PG-13 | 27 November 2002 (USA)
They Trailers

A psychology student who experienced night terrors as a child must face the chilling realization that her nightmares were not all in her head.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
tughan_a When i watched it 15 years ago, i just loved it, great horror title. I watched it several times after also, as it happens on all horror titles, watching same movie may not be same effect each time but it is just enough to make audience on the edge of their chair at first time.. Wes Craven at his best, no wonder why it is so compelling... It is really hard to understand this low ranking of the title, perhaps its because many people cannot really connect anymore to their younger self to address the emotional level of this movie. You cant really enjoy this movie if only what you like is heck&slash zombie horrors or gross entertainment... This movie is simple fear and you are gonna get it right or you are not at all... don't watch it with biased comments, just watch it...You might just love it, not because of the comments here but because you really would do...9/10
irishm My biggest problem with this film was that every time the creatures… and there were a LOT of 'em… started swarming all over the heroine, they then just backed off and menaced her rather than eating her. Indecisive? Saving her for later? Full up from eating the other characters already? I dunno. Weird, anyway.Standard predictable jumps, with a couple of exceptions… you can see it coming a mile away most of the time, and it just isn't very scary when the movie telegraphs what it's about to do. Especially when it's something that other movies have done, much better, many times before.The cast, with one exception, was dreadful. That one exception was the actor who played Sam, the artist. Him, I liked. He had some depth and credibility. Unfortunately, he was alone in this. There were like two good lines in the whole movie, and he had both of them.In contrast to some reviewers who had a similar "meh" experience with this film, I did like the ending. In fact, I thought it was probably the most powerful part of the film. No, not just because I was glad it was over… the ending was actually quite effective. I bumped my rating up a star because of it.In sum, you really have to be in the mood for a movie like this if you're going to invest the time in it. I had a free afternoon and didn't feel like using my brain for anything, so it wasn't the worst choice I could have made. If you're looking for quality, though, look elsewhere.
Saad Khan They - TRASH IT (C) I remember watching its trailer in 2002, it was stuck in my head. after 9years now finally I found the movie and it was Okay. there is nothing special about it. its an average movie nothing making scene behind the Monsters. there are scares, abductions but the reason behind it remains Unknown. it would have been more effective if they had portrayed a little story behind the monsters or reason behind the monsters. were they the boogeyman? then say it that they're the boogeyman! Laura Regan is an average actress at times she comes off complete wooden actress. Marc Blucas doesn't have much role to do except smooching. So, overall its a typical horror movie without making any scene. Less than time pass.
mentalhelp2101 OK... well this movie, like most, has ups and downs. If you do not know the story, its that a bad actress with a hideously long neck watches some emo dude kill himself. She meets the emo guys friends who share her problem and Mr. Emo guys problem- they had night terrors, or bad nightmares. The friends get killed by the sandman(metallica reference, anyone??)and they have a weird mark. Julia (the giraffe) finds her mark and fights the things. In the end, her boyfriend has her institutionalized and she is dragged to hell.OK well +'s. The effects were great. The movie was great on atmosphere and mystery, even though we see the creatures, we still wonder. The acting was OK in parts. The story and concept were great. Very Freddy-ish. The music was good in parts.Now the bad-most of the acting. You find yourself laughing at some of the acting. The music at times has you dry heaving. The stories told by characters are entertaining, but ridiculously cheesy. The script was pretty mediocre in 3/4 of this movie. Final Verdict- watch it. While stupid and somewhat cheesy, the atmosphere is amazing and the special effects are good. Entertaining as hell.