Mummy Raider
Mummy Raider
NR | 08 January 2002 (USA)
Mummy Raider Trailers

Misty, the Mummy Raider (Misty Mundae) must battle an evil Neo Nazi scientist (Ruby Larocca) and an ancient, powerful mummy (Rich George) trying to raise the Fourth Reich.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
gridoon2018 Someone had a great idea: let's have Misty Mundae do her own, R-rated version of Lara Croft - firing two guns not only in skimpy outfits, but topless as well. It WAS indeed a great idea. The problem is that the people who had it couldn't come up with any sort of script or budget to support it. Therefore, we get a "film" that barely reaches medium length by replaying many of its parts (often in slow-motion), and was apparently shot entirely inside a garage. The appeal of Misty Mundae is still evident: she is unbelievably cute and has a natural girl-next-door beauty. However her two female co-stars here, with whom she shares a lengthy lesbian scene, are nowhere near her league. If "Mummy Raider" was presented as a Youtube video, I'd rate it higher, but as a "film" destined for DVD consumption it cannot get more than 1/2 a * out of 4.
The_Void I can't say I'm all that experienced in misty Mundae flicks having seen only a handful, but it's obvious that this was made on a shoestring, and while it might have been respectable that the filmmakers were able to make a Tomb Raider rip-off inside a garage, it isn't because it's completely obvious that this is what they were doing. The film only runs for forty five minutes, and this is definitely a good thing as there isn't nearly enough plot here to stretch it out for any longer. It has something to do with an evil Nazi scientist (who looks about as evil as a porn star playing a Nazi scientist ever could), a mummy, which is clearly a man wrapped up in toilet roll and Misty - this film's version of Tomb Raider, who keeps her top on for much less time than Angelina Jolie did in the big budget version. I have to say that even in spite of its shortcomings, this film could have been better. It's got Misty Mundae for a start, and even better than that if you ask me is the fact that it also stars the even hotter Darian Caine. The pair gets to engage in all the lesbian sex that you would expect from a Seduction Cinema film and this is at the expense of the nonexistent plot, although that isn't really a bad thing. Obviously, this is a rubbish film - but the fact that it's short is to its credit, and if you're after a bit of lesbian sex, you could do worse.
B-MovieDork If you are a fan, then you will probably enjoy this. If you don't know who Misty Mundae, Darian Caine, Ruby LaRocca, or Seduction Cinema are, this is not the movie to start out with. It's very cute, silly, the girls are hot, and it's fun to watch. There's no sex whatsoever until the very end of the 45 minute film, but the score is cheesy-trippy and the plot's not a total bore. Misty Mundae's makeup is bad in this movie and her hair is in awkward braids, so she's not as hot in this as she has been in others. But her panties in this are quite cute (you'll just have to see the movie for that to not sound really weird). If you do like this one, you will probably enjoy "That 70's Girl", "Vampire Vixens", or "Erotic Survivor" (which is a bit more sexually graphic). If you prefer watching Misty or Esmerelda in less sexual, more horror/exploitation-based (but lower budget) movies, check out the Factory 2000 website.
DaveHasNoTimeForAnyOfThisBull Esmeralda DellaRocca gives a funny performance as the villainess turned bimbo in this hilarious movie. She puts on a bad accent and a blonde wig to play a Nazi doctor trying to start the fourth Reich. The way she speaks as though she is making the accent up as she goes along will drive you nuts. Misty Mundae is the Mummy Raider and she plays this movie straight and then as a seductress in the final scenes. Those scenes have some of the funniest dialogue I could imagine. If you said those things to a 'grumpy' woman in private one has to wonder if they'd actually work. Darian Caine is believable in even a mainstream action film as the damsel in distress.Unfortunately this movie is only 45 minutes short and is not long enough to be anything more than a sexy Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider parody. The extras in the DVD are bloopers, trailers, a behind the scenes look, and a Misty Mundae special. In summary, I'd say go for it and you'd be the most popular guy on the block.Edit: 5 out of 54 people find this comment useful. Misty Mundae needs to do hardcore porn.