Lost & Found
Lost & Found
PG-13 | 23 April 1999 (USA)
Lost & Found Trailers

In order to impress his beautiful French neighbor, Dylan Ramsey dognaps her pet pooch so he can return him and become a hero.

Micransix Crappy film
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
SnoopyStyle Dylan Ramsey (David Spade) gets dumped by stripper girlfriend Ginger (Ever Carradine). He owns a restaurant in desperate need of a loan. Wally (Artie Lange) is his really loud waiter. He falls for cellist neighbor Lila Dubois (Sophie Marceau). He gets caught naked after losing strip poker to the old ladies. Lila's cheating ex Rene chases her from across the ocean. Dylan decides to kidnap her dog Jack and spend time with her looking for the dog. Then the dog swallows his best friend's diamond ring.David Spade is doing his sarcastic douche character. Without his partner Chris Farley, it doesn't really work especially as a romantic leading man. It's horrible to watch Sophie Marceau being distressed and knowing that Spade is the cause. I rather the lovely Sophie stay single. Even Artie Lange would be better.
jonbnfd After reading all the bad comments, i figured to make my own opinion. Now, i can understand if you didn't like the movie, it happens sometimes (personally, i loved it. it was very cute...which is why i'm weird....i guess)but to say David Spade isn't funny really ticks me off! I think he's super funny,and he's one of the few that makes me laugh (i'm a hard person to make laugh). And give me a darn break, gosh! at least he's trying. GOSH! anyway, the movie was great, like all the other movies he's done. so good job David Spade! you are a truly funny funny person. hmmm you know what?! i don't think i'm weird anymore! you people, are the weird ones the ones that don't think he's funny!
patygirl_df So, here I was watching HBO, when I saw that a sweet comedy was going t pass on Sunday night. I got interested, I love romantic comedies and it's nice to watch something light, once and a while.The guy I knew from a tv show, but the woman didn't look strange, so I look closer and I saw it was someone I knew. I had to check it up at the magazine and I was very surprised, it was really her. I'm a big fan of Sophie Marceau, she is very beautiful and talented. I've seen her in movies like Braveheart, Anna Karenina and Firelight and she was always magnificent. They were all very difficult parts, very dense and emotional.But this movie is about a slim short guy who falls in love with his beautiful successful neighbour. He doesn't know what to do to get to know her . He tried to return her dog everytime it runs away, but everytime he only gets a thank you from her. So, he had this idea, hide the dog for a couple of hours and ask her to take a walk with him and try to find it. The plan goes well, he makes she think he's funny and charming, they have a good time. But, when he supposed to return the dog, he finds out that he can't. From this point on, it's just a lot of confusion and funny situations.David Space is great, the star of "Just Shoot Me" plays a part very similar with Finch, Sophie is not just beautiful and talented, but also very funny. And the script is okay. Although it's a little predictable, it's also charming and convincing. I mean, we believe that the hot neighbour can actually fall in love with the unactractive sweet guy.The movie doesn't want to be more than a good entertainment and it succeeds. Great chance to have good laughs and see a different Sophie Marceau.
syndrome477 His neighbor lady is beautiful. Thinking of a creative way to meet her, he notices her dog runs away a lot. He figures if he hides the dog, pretending it's lost and tells her he'll find it then he could bring the dog home and be her hero.It wasn't the best plan. I rented this movie, over and over. I love it. It always gets me laughing. So finally I bought it. Now when I need a good laugh, or even when I don't, I pull it off the shelf and put it in the VCR. I never knew David Spade could sing. After watching that movie, I like his style more!