Savage Weekend
Savage Weekend
R | 09 March 1979 (USA)
Savage Weekend Trailers

Several couples head upstate to the country to watch a boat being built. Unfortunately they are stalked by a murderer behind a ghoulish mask.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
GazerRise Fantastic!
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Bezenby I think this is the first case of a slasher film taking a slight nose dive once the killing begins. Luckily, there's still a lot to recommend in this film. Instead of a bunch of teenagers running around arguing, drinking and having sex, you've got a bunch of adults, er arguing, drinking and having sex.Two couples whose names I've forgotten head out to the country to see how construction is going on a large schooner (being built by crazy hick William Sanderson). Also in tow is hard as nails gay guy Nick, who seems to get off on getting a into fights with the locals and basically flaunting it, baby. Our two couples are a bit less interesting. One is a divorcée (and her new boyfriend is having the boat built) the other is her sister, who's playing sexual games with the other guy, including having sex with him out in a field while Nick watches (and injures himself on a barbed wire fence).However, there does seem to be someone else hanging around. The first indication of this is a dead bat nailed to the door of where the couples are staying. We also see someone picking up a mask to wear while they do something. Is it Sanderson, who talks to a grave? Or David Gale, a local fisherman type with eyes for one of the chicks? Or is it someone else? Well, you have to wait almost an hour for the killings to start so a little patience is needed.The problem is, there are several folks in here that would have made perfect heroes, but a lot of them are dispatched by the killer, kind of reducing the cast to the less interesting ones. It's still worth a look if you're into proto-slasher films. There's little gore but a bit of atmosphere, although it's easy to peg who the killer is.This is usually found on 50 movies packs, one in particular also having another seventies slasher film, Creeper, on it too. I like that better to be honest.
BA_Harrison A group of New Yorkers travel upstate for the weekend where they upset the locals and find themselves stalked by a deranged killer wearing a rubber horror mask.The moment screaming queen Nicky (Christopher Allport) started kicking redneck ass in a bar room brawl, I guessed that Savage Weekend wasn't going to be just another average everyday backwoods slice 'n' dice horror; scenes like that don't happen in 'normal' slashers. Sure enough, although the film delivers several of the expected genre clichés (gratuitous nudity, a masked killer, suspicious hillbillies etc.), there is simply too much off-kilter weirdness and sleaze on display to pigeon-hole this one as a routine slasher flick.Take the movie's collection of characters, for example, whose behaviour is far from predictable...Middle-aged stockbroker Robert Fathwood (Jim Doerr) is dating sexy Marie Sales (Marilyn Hamlin), who is on the rebound having just split with her husband Greg (Jeff Pomerantz), who is having a personal crisis after his boss committed suicide. Marie, however, still fantasises about Greg during sex, and also likes to flirt with local bit of rough Mac Macauley (David Gale) by suggestively stroking his tractor's hydraulics. Macauley eventually succumbs to Marie's advances (after she suggestively fondles one of his cow's udders) but discovers that she is just being a tease. Marie's hot-to-trot sister Shirley (Caitlin O'Heaney), on the other hand, is a genuine goer: she enjoys sunbathing nude and has impromptu outdoor sex with Jay (Devin Goldenberg), one of Robert's employees, under the watchful gaze of the group's only gay member Nicky, who she later tries to seduce by doing a sexy tango for him in her undies. Meanwhile, local weirdo Otis (William Sanderson), who allegedly branded his unfaithful wife with the letter 'H' (for 'whore'), spends his spare time in the graveyard chatting to his dead brother!After an hour of watching these characters interacting (i.e. mostly flirting and having sex)—and dodging the boom mic (which makes regular appearances)—the mysterious killer turns up to off the city folk one by one, via hanging, hat-pin in the ear, table saw activated by light switch (that old chestnut), and defenestration. The identity of the killer is then revealed (I won't say who it is, but it's not too hard to figure out), Marie gets chased a bit, and there's a chainsaw/machete fight.Like I said… not just another average everyday backwoods slice 'n' dice horror.
evanston_dad A group of well-to-do New Yorkers go on a weekend trip into the country and get picked off by a mask-wielding psycho.There's a lot of plot exposition setting up one character in particular as the killer, so it's not much of a surprise that this person ends up not being the killer, and it's also not much of a surprise when we find out who the killer is, despite the moment being treated like a big reveal. The killings are far too tame to appease gore hounds, but there's plenty of nudity for those looking for it. The film's pretty entertaining, actually, the kind of bad movie that you can laugh at despite it's being so sleazy. There are numerous bizarre choices made throughout, like the inclusion of a snarky gay character who beats up two rednecks in a bar and has some sort of sexual dysfunction that's introduced but never developed, and a seduction scene that revolves around the milking of a cow.No one in the film was recognizable, for obviously good reasons once you see them act, with the exception of the actor who went on to play Larry on the T.V. show "Newhart." Grade: C+
theambroziak This is an awesome horror movie that does not receive the recognition it deserves. I also recommend that you also view the sequel, Not Another Savage Weekend, which was produced as an independent film in January, 1994. I have not seen this short film in a long time because it is very rare. It did develop a huge cult following amongst independent film fans and college campuses in the mid to late 1990s, but I have no idea where to obtain a copy today. I do know that it took place 20 years after the original Savage Weekend. It turned out that the lead character of "Mother" Nicky had not really died, but rather fell into some sort of coma. He awakens one day, not knowing that years have passed, and when he discovers that his friends have been murdered, he begins to search for the killer. He even visits a couple of bars. If anyone knows where to find a copy of this film and how we can get it properly listed here at the IMDb please let me know.