Blood Rage
Blood Rage
R | 29 March 1987 (USA)
Blood Rage Trailers

Twins Todd and Terry seem like sweet boys -- that is, until one of them takes an axe to the face of a fellow patron at the local drive-in.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
quridley Off the bat, Lousie Lasser makes this movie. She plays the emotionally destroyed mother of twin sons who are severely screwed up. If you know anything about her history (and an infamous SNL incident that labeled her too crazy for showbiz), you know that the pain in her performance is real.She elevates what, on its own, is a gory and clever slasher film that is above-average for its special effects and brilliant plot twist. De Palma pioneered this premise in "Sisters" (and someone probably inspired him), but I've never seen it used with slashers and its a PERFECT fit. The film is cheap and limited, but the story and crew are fantastic. Its shot and scored well. Besides some story lulls, its a good ride. And the ending is the cherry on top: brutal, poetic and satisfying. Quite ahead of the time in its cynical 80s humor.This is a horror gem.
Michael_Elliott Blood Rage (1987) * 1/2 (out of 4) Terry commits a brutal murder at a drive-in but blames it on his twin Todd who is sent to a mental hospital. Flash forward ten years and Todd has broken out of the hospital and returns home where more bodies begin to pile up.BLOOD RAGE was filmed in 1983 but it sat on a shelf for four years before it was finally released without too much fan fare. The film was pretty much forgotten but over the years it has gained a rather large cult following and it's not too hard to see why. Even though I thought the film was pretty bad, there's no question that it contains some rather campy moments at times and the gore level is quite high.I think it's the gore that most people are going to be coming to the film for. The special effects aren't the greatest thing around and they certainly don't compare to the work of Tom Savini but they certainly have an appeal. It doesn't matter what happens to the victim you're going to see a ton of blood come flowing out. So if they're stabbed, shot or chopped...prepare for blood. There are some creative kills throughout including one poor woman who gets cut in half and another man who loses his head.The biggest problem with the film is pretty much everything else. The movie is available in three different cuts but I went with the original VHS version that clocks in at 82 minutes. Those 82 minutes feel triple that time because this thing drags so often. Whenever someone isn't getting killed off we're basically watching some pretty poor acting in a rather bad story without much going for it. There's no mystery, no suspense, no humor and not much of anything.Again, BLOOD RAGE is going to be remembered for its gore and I'd still recommend slasher fans check it out for this reason alone.
rooee Variously known as Blood Rage (home video version), Slasher (original title card), and Nightmare at Shadow Woods (theatrical cut), this ropey hack-'em-up took four years to get a US release after having been filmed in 1983. It was hardly worth the wait but there's some fun to be had in its maniac twins setup.To be fair, only one of the twins is actually maniacal. When they were kids, Terry butchered a mid-coitus stranger and blamed it on Todd. 10 years later, Todd escapes from his psychiatric unit, apparently on the rampage. But in reality it's just Terry again, all grown up and getting jealous and enraged about his mom's engagement. Someone is slaughtering folks in the neighbourhood, and now Terry has the perfect alibi.Harking from a time when the mentally ill were definitely perpetrators rather than victims, here we have one of those slasher pictures where people are too busy going off into the woods alone to call the police and let them know a murderer is on the rampage.There's some cracking gore, although the anxious editing in the theatrical cut means we often get only a glimpse before cutting away to some half-assed Freudian exchange or another teenager soaping in the shower. Stick with the so-called "hard" version (included in the Arrow Video boxset I saw) for the real deal.While performances are consistently terrible, Mark Soper as the twins possesses an appropriately unsettling glare, and one-time Woody Allen fave Louise Lasser has an absolute ball as the cripplingly neurotic, boozing mother.As a work of filmcraft it's a notch above Troma, but sadly not funny, well-made, or scary enough to land itself a place in a camp Halloween horror medley.Possibly the film's greatest pull is the period. Locked in time by Richard Einhorn's elaborate synth score, the voluminous hair and bad sportswear are virtually sufficient in themselves to carry us through the 80-odd minutes.
trashgang This flick is a special one. It's hard to find the full uncut version, it's only available on VHS so forget the DVD versions available. Even as they have the alternative title. All I can tell about this movie is that the storyline is ridiculous. After 10 minutes it's clear who's the actually killer. But what makes the movie worth searching is the amount of gory killings. If you have the DVD then all the gory moments are gone. On the VHS they are intact and worth watching. The acting itself is not that bad at all. The movie never had that much of promotion, but it is one to have in your collection if you still collect VHS. And as I have seen the other movie Blood Rage be sure to catch the correct one. The blood reign is in this one, not in the other one. So you know what to do....start searching. Oh yeah, and try to catch the movie they are showing at the Drive In, it's from the same writer....