The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
| 23 October 1999 (USA)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Trailers

Ichabod Crane, a Yankee wanderer, arrives in Sleepy Hollow and becomes the new schoolmaster. He meets Katrina Van Tassel, and blissfully fantasizes about how can marry her, ultimately, inherit her father's rich estate. Her suitor Brom Bones, the blacksmith, wants to scare him away and dresses up as the legendary Headless Horseman. During the prank, the real ghost appears and drives Ichabod off

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
jacobjohntaylor1 This movie is very slow. Do not bother with it. See the one that came out a month later with Johnny Deep. This one it just to slow. The acting is OK. The story line is not very good. Read the book. This based on a short story. There tried to make long. By having a lot of slow scenes. The cartoon from 1949 is a great film. This one is not that great. Don't bother with it. It came out when there was theatre movie based on the same book. This was a made for TV movie. It is very slow. I do not like to that mush. The 1980 version is better. So is the 1972 cartoon. This one you can skip. The one with Johnny deep is probably the best one.
Angelus2 I sat down with nothing to do and found this film starting..I was already familiar with the story and too be honest as a child it deeply fascinated me...So I sat and watched this low budget tale of the Headless Horseman as he descends on the people of Sleepy Hollow.This is more closer to the actual story...As Ichabode Crane was not a very good looking man and was not a detective...I was pleasantly surprised as the acting was brilliant and brought an air of 'Shakespseare' to it...The build up to the legend of the fallen soldier who rode through the forest at night was beautifully done...But the character of Crane was more interesting...A cowardly man who likes to brag....I loved the ending, it left the audience wanting more...Definitely worth an evening of your time..
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews I saw this on TV, as I thought it was Tim Burton's version, which I've seen a year ago and was going to watch again sooner or later anyway; now I feel like watching it more than ever; this junk doesn't do the myth justice, it's way too slow and boring. I don't know how faithful it is to the original story, but Tim Burton's version of the story is a lot more entertaining, accurate or not. I think one of the main problems is, that the main character is not the least bit likable; he seems snobby, greedy and pretentious. Throughout the movie, he was the laughing stock of the town, and he's too stupid to notice it. I hated his character with a passion, and hoped he would be killed off by the headless horseman; I won't reveal here if I was that lucky or not. Overall, this is just your average, bad, made-for-TV movie version of a somewhat well-known story. I know I've praised Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow a lot in this review, but I just need to do so one more time; this movie is nowhere near as good, scary, atmospheric or entertaining as Tim Burton's version. Go watch that instead, and avoid this junk. 5/10
Buccaneer Most renditions of Irving's short story focus of Ichabod's romantic rivalry with Brom for the attention of Katrina. This version captures the historical context of the Hudson River Valley following the Revolutionary War. Several characters distinguish Ichabod as a 'Yankee'. During that time, New Englanders were migrating into the Hudson Valley, displacing the old Dutch communities. The other thing I liked about this script is that it didn't subject Ichabod to the cliche that has developed through earlier versions. Instead of jumping out his skin every time something goes bump in the night, Ichabod works very hard in this script to mask his fears, at least when in the presence of others. This is how I imagine Ichabod when I read Irving's original, not as the wobbly-kneed, teeth-chattering, shaky handed Don Knotts-like cliche running off gobbling like a turkey at the sight of his own shadow.