Wish You Were Here
Wish You Were Here
R | 07 June 2013 (USA)
Wish You Were Here Trailers

Four friends lose themselves in a carefree South-East Asian holiday. Only three come back. Dave and Alice return home to their young family desperate for answers about Jeremy's mysterious disappearance. When Alice's sister Steph returns not long after, a nasty secret is revealed about the night her boyfriend went missing. But it is only the first of many. Who amongst them knows what happened on that fateful night when they were dancing under a full moon in Cambodia?

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
adam-703-808689 Don't be put off by the opening of this movie, which shows four privileged thirty-somethings indulging themselves on a SE Asian holiday; followed by more self-conscious family life in pretty Sydney surroundings. Then it appears not all is well. One of the four, a businessman, has gone missing, and other things which happened on the holiday begin to be revealed. Excellent performances from Teresa Palmer and Joel Edgerton, and a skillful withholding of information, keep this mystery/emotional drama ticking over. The prettiness of the photography is a nice irony, contrasting with the increasingly murky revelations. There's a slight over-indulgence in arty camera angles when you'd like to get closer to the characters and their feelings; the performances by the missing man's parents are unconvincing, and the the lead female performance is often curiously detached. Nevertheless this is one of those stories which slowly grows stronger; its twists are credible and powerful. Good work!
Amey Sharma Let me start by telling that this movie has been into spotlight since months right from an official entry into 'Sundance Film Festival' and till now the buzz is still on-going, which is a great thing. I first saw the trailer and was fascinated by it and 'Think It Over' song struck my ears since then. Moreover being a 'Teresa Palmer' fan overall I had lot of expectations from the movie and Yes!...it does have all those needed elements to keep you involve.This is first time I watched an Aussie film and loved it. Way the movie starts is amazing. Thanks to Kieren, in a carefree South-East Asian holiday we get to see Cambodia with foot-stomping music and in few minutes later, way the movie title appears, the scene is terrific and impactive. So you come to know this is gonna be interesting ahead. Sydney is delighting for the eyes. Overall the cinematography of the film is splendid.In terms of acting Felicity Price, Joel Edgerton and Teresa Palmer have very strong performances. Unfortunately Antony Starr is very good but has very short role, which is bit disappointing, considering people would have liked to see him more. Plot of the film is quite familiar though, but it has been handled differently and that's where the movie's plus point lies. I have to mention, Tim Rogers's music is really impactive and I's felicitous to hear 'Think it over' when end titles kept rolling.I would have given rating as 9 for the movie, but only drawback movies has is continuity. I's confused several times watching and thinking, is it flashback or present. Editing is nice, but has certain flaws to make you think and drift away from the flow.So overall, I loved the film and I really appreciate actor Kieran Darcy-Smith's directorial debut. Film is co-written by his wife Felicity Price, who is outstanding actress I must say. This film has awesome acting, nice plot, good locations and continuous suspense to keep us involve. Main thing about the film is, it has significant impact and was not been compromised in terms of budget, which could have been major issue. Hence thumbs-up from my side and I'd love to see Kieran's next attempt.
trickstar_trippy Great acting, that's what first comes to mind. Also, a refreshing sense of proper Aussie film-making (in the vein of 'Animal Kingdom' or 'Wolf Creek'). It's tense, very well lensed, fleshed out characters. As the personal drama in the family life unfolds, so does the mystery begin to unravel. The ending doesn't come as a shock, but as a carefully built up finale. Strongly recommended for everyone who's into thriller/drama with horror touches. It uses enough plot elements which aren't the most original, but the way the script blends all these elements into a coherent and well-paced story. A sense of permanent dread menaces the situations on-screen, but this is far from being a grim film. It balances out really well, as there are enough family subplots that lighten it up when the film becomes too tense.And, again, great performances from the actors.
Rebasguy Saw this recently on a flight from Bangkok and although it was only on the incredibly small screen, I think it was about the right size for the story. It was a very simple tale, with not too much drama and fairly predictable narrative wrapped around a very obvious dialogue. The main lead acted well and that in my mind magnified the shortcomings of the story.There were obvious gaps in the story that the actors tried to fill with raw emotion but that didn't quite gel with me and there was the willing suspension of disbelief with regard to the final scenes that were meant to sum up so much but instead left you feeling that the tale had been dragged out somewhat.