Vicious Lips
Vicious Lips
R | 01 February 1987 (USA)
Vicious Lips Trailers

Sometime in the distant future, a fledgling band gets an opportunity for a breakthrough, if they can make it in time to a faraway planet to perform in a very popular club.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
calvinnme I was in my 20's in the 1980's and there just wasn't too much to worry about during most of the decade, so films often drifted into sci-fi fantasy territory, just like they did during the 1950's, an also relatively carefree decade.This is a sci-fi musical about an all-girl group named the Vicious Lips that lands a gig at an interstellar concert event. On their way to the venue, their spaceship crashes on a desert planet, and they bicker and fight with each other in the dark ship wreckage. There's also a monster of some sort lurking around, and the girl's sleazy manager is wandering around the desert looking for help with two mostly-naked blondes.The girls look like a live-action Jem and the Holograms, and their New Wave rock music is awful. They're shown on stage using fictional musical instruments, kind of partially disassembled guitars with blue bug zappers on the end. Starring no one you've ever heard of, and they are uniformly terrible actors. Written and directed by Z-movie auteur Albert Pyun. Empire Pictures produced it, but from what I read, this wasn't released in the U.S. until the DVD in 2011. Some people seem to have elevated it to cult status, and it is actually on a "Cult Movie Marathon" DVD set, which seems to get pretty good reviews on the world's largest website, probably owing to the viewers' collective nostalgia, not the quality of the film.I give it 3/10 for originality.
Woodyanders Shot in a hypnotically funky-punky neon 80's New Wave style (y'know, loads of bright lighting and smoke swirling in the corners of the frame throughout), with a bouncy'n'catchy soundtrack, a cool and colorful array of bizarre extraterrestrial creatures, a quirky sensibility, and amusing touches of flaky humor, writer/director Albert Pyon's offbeat tale of an all-female rock group from outer space who aspire to make it big starts out well enough, but alas runs out of gas at the halfway point and stalls prior to kicking back into energetic first gear for a lively climactic musical number. The key problem is that the weak and meandering narrative seriously lacks the necessary cohesion to come together as a satisfying whole, which ensures that this picture never completely realizes the full potential of its inspired and promising central premise. The erratic stop'n'go pacing counts as another major flaw. Fortunately, the zesty acting by the enthusiastic cast keeps the film watchable: Linda Kerridge as the vain Wynzi Krodo, Gina Calabrese as the sweet Bree Syn, Dru-Anne Perry as spunky goody goody two shoes Judy Jetson, Shayne Farris as the snippy Mandoza, Anthony Kentz as smarmy hustler manager Matty Asher, and Mary-Anne Graves as bitchy rock promoter Maxine Mortogo. Moreover, the gaudy make-up and humongous hairdos give this honey a gnarly 80's period charm while the rather primitive (not so) special effects are a hilariously hokey sight to behold. An acceptable outré diversion.
movieman_kev Judy Jetson, the new singer for a futuristic all-girl punk band from the future gets stranded on a desert planet after the spaceship that they are taking to a promising gig runs out of power. Oh and there's a homicidal maniac in the ship too.This film was just kooky enough to let me forgive the Director/writer's later made '90's Captain America travesty. The songs were actually quite catchy and I found my foot tapping to many of them. Unfortunately, the movie does lag in the middle. But the first half hour is trashy b-movie gold. Eye Candy: A 'blink and you're miss her' and two rather fetching topless sand-people
dromasca This is really a film in a weird genre - punk music combined with science fiction. Yet, taking into account the almost total lack of subject and action and the low-cost budget preventing any spectacular effects specific to science-fiction movies the film is not as bad as it could be. First the music is quite could, catches the attention and somehow justifies the events that trigger the story. Then the characters in the future world are quite carefully sketched and even if they remind somehow the intergalactic bar in 'Star Wars' they are quite funny by their own. The film not being too long is quite a quality here, and at the end of the 75 or so minutes of screening the remaining feeling is of a not so complete loss of time.