R | 27 February 2004 (USA)
Decoys Trailers

Luke and Roger are just another couple of college guys trying to lose their virginity. But when Luke sees something unusual, he begins to suspect that the girls on campus aren't exactly...human.

Micitype Pretty Good
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
johannes2000-1 This is not a spectacular, but otherwise fairly amusing and entertaining horror/sci-fi. Of course the story is (extremely!) far-fetched, but in this kind of campy sci-fi this comes with the territory. Besides that, it has a fast pace, the photography gives us exactly the right atmosphere, the settings (a snow-covered university campus) provide the usual ingredients (boozing boys and girls, long corridors, dark and cold campus-grounds, etc.) and the script and the acting are surprisingly well done. The horror-elements are not very harsh or gory, and the alien-hidden-in-a-human concept isn't really original, but it all works very effectively. There is a fair amount of humor in the script and direction, not only concerning the protagonists of the movie, but also in a more tongue-in-cheek sort of way in the background, for instance in the sometimes hilarious behavior of the sorority-girls (and boys!). And I especially liked Corey Sevier, he's cute as a puppy and gave a convincing mixture of a wannabe self- assured macho and a terrified freshman who turns into a hero in spite of himself. The special effects are not really mind-boggling, but sufficient and effective enough. And although – in such a genre movie – you're already expecting a final twist that will put the whole movie upside down, and I saw this one coming from a mile away, it still made up for a nice and worthy enough finale. The only thing that kept baffling me was the part of the police-woman (Nicole Egert). She was supposed to have had some sort of prior relationship with Luke (in spite of the obvious difference in age and in social status) and they exchange all kinds of innuendos in their (sparse) scenes together, but that was it, no further explanation, it didn't seem to have any function in the entire movie. As if we were watching a "part II" sequel to something, or as if some of their scenes together had landed on the cutting-floor and they forgot to check if the remaining scenes were tied together logically enough. But otherwise: a very entertaining non-pretentious horror flick. It makes me curious for the sequel that was named on IMDb, in which Corey Sevier again and curiously enough (considering the final scene of part one!) seems to star.
SnoopyStyle Lilly (Stefanie von Pfetten) and Constance (Kim Poirier) are sexy cousins that are more than a couple of hot college girls. Luke (Corey Sevier) snuck into their room and sees something alien. Alex (Meghan Ory) is his best friend who just doesn't believe him.The girls are aliens. It's not a spoiler because they show it in the first 10 minutes. There is absolutely no horror in this horror movie. The writing is all camp. Some intentional like punching a girl. But there is a lot of unintentional camp.The odd thing is that Stefanie von Pfetten and Kim Poirier are probably the best actors in this movie. They have this frienermy competitiveness going on. All the guys are useless, both as characters and as actors. Meghan Ory is too distant.This is a super cheesy TV movie. There is sometimes good fun to watch a little bit of camp. But the guys aren't good enough or funny enough or compelling enough. It's almost a funny watch, but it tries to be a serious horror.
MistAh_Justus Upon first viewing of this movie, you may automatically think Species rip-off. Even with the clearly lower budget it offers so much more and actually trys to be different from the average made for TV Sci-Fi weekly movie by combining a mixture of comedy, horror, and of course science fiction. The movie takes place on a college campus in Canada! Where we follow a group of students who have an American Pie type of vibe to them, by busting out jokes and repeatedly have discussions about losing their virginity and performing other sexual acts. And that's where the hot blonde sorority babes come in...and that's where the Species comparisons may come in.Yes, just like the Species series, in order for this hot blonde undercover "ALIEN" race to survive they must reproduce with the male human virgin freshmen. We do get some actual time to meet the characters and their stereotypes, and you do get a feel for them. It's clear to see who the lead players are and even though you know who's gonna go, you still root for them like they have a chance, something you don't see too often.The hot blondes in their natural form do resemble the Species creatures quite a bit, but I guess they go by the standard alien description, hairless body, big eyes, human but almost bug like. The awesome Kim Poirier actually plays one of them "Constance". She gets quite a bit of screen time while not actually being the lead, you might also recognize her from the Dawn of the Dead remake, she's got quite a memorable scene in that one! When we do see these reptilian aliens, sometimes it is real effects that do look fairly good. But for most of the action sequences the creatures are CGI but even though it's easy to tell, it still looks good since they move so fast.This movie also mixes in a bit of cop drama with the good cop bad cop showdown, although unnecessary it still seems to work in the entire B-Movie atmosphere of the rest of the movie. So we follow our lead college male "Luke" played by Corey Sevier as he must prove to the others that Aliens do exist and they're taking over the campus before it's too late and his friends give in to sexual peer pressure.The movie builds up quite nice to an inevitable showdown between the lead male and entire Alien species. We get some nice action sequences and with all the time spent actually getting to know the characters you don't know whether or not to root or boo for these aliens creatures.In the end, you get the expected victory with an unexpected twist. The first time I watched this movie it somehow slipped past me, but it actually seems to work quite well. I'm not gonna spoil it for you just in case you haven't seen this but keep an eye out for it when you do! This is definitely a movie you can have fun with if you don't take it too seriously, think of The Faculty + Species and a Lil' bit of American Pie and you got a surprisingly enjoyable movie. Of course it finishes off with room for a sequel and of course a sequel was made, how could they not? If you get a chance give this one a watch, even though you may have seen this type of story before, it's more fun then you may think.7.5/10
John Crane Decoys was a very weird film, in fact my first impression, before I read the back, was that it had something to do with monsters or aliens roaming a snow covered forest, kind of like a Windego themed movie, but I was wrong. This movie was okay, but it wasn't my favorite. The movie is essentially about these things that disguise themselves up to look like beautiful young college girls, who happen to have a taste for humans. This film is essentially a blend of American Pie and Alien, though there were some great camera-work for the attack scenes and there were some good performances, but this movie seemed as thought it was just another teen horror flick. There are also some pretty good comedic lines and situations too, however, for my taste it just wasn't there and it did not hit me right. Perhaps, I've drawn away from this brand of horror.The cast is virtually unknown, however, among the bunch there are notably okay performances by Krista Morin, Marc Trottier and Ennis Esmer. I think that I can safely say that the girls who played the aliens did some of the best performances. Case in point, Stefanie von Pfetten, Kim Poirier, Meghan Ory and Corey Sevier who both did pretty great acting in this movie. However, some of the "diabolical" acting was a bit silly and not the great. However, some of the performances by the male heroes seemed a bit too determined into finding the truth than any teen that I have run into. They seem a bit scripted and movie-ish for my taste. Also, despite it being a necessity to the film, there was a bit too much sex and nudity for my taste.The scares in this film were okay, I enjoyed the chest bursts and the spider-things, but they weren't scary, rather they were just plain weird and unexpected. They tried to be scary by having some "jump out" scares and "creature" scares, but they were unsuccessful. Though, the aftermath of which the victims' look like is disturbing in it's own sense. I can't remember that much from this movie so I regret that I cannot comment that much about the scares.Overall, this movie had some great intentions and some okay scares but they overshot it by making it seem too scripted and adding unnecessary sex and nudity. The performances were okay but a bit too over the top and sometimes dramatic. I guess this movie is okay as a B-movie, but certainly not one that you would want to rush out and see or spend money to buy. I think that this movie would have a greater following mostly due to the fact that it is a cult classic, but not for my tastes. This movie would appeal to you if you do like B-movies and indie films as well as cult films, but if you are looking for something that will hit you hard or really scare you, keep on looking. I wasn't a huge fan of this film.