Beethoven's 4th
Beethoven's 4th
G | 04 December 2001 (USA)
Beethoven's 4th Trailers

The family is pleasantly surprised and puzzled when Beethoven suddenly becomes obedient. Turns out it's a prince and the pauper scenario, with the real Beethoven now living with a pompous rich family.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
jerrysmith-55705 Wow! After watching Beethovens 3rd I though they couldn't possibly make a movie even more stupid. I was wrong! This is honestly the worst movie I have ever seen! Bad actors, way to silly villains, no story and just all around unrealistic and immature! Don't watch it! You're wasting precious time with this horrible movie!
TheLittleSongbird Beethoven's 4th did have one or two funny moments, but is a mediocre third sequel. I really liked the first movie, it was adorable, funny and fun to watch, the second film while a slight step down was entertaining and the third was merely mediocre. This, while not the worst sequel ever, Home Alone 4, NeverEnding Story 3 and Secret Of NIMH 2:Timmy To The Rescue all were bastardisations of their originals, was at best mediocre and just wasn't my cup of tea. Back to Beethoven's 4th, Beethoven himself is funny, as is his counterpart Michaelangelo, and the performances while nothing special were acceptable. And I liked the big house. However, as a sequel it is unmemorable, and falls into the trap of being predictable. The plot is basically a canine rehash of The Prince and the Pauper, and the reason why it doesn't work is because it has been done many times before; Disney with Mickey Mouse, numerous adaptations of the classic Mark Twain tale and the sequel Garfield 2: A Tale of Two Kitties(one of the few sequels out there that was better than the original). The script was poor, and the direction was plodding in places. All in all, don't expect the original, it is a substandard sequel, that could have been so much better. 3/10 for Beethoven and the actors. Bethany Cox
leela_zoid All I can say is Beethoven must be spinning in his grave that his name is even used for this piece of crap. I know if it was my name I'd haunt the damn person whom created this turkey. How many more are they going to make before it dawns on them that too much is not always a good thing. Hello McFly! This film isn't even amusing to the little kiddies. My niece fell a sleep during it in the first half hour at that. The young young toddler kiddies might like it but anyone over the age of 4 watch out. Borefest! Lets put it this way Judge Reinhold couldn't suck more in a flick although give the D list actor some credit it was better than the 3rd which really doesn't say much since both are equally stupid. The acting by everyone was horrible except Mark Chapman...I have a small crush on him. I have to pity him though for appearing in this. God,what some people will do for money. Next it will be Beethoven the pimp! I better shut up knowing Hollywood and it's obsession with killing a franchise to death with crap infested sequels they just might. I haven't seen the 5th one yet but I can honestly tell you this. If they so much make one more I think I'm gonna puke.
meloda To anybody who hasn't seen any Beethoven Movies, I would strongly recommend watching the first two great movies, and then stopping! Beethoven and Beethoven's 2nd were excellent movies, with the great actors Charles Grodin, Bonnie Hunt, and Nichole Tom! The third and fourth didn't have any of these actors, had dumb plots, different characters which were acted poorly, and were very dull! Hasn't anybody ever heard of quitting while you're ahead!