Troll Hunter
Troll Hunter
PG-13 | 10 June 2011 (USA)
Troll Hunter Trailers

A group of students investigates a series of mysterious bear killings, but learns that there are much more dangerous things going on. They start to follow a mysterious hunter, learning that he is actually a troll hunter.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
paulclaassen I've been wanting to see this for a while due to the media hype. I've long since lost interest in found footage films, but must admit I found this captivating from the beginning. The Norway setting was beautiful! Being a film about students making a documentary, it made perfect sense why they were constantly recording. Unfortunately, as the film progressed, I found it less believable and less entertaining. There are a number of plot holes, and I don't understand what Christianity has to do with Trolls? They can smell when you're a Christian and therefore will attack you??? What the hell??! Is this anti-Christianity propaganda?The troll hunting became a bit boring, as well, as there wasn't much happening, really - apart from a bunch of people going after trolls, off course. The film just lacks the entertainment value I was so looking forward to - possibly due to the fact that this was found footage. It was nevertheless well made, though, with really decent visuals.
SnoopyStyle In 2008, the filmmakers receive mysterious anonymous film material. In it, university students Thomas, Johanna and Kalle travel to document bear poaching. There have been strange incidents going on. Norwegian Wildlife Board head Finn Haugen dismisses the mystery. The group follows suspected hunter Hans and he confesses to be a part of a government conspiracy to hide the existence of trolls.The obvious comparison is 'The Blair Witch Project' with the faux found footage documentary. The main difference is that some people actually thought Blair Witch was real. It's still fun to have the real element and the CGI troll. The second half is too unreal with the unbelievable government conspiracy. It also becomes a bit boring as the story meanders. This has some good elements and a watchable first half.
Parasite Reviews Playing on old Norwegian folklore of the menacing Troll, this film is well worth the watch - just don't expect anything in the form of true horror.The film follows a group of Norwegian students investigating the strange deaths of bears throughout the region. Their search soon leads them on the track of Hans, a secretive hunter whom appears to be the root cause of the mysterious deaths. Ever reluctant to aid the students, Hans finally gives in to their persistent requests and opens their eyes to the terrifying fairy tale.The mockumentary boasts breathtaking landscapes of Scandinavia throughout the search for the destructive trolls. Twisting and turning our way through forests and rivers, the superior special effects and natural landscapes never disappointed.Despite the mesmerizing visuals, the film does drag at points and many of the hints at proper Norwegian folklore will go over the heads of many Westerners (like myself). Without the necessary Norwegian perspective, the comedy can be a bit dry at times as well. Don't expect anything up to the standards of 'Tucker & Dale vs. Evil', but these trolls certainly toss any shark themed films out of the way with ease.
bodil-644-474356 I honestly did not know which angle this movie was coming from and I can't believe it garnered a Blu-ray release. I always get annoyed at sentences like "footage has been examined by experts and found to be authentic" so I guess the movie started on a bad note. I gathered after a short time this was a spoof but if it was comedy it gave very few laughs (OK I did laugh at the troll eating Ned Kelly). Is using flawed science comedy? Didn't work for me. What ever angle this movie was presenting it didn't float my boat. Still I give it 3 stars for: A: Interesting CGI of trolls B: The cute blonde camera girl C: This movie is 99% filming of driving in cars, people running through forests, talking in camper trailers etc. Add a few dollars for some slime and a not so real looking dead bear and this movie was really done on the cheap so kudos to the producers for keeping to a low (and I mean low) budget.