair and gape as the movie pummels into an adventure. With lots of action and bits of humor this movie's great for the whole family. An intense conflict rumbles between the Indians and an enigmatic priest, who, unknown until the end for his true purpose, cons as a friend. How are the Indian's going to find their caribou? Who better to stop gold miners than their own kind? Henry Casey, Lilly, White Fang, and Peter must put their courage to the test and save their people, the Inuit tribe from starvation and loss of their homeland! A thrilling sensation to watch, appropriate for all ages, and emotionally intense, this movie has all the elements of a magnificent movie. Your head swims in despair as you watch Lili, daughter of Moses, resolve her emotional conflicts with Henry. You feel like shouting out, when you see Moses, the leader of the Inuit Tribe, smile with satisfaction. See this movie right away!