The Thing with Two Heads
The Thing with Two Heads
PG | 19 July 1972 (USA)
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A rich but racist man is dying and hatches an elaborate scheme for transplanting his head onto another man's body. His health deteriorates rapidly, and doctors are forced to transplant his head onto the only available candidate: a black man from death row.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
FlashCallahan A rich but racist man is dying and hatches an elaborate scheme for transplanting his head onto another man's body.His health deteriorates rapidly, and doctors are forced to transplant his head onto the only available candidate: a black man from death row....Total garbage from beginning to end, but one cannot help but love a good car crash movie. Especially when it features two actors who are out of their comfort zone for more or less the whole duration of the movie.This is blaxploitation/Grindhouse at it's finest, and to top the whole thing off, we get the most hilarious police chase ever seen, a man riding a scrambler with a plastic head on his shoulders, a joy to behold.It's a wonder that any of these actors managed to keep a straight face when making this. Pure trash, but ever so endearing.
Coventry In a documentary I recently watched called "The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made", this exploitation curiosity is proudly ranked #3, but even though it's a generally dim-witted and inept production, I cannot possibly refer to it as one of the worst movies ever. It offers incredible amounts of fun, laughter, disbelief and astonishment and the film is unquestionably a delight for every cinema fanatic who's remotely into bizarre horror stuff. Veteran actor Ray Milland stars as the genius, but slightly power mad, greedy and discriminating scientist who managed to sew an extra head onto a gorilla's torso without killing any of them. So now, Dr. Maxwell Kirshner thinks he masters the entire transplantation business and intends to use the method on himself. It's understandable why Maxwell is in a hurry, seeing that an aggressive type of cancer is slowly rotting his entire body from the inside out. So, basically, he worked out the whole biggest breakthrough in the history of medical science only to save his own ass! The plan now is to recruit a convict on death row, transplant the Dr.'s head on his body and wait approximately 30 days for the head to adapt to its new host before removing the convict's original head. Tiny little problem, however, the only available prisoner on death row is black and the old chauvinist doctor is quite racist. The con, Jack Moss, is also innocent of the crime he's on death row for and intends to use the additional 30 days to prove this, regardless of the fact there's the cranky head of an old racist scientist breathing down his ear. "The Thing With Two Heads" is a clumsy mad scientist movie with heavy ambitions towards Blaxploitation cinema. Apart from the obvious thematic plot of a stereotypical black tough guy sharing the body with a stereotypical white racist, there's also the extremely groovy soundtrack. The sight of the two-headed person – I have no idea why they refer to him as "things" since he's clearly a person – is just plain laughable. The plot subsequently evolves into a strange type of action movie with Jack Moss escaping from the operating table to prove his innocence. There's a seemingly endless motorcycle race, with numerous police vehicles (fourteen to be exact) getting wrecked and loads of crazy stunt work to admire. It's quite fun and all, at least for a minute or three, but surely they could have come up with something better than a 20 minute chase? Especially with this film's original concept? Either way, in spite of all its shortcomings and missed potential, "The Thing with Two Heads" is an interesting cult product from the early 70's and definitely recommended to tolerant fans of the genre.
american7 Must been seen by all! Should be required viewing along with Airplane, Buffalo 66, Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite, Team America World Police, Sideways, Bad Santa, Windy City Heat, Zoolander, Kingpin, Best In Show, Meet The Parents, Office Space, Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me, This Is Spinal Tap, Raising Arizona, Dr. Strangelove, Kentucy Fried Movie, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, Life Of Brian, Meaning Of Life, Vacation, Used Cars, After Hours, Caddyshack, Ed Wood, The Rutles All You Need Is Cash, The Jerk, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, There's Something About Mary, And Now for Something Completely Different, Fletch, I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, Hot Shots, Hot Shots Part Deux, Scary Movie 3, Heaven Can Wait, American Psycho, Sixteen Candles, Pee Wees Big Adventure, Top Secret, A Fish Called Wanda, The Naked Gun, Naked Gun 33 1/3, The King Of Comedy, Crumb, The Man With Two Brains, Real Life, High Anxiety, Pink Panther, A Shot In The Dark, Pink Panther Strikes Again, Return Of The Pink Panther, Revenge of the Pink Panther, Bad News Bears, Young Frankenstein, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Blazing Saddles, The Producers, Tommy Boy, The World According To Garp, The Survivors, The Big Lebowski, Dirty Work, Beavis And Butt-Head Do America, Better Off Dead, Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, Accidental Tourist, Young Doctors In Love, Bottle Rocket, Johnny Dangerously, Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers, Wallace & Gromit in A Close Shave, & Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.
susan-q We've all seen movie parodies of various types. Most of them fall flat on their faces because of the clumsy handling of the humor. Parody works best when it's delivered in a dead serious fashion, as was done in this movie. Trust the audience to know your tongue was firmly wedged in your cheek when making the movie.Many things make this movie a glorious cheese-fest. The budget was low, the acting is stilted, the timing is sometimes painfully poor, the jokes are corny. My advice is rent or buy this movie and see it for yourself! The first half hour of the movie moves fairly slowly, but once the action is moved out of doors it's go-go-go! This movie is a real groaner in the best sense of the word.
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