The Sunchaser
The Sunchaser
R | 27 September 1996 (USA)
The Sunchaser Trailers

A young half-Navajo convict dying of cancer forces a yuppie doctor to drive him to a magic healing lake.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Grumpy Pheasant The plot of this movie is an abomination. An agonising creature, writhing in pain, begging even for deliverance. It's not a pretty sight.Were they trying to document every possible movie cliché? If so, it's a commendable effort: they've not missed many. The characters act in ludicrously illogical ways, one of them is thrown in solely to awkwardly preach nonsensical views directly to the viewer... a rattlesnake even randomly shows up to serve as a plot device. As a form of entertainment, "The Sunchaser" fails on every level.But it's worse than just a bad piece of entertainment: it's the kind that (insistantly) advocates belief in quack remedies, faith healing and various other forms of absurd mysticisms (including astrology!) and that kind of message is borderline criminal.Watch something else. Anything else.P.S.: Electricity does not neutralise snake venom of any kind. It can only make matters worse.
showson2002 I just caught this on my TV. It is a slice of classic road trip perfection. Woody Harrleson and Anne Bancroft add weight as big names and the script and classy camera work does the rest. the script is top shelf realism with grit and it doesn;t shy away from ripping out the brutality and venom of urban society. The young man playing 'blue' the 17 year old put away for killing his father is professional and it's a shame I haven't seen him in further films, maybe someone should offer him some work. The road trip element is great and the freeways and highways are breath taking in beauty and well used for cinematography and as a tool to push along the dialogue throughout. The urban-dust plains contrast is well thought out and the story darts form one tense setting to another. The biggest surprise with this excellent 'gem that got away' is the humour in the most unbelieve-able circumstances. I personally loved the banter between Harrleson's doc and the young guy's tough insider. Casting is credible and the addition of a heart warming, touching and spiritual story line adds visual and though-provoking undertones. The magic side story increases interest and plays with the audiences take on if this roomer is truth or a legend. The under dog 'on-the-run' plot is gripping and apart from the use of the f word and graphic scenes of shootings this could have been a successful family film. I wonder if this movie gained any awards or acclaim as it definitely deserves some (if there is any justice). This is a buried treasure in the dust of forgotten film. Nice work by all creates a thought-provoking drama with some excellent landscapes of rock formations and dusty plains. Catch it if you get a chance.
youngblood_16 The movie was ok, it wasnt boring. i saw it with my friend and she thought the movies was good too. The ending was the big disappointment for me though, it was really confusing. Jon Seda did a really good job in this movie. I recommend this movie to every one:) I give it a ***out of *****
Jonathan Doron While a good starting point, and two fine actors at the helm, the Michael Cimino's quiet mini-comeback is tiring. I had a feeling I saw this movie before, but it was better. Why does every cross-country journey have to invoke a mental one? I didn't like the too-much-built-to ending. The ending and the whole script should have been better wrapped-up.