R | 22 October 2004 (USA)
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The Munns, father John and sons Chris and Tim, recede to the woods of rural Georgia. Their life together is forever changed with the arrival of Uncle Deel, though the tragedy that follows forces troubled Chris to become a man.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
OJT Talented filmmaking from director of Pianapple Express, with a disturbing underlying nerve right from the start. The story evolves around two brothers growing up in a poor, rural farming environment in the southern part of Georgia. Troubles comes when the convicted brother of the father of the boys turned up unexpectedly, looking for some hidden gold coins.It's a well told story, a southern tragedy, with great acting from the entire cast. The underlying terror of the past is haunting in this piece of good film making. The story is perfectly told, but if something's lacking here, it's the final pull of interest. But it's beautiful, sad and heart wrenching from a lesser fortunate part of USA.Well worth a watch, if you don't expect a masterpiece, but a good film.
Targe It's rare when I can actually say I want my lost time back from this garbage. This film was so bad it's hard to find a place to start.We are 'treated' to a loser father who has dragged his weird boys into the countryside to raise pigs and live in their filth. One boy appears perfectly normal, yet the movie portrays him as a criminal. He breaks a window pane to get his g/f's attention and they send TWO squad cars after him, fishtailing up the gravel roads in true Dukes of Hazzard style. Pathetic, and AS IF. This was after the kid got a nail in a board stuck to his foot and then jumped in a river. Leave your believability at the door.His younger brother is worse, much worse. He goes around eating pig crap and paint and dirt and whatever he can stuff in his weird little mouth. By the middle of the movie we were laughing insults at 'Paint boy' and asking him to please shut up his voice-overs, which are endless, INANE, pointless! stupid, and completely ANNOYING, and go eat some nuclear waste and DIE for goddsake!Then we have the mysterious case of the loser father allowing his jail bird brother to stay with them, after apparently the murdering psycho KILLED THE DAD'S WIFE??!!?? This is never fully explained in the movie but heavily implied.Then he's surprised when the guy tries to steal his father's inherited coins, and instead of grabbing a shotgun, calmly just asks the guy to put them back... the idiocy and lack of believability in this movie is stunning.So obviously, which we saw 1/2 an hour ago and from 50,000 feet, he kills the dad. The stupid kids, instead of running IMMEDIATELY into the woods TO THE NEAREST POLICE STATION, try HIDING IN THEIR ROOM!!! OMG! This is worse than a grade-B slasher movie!!! Then when they do get away, ignoring dad's station wagon btw and choosing to run on foot, the killer psycho tracks them like some sort of demonic bloodhound, mysteriously always finding them again.In the final scene, instead of running away, the older kid mysteriously decides to commit suicide by challenging the fully grown man WHO IS ARMED WITH A KNIFE to a wrestling match in a nearby slough. Predictably the kid is quickly drowned, but somehow, mysteriously, manages to plunge the guy's knife into the guy while under water, and oh yeah, BEING DROWNED.Thank god they cut out the part where annoying PAINT BOY comes back and calmly sits down beside the psycho who just drowned his brother, and oh, talks about crap and annoying bs while the guy dies.What a complete TRAIN WRECK of a movie, thank the GODS I borrowed this off my girlfriend's sister and did not have to pay a DIME to watch it. I STILL feel ripped off from my WASTED TIME though.
phd_travel This is a realistic horror movie - a horror drama. It doesn't resort to special effects or shock tactics or supernatural nonsense. The horror comes in different ways. The reality of the poverty and rural existence that can exist in the deep South is quite horrifying. The deterioration of family relationships is another. The killing scene is quite shocking and realistic. The violence isn't excessive but it is graphic so a warning - this is the type of movie that children shouldn't see.The story is simple. A single father (Dermot Mulroney) and his two young sons live in a farm in the sticks. Dermot's brother (Josh Lucas) arrives and the terror begins. There are no red herrings or unnecessary twists.Jamie Bell is a really good actor. Even though he is not the most good looking actor his acting ability just carries the movie. His scenes with his younger brother are really quite touching and you feel for them during their run.Josh Lucas is menacing without overacting - very effective. Dermot Mulroney and Josh both do the white trash thing very well. They both look very different from their usual selves. Kristen Stewart has a small role in the beginning.The ending is not far fetched and is satisfying.This is way above the usual slasher movie. It is haunting and will stay with you for a long time after.
Gordon-11 This film is about two young boys having to run for their lives after witnessing a dark family affair.Though this film could have been intense and thrilling, I found it really boring. Though one could say that the slow pacing was used to develop the characters, I think it undermined the film's rush as a thriller. I also found it unconvincing that Deel was able to find the two boys after they boarded the train. Fortunately, Dermot Mulroney is quite believable as a tough father. If it was not for Jamie Bell and Devon Alan's great portrayal of young boys on the run, the film would have been very disappointing. "Undertow" is unfortunately a forgettable film.