Halloween II
Halloween II
R | 28 August 2009 (USA)
Halloween II Trailers

Laurie Strode struggles to come to terms with her brother Michael's deadly return to Haddonfield, Illinois. Meanwhile, Michael prepares for another reunion with his sister.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
DylanSo Killing the dog so brutally was terrible. Doing that and snapping frame into the vegetarian pizza discussion was ridiculous. Was that supposed to suggest meat is meat, whether Michael is eating a dog he murdered or a cop is eating a pepperoni pizza? Seriously? Between the cow getting smashed all over the road, the pot belly pig getting cuddled, and the numerous comments by the annoying girls about adopting a meat-free diet, this movie quickly becomes socially pathetic. But that's all on top of the core of why this is so bad. The very opening scene between the mom and the boy is painful to watch because the acting is so bad. Throughout the movie there are single scenes involving well-recognized actors playing characters you don't get to know or like. The casting was focused on face-dropping, and not on good acting. Classic all-time lovable characters Dr Loomis and Lori Strode are both written to be so annoying that you aren't rooting for them to make it. The one girl curses out and humiliates the poor cop sent to protect her, so the feeling when she's being slaughtered is not one of pity. Why would the filmmaker do that? Why make us not care who lives or dies? So with no one to root for, and so much overdone blood and gore that the movie loses its horror value, it is hard to stay interested at all. Also, just like the over-done blood, the dialogue is so laden with the curses especially the f word, that it alienates you from the writing. I'm not a prude, I curse, but not in every sentence I speak to every person every day. It's used here to cover-up the extremely poor dialogue writing, and because the writer has no idea how normal people converse. Not only was the writer unable to compose dialogue, he was unable to compose a coherent story, which is why we have so many irritating dream sequences to fill in all the huge gaps where there isn't a plot. If you want to make 2 really terrible movies, just go out and make 2 really terrible movies. Why soil the iconic film history legends Halloween and Michael Myers? I never would have taken the time to write a detailed review like this of a random bad movie. I did this in defense of the original Halloween and all its glory.
hongkong666 Rob Zombie's world is different. We all know that. After the 2007 remake of Halloween this is now the sequel to it. And once again Zombie follows his path relentlessly, despite all the criticism for the first attempt. The director took this classic and gave it a complete overhaul. Not only in story but also in the way the characters are presented. Remember the original? We all liked Dr. Loomis, right? Not so in this one. Loomis is one of the least likable characters in this movie and totally self centered. Michael Myers still stands tall and is so much more impressive than in the original. By this I mean just the appearance. If I would see the Michael from the original at night on a dark street, I'd just think "what a weirdo". If I came across this one, I better run as fast as I can! Also all other characters have been dragged through the dirt of what I would describe as a reality check. You easily can imagine meeting any of these characters in real life and they would just behave the way they do in this movie. It almost doesn't feel like acted and I really like this approach. Yet I still miss the intense atmosphere of the original movies. If you are just looking for an impressive slasher let loose, then this movie is for you. I am totally capable of enjoying both versions for different reasons.
lorcan-61881 Halloween might have pissed off a few Halloween fans but considering the great success at the box office, a sequel was then put into development for 2009 and then we got Halloween II..wow. Halloween II I never actually really watched until last week along with the remake..two pretty different films. I honestly really enjoyed the first Halloween film and then we got this. Halloween 2 when I think about it was really different to the first film, the film had things I liked..and things I did'nt like, lets just get the bads out of the way now. The dream sequences in this film were fucking awful and I hated them so much, I know in ways Halloween 2 actually tried to remake the original 1981 film which also featured one or two dream sequences but this film had way too many and I felt like I was watching some sort of fucked up Marilyn Manson music video, I also felt like after Laurie shot Myers in the face, literally, I don't really think this was necessary, it just felt like a money milking scheme to punish you. Goods; the acting, the acting in this film is really good from Scout Taylor Compton as Laurie and of course Danielle Harris as Annie from the Halloween remake and the original two Halloween's, 4 and 5. Overall, Halloween 2 is ok, but suffers from a bit too much stuff we did not need, at all.
generationofswine Malcolm McDowell so 2 stars just like I did the first one: ** The nudity isn't as much, so maybe I was wrong, maybe he was going for satire in the first one and not snuff porn...or maybe he was told to tone it down with the rape and dead naked women......but there are still naked women that get murdered by the big scary male monster after committing a fundamentalist sin of one kind or another......so was it intended to be a satire of the genre or does it just get Zombie off? Still not sure.And again, the atmosphere isn't there. The film has a feel to it that is almost grindhouse sleaze without being good enough to really achieve grindhouse sleaze.It makes for an off putting after taste in your mouth.And with all the nudity it still feels like its trying to be Friday the 13th more than it is a Halloween installment.Yet again I ask "Why remake it?" And this time the answer I can come up with is, Zombie is a great musician...unfortunately he shouldn't quit his day job.