Hide and Go Shriek
Hide and Go Shriek
R | 01 November 1988 (USA)
Hide and Go Shriek Trailers

A group of teenagers spend the night in a furniture shop for a graduation party. When one of them talks her boyfriend into a game of hide-and-seek, a psycho killer starts hunting them down one by one.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Michael_Elliott Hide and Go Shriek (1988) *** (out of 4) Eight teenagers decides to stay in one of their father's furniture stores after hours so that they can have fun, drink beer and have sex all night. Everything gets off on the right foot but soon some sort of maniac begins picking them off.Why on Earth haven't I heard of HIDE AND GO SHRIEK before now? Why is it that one of the better slashers of the 1980s doesn't have much of a reputation? I went into this film expecting some sort of by the numbers slasher but it turned out to be one of the best that the genre has to offer. If you're looking for an art-house film then this here is certainly not that but if you enjoy the slasher genre then there's a lot of really good stuff here.Director Skip Schoolnik and writer Michael Kelly certainly know what a genre fan would want and they deliver it here. The slasher genre was pretty much dead by this point so perhaps that's why this film came out and went away rather quickly but it's certainly waiting to be rediscovered. What makes this film work so well is that it perfectly lives up to what you'd expect out of the genre. There are four females on hand and all four of them are naked. You've got several sex scenes that are here for no other reason that to see hot girls naked. You've got a pretty good mystery as to who is doing the killings and finally we have some clever death scenes and blood.All of that stuff adds up to one of the better horror films of the genre. Another thing that really helps the film is the fact that the cast members are all very fun to watch. All eight of them, and the two supporting characters, are fun and while the performances aren't the greatest they're at least good enough to where you can enjoy the characters. I also thought the film benefited from you not knowing who would live or die as they keep things mixed up pretty well throughout.Sure, there are some flaws in the film but there's no question that fans of the genre really need to check this one out.
Anthony Pittore III (Shattered_Wake) Looking for an uninterrupted sex romp, a gang of teens head to the furniture store owned by the father of one of their group. Once there, they begin a game of hide & seek. . . the game comes to an abrupt halt when a cross-dressing murderer begins to stalk them down one by one.Overall, this was a pretty good 80s slasher, but it lacked much of what 80s slashers really need: good gore and/or violence. While there are a few kills, they're pretty tame (from drowning to an unseen stabbing with a mannequin's detached limb). There are some pacing issues as it moves from fun & fast to dull & slow without much transition. The acting isn't too bad, but the characters get annoying at times. The writing wasn't terrible either, just nothing impressive. The film isn't terribly original, but the idea for the killers was something fresh, and in the end, it turned out to be a slightly above-average teen slasher worthy of a look for fans of this subgenre.If you're looking for an easy 80s slasher with a bit of a twist to it, give it a look. You could do worse.Final verdict: 6/10.-AP3-
lost-in-limbo Ready or not. Here I come. Should you turn a blind eye, and pass this one as if you didn't notice it. Well, I didn't mind it, so why not take a chance. It's a passable, unassuming late low-cost 80s teen slasher of the same-old cheesy hijinks. Boozing, sex, party games (hide and seek on this occasion), topless nudity and a killer on the loose. You get the picture. It's got everything down-pat. The story sets the situation one night in a furniture store that one of the teen's fathers owns after the complex has shut for business. Unknowingly to them their playful attitude turns to survival when they realise they're being preyed upon in the locked-up building by a (well-dressed) killer that likes to wear the clothing of his victims (and doesn't like people who don't have a shopping agenda). Even with its slack pacing (plenty of aimless clock-punching to open), puerile script, dim lighting (which could create few eerie moods) and cheap FX. It manages to build up an ominous atmosphere (thanks to a brooding rock score and murkily vast setting) and install a real nasty side (some vicious and creative attacks caught by the leering camera) that all but evaporates in its spontaneously fruity climax and sudden conclusion. It's beyond silly and insipid! That'll hold up in court. Every now and again the director (quite clunky, flat and rough handling) tries to make you jump, but with less than flattering results. The performances from the young cast are hysterically over-dramatic, but do entertain with their boneheaded characters. They're not entirely likable though. Rancid, but mildly enjoyable slasher clone.
movieman_kev An ex-con who works (and lives, thanks to a stupid owner) in a furniture store. When a group of hormonal teens decide to party in said furniture store after hours, (one of them is the son of the aforementioned stupid owner and has a set of spare keys) they're in for trouble when the homicidal transvestite ex-con lover of the ex-con living there comes calling to strike up the Brokeback relationship, in this horribly dated late '80's slasher horror film. This being a typical by-the-numbers slasher flick that doesn't really deviate from the clichéd path in the least, I was surprised that it was still moderately entertaining to an extant, even if the guys were all wussies.My Grade: C- Eye Candy: Donna Baltron, Bunky Jones, and Annette Sinclair all get topless