R | 08 November 1973 (USA)
Torso Trailers

A masked serial killer with psychosexual issues strangles female coeds with scarves before dismembering them. When a wealthy student identifies one of the scarves and thinks she has a lead on a suspect, she becomes the killer's next target, retreating to her family's remote cliffside villa with three of her girlfriends.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
matheusmarchetti Just watched this very well crafted giallo from the criminally underrated Italian horror director Sergio Martino. While it is MUCH different in style to his other films, as it is considerably more sleazy, as well as lacking the class and visual beauty of say "The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh", "Torso" manages to be very entertaining, with a clever plot that manages to keep the viewer guessing from the beginning to the end. It also includes some of the greatest suspense scenes in a horror film (the whole third act, basically), and some deliciously brutal murder scenes, my favorite being Carol's death. The jazzy soundtrack fits perfectly with the film's depraved violent yet erotic tone. Tina Aumont and Susy Kendall were very likable heroines, and I was both surprised and upset by Aumont's demise, since she was my favorite character in the film. Overall, a very fine giallo that is without a doubt one of the biggest influences on the slasher craze of the 80's, particularly "Friday the 13th".
ElijahCSkuggs If you ask around for the sleaziest and most violent giallos, sooner or later you'll end up hearing about, Torso. And for good reason, it's got a high amount of nudity, and some fun gore scenes. And would you believe it, the story is pretty sweet as well.The film revolves around a gaggle of girls whom are all falling at the hands of a masked/gloved killer. After a nice lil strangulation via scarf, they're usually molested in some violent way. Woohoo! Anyhoo, the film is basically revolves around figuring out who the masked/gloved killer is and trying to conjure up some decent thrills along the way.Like I previously said, the film has the goods. It has amazing looking women, super model level, getting nekkid. And these hot babes get the beat down as well. Now what's better than a hot chick getting the comuppins? Nothing, that's what! But the saving grace of this movie that really pushes it over the hump is the use of tension. There's a sequence during the last third of the film that takes place in a country-house, and I gotta admit, it was done very well.Torso, is without a doubt, a must-see film for any fan of giallo. And if you're just a fan of cinema that enjoys a well-made film with boobs and blood, then this is also gold material. If you can, get the uncut version.
preppy-3 A bunch of sex crimes happen around a college. Four women decide to get away for a while in this deserted house in the middle of nowhere. They immediately engage in lesbian sex, sunbathe in the nude and skinny dip---while they know there's a killer around! I saw the uncut version of this released on DVD. The violence was considerably cut originally when this came to the US in the early 1970s. Well, even intact, this is lousy. It's full of pointless female nudity and lesbian sex scenes. I realize most giallos have that but this one has an incredible amount! It OPENS with a long lesbian sex sequence which has little bearing on the plot. It's an Italian movie and with the sole exception of Suzy Kendall everyone was dubbed--and pretty badly too. They also can't act--only Kendall is any good (even if she's far too old to be playing a college student). The kill scenes have plenty of blood but the gore scenes are laughably fake. To make matters worse the plot makes next to no sense. There are only two real suspects--and one is made to act so suspicious you know he's not the killer! If you want to see every giallo ever made this is for you. But if u want a horror movie with brains, talent or realistic gore u can skip this one.
acidburn-10 A masked, hacksaw wielding killer is preying on female students at an Italian University in this deliriously sleazy, but surprisingly classy giallo from Sergio Martino. There is nothing subtle about Martino's film, the title alone- TORSO, is just about as blunt as you can get, setting the tone from the start. It is truly quite a sleazy soft core porno flick with brutal murders. Torso is more of a guilty pleasure. The mixture of beautiful women and slash-happy maniac may be as old as the hills, but rarely are the two elements so accentuated as they are in the Italian giallo- and in the case of Martino's film they are taken to almost absurdist levels. The women are, for the most part, incredibly beautiful- Kendal and Aumount are especially stunning. The violence is, in complete opposite, and for want of a better word- crude. The victims are molested before being killed and, finally, dismembered. It is not, however, particularly graphic, in-so-much you do not actually see many of the wounds, but oblique views of a juddering hacksaw and the sounds of bone splintering leave little up to the imagination. The dismemberment theme extends to the women even before they meet their fate, Martino using the camera frame to 'cut-up' live, and usually naked, flesh.All in all Torso is surprisingly a pretty good thrller, the only disappointing part for me was when those three girls got murdered off screen and to be honest the killers identity wasn't at all a surprise