Best Worst Movie
Best Worst Movie
| 14 March 2009 (USA)
Best Worst Movie Trailers

A look at the making of the film Troll 2 (1990) and its journey from being crowned the "worst film of all time" to a cherished cult classic.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
room102 This is a documentary about the "so bad it's good" movie "Troll 2 (1990)", a movie that is so bad that it gained cult classic status, like "The Room (2003)", with sold-out screening, etc.The documentary is pretty interesting and well made. Everyone in the cast is interviewed - many of them are aware of how bad the movie is, and take it lightly. Others (including the director himself) take the movie extremely seriously, completely unaware (or in denial) that people like the movie because it's terrible. One of the actresses actually compares it to movies such as "Casablanca". The Italian director - who, like Ed Wood, actually believes he made a great movie - goes so far as to call his actors "dogs" when they criticize the movie and tell people "you don't understand nothing" when they ask him simple questions about flaws in the movie. You get to meet some weirdos, but most of them are nice people and they all have one thing in common - they all like the movie industry.5.5/10 Recommended
gavin6942 A look at the making of the film Troll 2 (1990) and its journey from being crowned the "worst film of all time" to a cherished cult classic.You have to love how seriously the Italian creators took the film, with Fragasso going so far as to call it an "important" film that examines important social issues. And his cheapskate methods of making the actors buy their own wardrobes and then destroying them on set.While the biggest problem with "Troll 2" was probably the inexperienced actors, the documentary highlights a key issue in Italian-American productions: the language barrier. When the director does not know English and the actors do not know Italian, there is no way to judge if a line is being delivered correctly. And then it could sound terrible. Even the biggest names (Bava, Argento) in Italian horror have run into this issue, but generally hire experienced actors who know how to give good performances without much effort...
cynthia-ostrich I begin with a preface - As a watcher of truly awful movies for the comedic value, Troll 2 has been on my DVD shelf for many years. It is one of the worst movies ever made, making it indeed hilarious. I know it is not a watch for everyone.While going through a documentary phase recently I began to watch 'Best Worst Movie' on Netflix. I had no idea what it was about. I didn't pay particular attention to the description. It starts by telling the story of a southern dentist named George Hardy. He is definitely a pillar of the community and an all-around great guy with a million dollar smile. I couldn't put my finger on it, but for some reason George Hardy looked so familiar to me. Then they point out about 5 minutes in that the always smiling Hardy starred in one of the worst movies ever…Troll 2. The brain synapses fired and I recalled it all immediately.This documentary takes you not only behind the making of this ill-conceived poorly budgeted film back in 1989, but also the lives of all those behind it…then and now. It takes you on the journey of Troll 2; from being a laughable joke to one with an impressive cult following.Michael Stephenson starred as young Joshua in Troll 2, believing it was going to be the start of a long and successful acting career. The movie was a flop and pretty much ruined Michael's dream. Now as an adult, Michael directs the documentary telling the heartwarming story behind many of the actors in the film. It shows us that even the worst of films has a story to tell and indeed a little heart. If you have never screened Troll 2 I guarantee you after watching this documentary you will want to.
Dalbert Pringle So, let me get this right - The 1989 garbage-movie called Troll 2 was such a putrid piece of trash that (get this) 20 years later (out of some weird compulsion, or whatever) another garbage-movie was made called Best Worst Movie and this piece of rubbish was made specifically to tell us all just how really terrible Troll 2 was.Duh. Yeah. Yeah. I get the message. OK!!?? Sheesh! Like, give me a break, already! And, with that said, I ask you - Why-oh-why do so many fans of bad movies seem to endlessly wallow and persistently marvel at such movie-ineptitude as trash like Troll 2, anyways? Eh? Why? And if that wasn't inexplicably stupid enough - When it came to Best Worst Movie, as a movie, in and of itself - I'm tellin' ya - If one more, just one more, person/actor/whoever in this dismal excuse for a movie raved just one more time about what a terrific/wonderful/swell guy that actor/dentist George Hardy was (like, even Hardy's ex-wife got into the act. sheesh!) I think that I surely would've puked my guts out right there on the spot. I really would've.It seemed to me that far too much of Best Worst Movie's running time was utterly wasted away in an inane attempt to firmly establish Hardy as the best "gosh-darn" guy (next to Jesus Christ, of course) ever to walk on the face of this here planet Earth. Golly-Gee.All of this senseless and annoying praise and gushing over Hardy really put me off, big time. Like, was this all really necessary? In my opinion, all of this nonsense only succeeded in making Hardy (in my eyes) out to be an even bigger arse than he probably was.And, unfortunately, because Hardy was such an integral part of Best Worst Movie's production I found it near impossible to even slightly enjoy this truly stupid movie for what it was (or what it wasn't) worth.So, there.