| 14 October 1982 (USA)
Unhinged Trailers

College students Terry, Nancy, and Gloria, on their way to a rock concert, crash their car in a torrential rainstorm, badly injuring one of them. Seeking shelter and aid, they come across a house occupied by a man-hating mother and her daughter...and they soon wish they hadn't.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Pluskylang Great Film overall
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
videorama-759-859391 Why do we go to horror films? To see a lot of gore and be on edge. What the hell was this writer thinking. We've got three honeys, one at the start, who we are granted with seeing her goodies while taking a shower, going to a rock concert during a rainstorm, which as consequence, they crash their car. They're taken in by a pleasant enough guy who works at this mansion that harbor a terrible secret. There's little suspense, but a lot of screen time wasted with uninteresting activity (chatting). The old woman who owns it, has a real nasty, spiteful nature, and worse, she HATES men, hence the secret. The younger woman, the sister, provides the twist, which I liked. You won't see the twist, so to speak, it's too well covered up. It doesn't look good for three girls, either, as one by one, they're being sliced up, with a sickle in some effectively sick gore. But Unhinged suffers, purely on the lack of suspense and uninteresting prattle, by our three mains who are okay in their roles, plus dialogue from others too, in a displaced horror that could of much better, if not for a lot of nothingness. The unveiling of the killer + murderous, reasons, provide a good backing of the character's motives. Unhinged is a horror movie you'll fee cheated by.
Boba_Fett1138 This is one poorly done film. It's an incredibly cheap looking one, that doesn't feature an original story and also got poorly put together by its film-makers.Really everything about this movie screams low budget! And I'm not just talking about its visuals but also about its acting and quality of the script. The movie features some awful dialog that gets poorly delivered by its cast, that mostly consist out of persons who had never acted in a movie before and also never did so again, after this movie. But same goes for its crew. No one involved with this movie ever had a career in the industry, prior or after this movie.But really the biggest problem with this movie is that there simply is not enough happening in it. It's such a slow movie, in which some sequence seem to go on for ever. Now, there is nothing wrong with some slow storytelling and set up, since if done right it can truly build up some good tension and atmosphere that way but that just isn't the case with this movie though, unfortunately. The movie is actually a very short one (just below 80 minutes short) and they seemed really desperate to fill it, without having a decent script and story backing them up. Also can't really see why this movie had been banned for so long. It's not as if it's handling any shocking themes or is that gory to watch. Gore lovers while actually be most likely disappointed by this movie and basically all you see is some blood flying around every now and then. It probably more has something to do with the nudity in this movie, though that also isn't anything too graphic or unseen before really.I can enjoy and appreciate a good horror B-movie but this one just wasn't worth seeing.4/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
Tommy Nelson Twist endings can be really cool in a movie. It's especially interesting when the twist is right in front of our eyes, but we just don't pay attention. Those type of twist endings are the one's that make people think. Then we've got twists like this film has. Twists that, whether or not you pay attention, you have no clue what's going to happen. When they reveal this kind of random twist, instead of shock, it's somewhat a dumbfounded reaction. This film starts off like it's going to be an interesting take on horror, but after about 20 minutes, it's nothing but boring dialogue and a stupid twist.Three young women are going to a concert, so they get lost traveling through the woods, and hit a tree trunk. They end up at some old creepy lady's house, who hates men, and they are greeted by her homely daughter Marion (Laurel Munson). Strange goings on happen as these girls stay at this house for several days instead of trying to leave or get home, and the suspense progresses into a dumb slasher.This film is too caught up in it's dialogue, and it's always between only a few characters. We have the main three girls, the creepy spinster and the old lady, and conversation of any importance does not go beyond these five. To make matters worse, they never have anything interesting to say. It's actually quite maddening sitting through their conversations. We want to know what's going on, and instead they just talk and talk and talk (about nothing).Plot holes are abundant here. The house these girls stay at when they get in their car accident is apparently three miles from anywhere...wow, three miles! A two hour or less walk will kill them. Why didn't they get a ride with the worker for this household who was driving into town? Did he have a one seater? How come these girls never question leaving and just willingly stay, rarely even checking up on each other? Why did this have to have so many dumb twists? Maybe the answers are in the boring script.Having a slasher film with five characters is really a bad idea. It's not thrilling, it's not scary, and the ending is definitely out there, but undoubtedly dumb.My rating: * 1/2 out of ****. 79 mins. R for nudity and violence.
lovecraft231 Three college girls on their way to a jazz concert crash their car. Fortunately, they find shelter in an old house. Unfortunately, the people inside are more than a bit crazy.Made in 1982, "Unhinged" caught quite a bit of controversy in Britain, ending up on the Video Nasties list. So, did it belong there? Well no, not really. As it stands, "Unhinged" is a rather uneventful slasher that feels like an amateurish blend of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Psycho." The acting is bad (as expected), it takes a while for the kills to happen, and the twist ending is pretty bad.Still, there are some good points to it. While it does take a while for the kills to happen, when they do, they are pretty good. There is also a decent atmosphere brought on by the house, and director Don Gronquist knows how to use it. Best of all is the electronic score from Jonathan Newman, which stands as one of the best electronic scores in slasher movie history.Still, the bad outweighs the good, and while watchable, I can't really recommend "Unhinged" to anyone but hardcore slasher and low budget regional horror fans.