Trailer Park of Terror
Trailer Park of Terror
R | 21 October 2008 (USA)
Trailer Park of Terror Trailers

Six troubled high school students and their chaperon, an optimistic youth ministries Pastor, return from an outdoor character building retreat in the mountains. During a raging storm, their bus crashes, hopelessly stranding them in the middle of the Trucker's Triangle, a forgotten locus of consummate evil in the middle of nowhere.

MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
larawoolley I was surprised by this film - it was highly entertaining. I recorded it from the Horror Channel and fortunately they advertised the film as horror, not horror comedy (I'm not a big fan) otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. I am so glad that I recorded it - It is horror with a dark comedic underlay and it works so well. The characters are brilliant, memorable and well acted; the gore factor is huge and brilliant, and the story line is excellent too. In parts it reminded me of House of 1000 Corpses (one of my all time favourite films). I really really enjoyed this film and will be buying the DVD and recommending it to others. Brilliant.
tommywilley47 I'm only scoring it as high as i am cause it did have a lot of gore in it which was a plus for me. everything else was absolutely lame. i felt like i was watching an episode of jerry springer in hell. i felt like i was dumber than i already am for watching this and i will do whatever i can to not see it again anytime soon. the gore was cool but the rest was absolute garbage. id rather stare at the microwave or pass a kidney stone.i guess the psycho billy music was kind of cool. i do like some psycho billy from time to time. i am just not into the whole white trash, hooker stuff. the old dumpy fat woman who wanted meat all the time was a little amusing. i say if you are really desperate give this movie a go but don't say i didn't warn you.
GoregirlsDungeon Newspaper clipping about disappearances in the vicinity of the trailer park leads us up to present day. Enter the victims in the form of Pastor Lewis and his bus of teenage misfits. The group and the events surrounding them are as cliché as they get; drug addict, jerk, slut, etc. A storm comes, the bus crashes, no cell phone signal, you know the drill. While the group of teens are irritating in varying degrees, the inane dialog was more tolerable than most, and this chatter is kept at reasonable levels. Stranded in the middle of nowhere with nothing in sight but the trailer park. They are greeted by the very hospitable Norma who invites them in out of the rain. She serves refreshments, shares some stories, and then shows the group to the seemingly uninhabited trailers to spend the night. Doesn't exactly sound electric at this point but that's because we're talking about the victims. When night falls, the trailer park comes alive (in an undead sort of way)! The real fun in this movie comes from the wonderfully warped residents of the trailer park. First and foremost, Norma played by Nichole Hiltz rocked! Sweet and endearing one moment and coo-coo crazy the next (when the crazy hits she reminded me of Joy from My Name Is Earl). It's by no fault of her own that Norma grew up with her prostitute mama in this trailer park of hideous men. But Norma is full of spunk making the best of her new undead situation and really embracing her redneck roots. Norma's creepy cohorts who once made her life a living hell are now her permanent undead companions. Marv is a bit of a thug but has a serious crush on Norma. Stank makes delicious jerky and is number one customer of Miss China. Miss China is the local "masseuse" who offers her "services" to the residents and truck drivers passing through. The gluttonous Larlene is Stank's best customer and can't get enough meat in any form. Finally we have rockabilly guitar playing drug addict Roach. A hideously fascinating and often hilarious group that had me mesmerized every second they were on screen! The interaction between the trailer park residents is full of snappy and hilarious dialog, excellent visuals and great music! The rockabilly soundtrack is perfect. I loved the way they incorporate Roach's delightful guitar ditties into a scene and how he sorta resembles the dude on the cover of The Cramps album Bad Music For Bad People. The make-up effects used on all the residents are outstanding. It takes a lot of work to look as adorable as Norma when you're a rotting corpse! Watching her primping and preening was very entertaining! The effects in general are impressive and there is some really great gore and fun and creative deaths. I don't want to spoil all the fun of the jerky scene so let's just say you get a very informative and graphic demonstration of Stank's jerky making technique. The only complaint I really have is I would have liked one more really meaty gore scene. A couple of the teens die somewhat uneventfully and personally I would have really liked to see Larlene have a grandly graphic gourmet dinner. It's just business as usual in the old trailer park. Drag racin', drinkin', making sex films and delicious jerky!Trailer Park of Terror is based on the Imperium Comics series of the same name. I know practically nothing about the world of comics and graphic novels and I never knew this one even existed, so needless to say I can't speak to how it compares. All I know is I thoroughly enjoyed Trailer Park Of Terror. It has great characters, excellent music and impressive effects that had me laughing and delightfully disgusted. Highly Recommended!
HumanoidOfFlesh "Trailer Park of Terror" starts with young Norma about to finally leave her trailer park for good.When her fiancée is murdered by rednecks she makes a deal with long-haired Grim Reaper,so she can exterminate all of her tormentors.Unfortunately Norma and her victims are now cursed to be undead,coming back every night to kill any unfortunate victims that wander in after dark.The victims include a group of troubled teens heading to religious camp.Norma herself is the leader of the pack and is just as vicious as her old trailer park foes."Trailer Park of Terror" offers some gruesome scenes of torture and cannibalism accompanied by the singing of Roach from on top of his trailer.Zombified redneck plays his electric guitar with style.The soundtrack of the film is fantastic and the script makes fun of trailer parks,southerners and fat people.The set design is great:the trailers look gloomy and disgusting.7 out of 10.