Too Much Sun
Too Much Sun
R | 10 October 1990 (USA)
Too Much Sun Trailers

A multimillionaire, whose son is gay and daughter a lesbian, leaves a will with one clause: His children will inherit his money only if at least one of them produces him a grandchild within a year of his death.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
VeeJay226 Granted, the premise was stupid, this movie has me ROTFLOL!!! I soon forgot the name of it, but never gave up trying to find it. I saw it by "accident" at a sneak preview and didn't realize it was going to be something that I would want to have in my library.
thebishop2 I found this obscure movie playing on HBO once at 3AM. It had just started and I figured I'd be up anyway. 15 minutes into the movie, I found myself laughing as hard as I ever had in my life. While the story is a bit silly, it plays well with the cast it's given, all of whom are either comedy veterans like Eric Idle and Andrea Martin to the likes of Robert Downey Jr and Ralph Macchio, who plays the world's biggest scum ever seen in this movieThe movie centers around two gay siblings who are forced into producing an heir within one year of their father's death. But it's really the lengths they go to trying to get this done and the freaks they meet along the way that really make this flick a lost treasure. I won't go so far as to call it a classic, but since that fateful night at 3AM, I've watched this movie over and over (thankfully, I was able to get copy it as I've never found a real version of it anywhere since). If you want to watch something silly with actors you know and/or love, don't have a problem with story lines that center around gay people and aren't interested in too coherent of a story, or if you just want to see Ralph Macchio play something completely different for once, and lord above knows he's the reason I love this movie so much (something I can't say too often), watch this movie.
hegget_c_ludders-2 I would like to express my gratitude towards the makers of and actors in the Greatest Movie of all times: Too Much Sun!!! This Movie has probably saved my life, and it will probably do many more times!!! I love it! Love it!!
Mitch-38 I was saddened to see that the modern "Entertainment industry" of this country could still put out awful, stereotyped images lacking even one dimensional sensibilities. What next, "Mammy with a banjo" on her knee?! For shame on anyone who voluntarily had anything to do with this movie.The storyline is so preposterous, insulting and childish... Gentle reader, consider yourself warned.