Bay Coven
Bay Coven
NR | 25 October 1987 (USA)
Bay Coven Trailers

A young newlywed couple move to a remote island only to find a secret coven of witches who want them to join all the fun...or face the consequences.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
WisdomsHammer This movie starts very slowly. Its characters are very slow to catch on, even when they're told exactly what's going on. Lots of recognizable actors if you were born in the 80s or before. I never realized Tim Matheson used duck face so much. His acting was way over the top, in my opinion. Woody Harrelson unintentionally (or intentionally?) played a mouth-breathing creeper. Typical TV movie pacing with a story that keeps getting side tracked and a script that keeps the audience way ahead of the characters. I was surprised at all the high reviews. While not completely original, I found it to be an intriguing story that just took way too long to tell. It felt plodding and clumsy to me. A few things that kept me watching were: Pamela Sue Martin and some of the rest of the cast, including Barbara Billingsley, who did decent jobs despite the script; scattered interesting scenes and moments of ambience that were more plentiful as things went on; and waiting for the payoff, which, to me, was surprisingly enjoyable, albeit abrupt. Was it worth sitting through? Not in my opinion. You could do worse, but you could do so much better, too.
Uriah43 A married couple named "Jerry Lebon" (Tim Matheson) and "Linda Lebon" (Pamela Sue Martin) are living in Boston and decide to move off the coast to a place called Devlin Island. On the island is a small community which goes by the name of Bay Cove and is populated by people who have lived there a very long time. However, things are not as they seem. Not only do the neighbors act a little weird but there are a number of strange occurrences which being happening shortly after Jerry and Linda arrive. Anyway, rather than spoil the film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this wasn't a bad movie, all things considered. Even so, because this was a made-for-television movie there were some parts which I thought were rather tame. Especially in the horror department. I liked the performance of Pamela Sue Martin and the fact that the director (Carl Schenkel) managed to keep the suspense going for the most part and that proved enough to justify the time spent watching it. I give it an average rating.
chris_conner Normally I can overlook the fact that a movie I'm watching might not be the most original idea ever introduced, but BAY COVE is an unforgivable conglomeration of occult story ideas culled from much better movies, including (but hardly limited to) THE SENTINAL, DEVIL'S RAIN, RACE WITH THE DEVIL, THE OMEN, ROSEMARY'S BABY, etc. and so on. The entire plot is pushed in your face right from the start, and there are no surprises whatsoever. The viewer is literally led by the hand from one plot device to the next and they couldn't be more obvious if there were flashing neon signs attached to them all. Whatever you think might happen next...does.Movie fans looking for unintentional laughs might at least glean some enjoyment. I was amused by the graveyard situated on a beach (yes, a beach, and only yards from the water at that!).Unless you're new to the occult thriller genre, there's nothing here we haven't seen a million times before and a million times since. Avoid like the devil.
Movie Nuttball Bay Coven or Bay Cove is a good film that has a good cast includes Pamela Sue Martin, Tim Matheson, Barbara Billingsley, Jeff Conaway, Woody Harrelson, Susan Ruttan, James Sikking, Inga Swenson, and Nigel Bennett. The acting by all of these actors is very good. Martin is really good in this film. Mathesson is good and Harrelson is very good. I thought The mystery is good and some of it is surprising. The movie is filmed good. The music is good. The film is quite interesting and the movie really keeps you going until the end. This is a very good and thrilling film. If you like Pamela Sue Martin, Tim Matheson, Barbara Billingsley, Jeff Conaway, Woody Harrelson, the rest of the cast in the film, Horror, Thrillers, Mysteries, and interesting films then I strongly recommend you to see this film today!