The Skin I Live In
The Skin I Live In
R | 14 October 2011 (USA)
The Skin I Live In Trailers

A brilliant plastic surgeon creates a synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
rdoyle29 Almodovar takes the stuff of horror films and sculpts a grand twisted melodrama out of it. There is a mad doctor. There is unnecessary surgery. There are attempts to both make up for the past and to avenge past deeds through experimentation on unwilling subjects. There is the creation of a new person from the remains of an old one. All this stuff borrowed from "Eyes Without a Face" and the dozens of variations on it from Jesus Franco among others is sculpted into one of Almodovar's grand labyrinthine plots full of deception and high emotion. This film is scientifically designed for me to love.
welshnew50 While with some memorable scenes of punishment, and better than average (these neo-Blair-witch-hand-held days) Photography/scene effort certainly added stars, it has a limited or simplified range of dynamics and realisms between the main characters , and some silly or unexplained plot-devices , in order to bring the drama back to the main characters.Could've easily been a on-stage drama before going to film, and as a person who's comfy on the couch movies-first ... i think it should STAY there.too many unrealistic acceptances of others'-change , and personally, i find those in movies that sometimes quite IRRESPONSIBLE.toughened fashion and beauty industry artists / employees/ers ... could also recognize quite easily the absurdities for the sake of the drama. while that CAN be OK for the purposes of the portrayal of the dynamics of the relationships, it does not work well when one has not understood the plot BEFORE going and seeing it...which is WHEN ... many/most actually decides to go physically see, a drama, instead of only HEARING about it , in your city, going around your country, wherever.MOVIES... by comparison ... are things now view-able and downloadable, and whatnot , in a much more... STANDALONE... way - sometimes one does not, as i had not, before deciding to watch it, based on the synopsis. I'd understood it would be some kind of creepy doctor sci-fi thing.Instead, it was yet another , 'how' , one should change one's feelings about another reinforcement, against always accepting another's abuse, kind of while i DO VALUE and advocate that in some film, using sci-fi ... or a sci-fi theme, for yet another tear-jerking melodrama for those affected deeply by it, is something i cannot respect.Themes and realities of skin (especially relative to reptilian ) are a interesting theme not unfamiliar to me, but things like the 'stimulating' / clearly-only-TEMPORARILY-purposed 'son' in tiger costume, were laughingly pointless, and i do truly pity the poor sucker kids in schools - while other actors on stage, are getting the substantive roles... the poor suckers, possibly the street-kids 'anyway'... etc... get the guy-in-the-tiger-costume-on-ecstasy&tequila .... *sigh*While the overall movie has some values in shock and whatnot ... its simplifications, and who-to-go-tos , are AGAIN belligerently going back to wise-old-mum ... most if not all men in the movie are conspirators or guilty parties directly , and the mixed-bag one gets in the obsessive/inequitable doctor ... are both sickening and disappointingly simplified/from-one's-daddy-unnecessary/obsessive too.what COULD'VE been a better-introduced sci-fi plot, with implications of depth possibly going all the way back to having tails...(which of course makes for more excuses to war costumes :) )... turned out to be some daytime-TV confusing jumble of identity/ambiguities of change , that UNlike the intentions to stimulate breadths of identity & trying to make people thing about others' identity, will make those content with their own do nothing but , maintain what they have already decided upon/accepted - an acceptance, of something non-hetero, can be a mistake just as much as making a mistake in thinking oneself hetero when not - it is not ONLY one-way traffic.It's perhaps well intended, but it's far too simplification-ally done... it gets points for the maintained motivations of the characters actions and there's some good acting, too, but as for the overall script, length (could've been a 2-part movie - 1st part is the sci-fi , 2nd part is its failure/the mess/resolution ), and believability , so that one can apply reasons/dynamic of, to things in one's own life ... i've got to give it the thumbs down.while some in closer-to , Hollywood/Broadway , perspectives , so-to speak, see directly, what inequity in valUE, not values...causes ; in too many a failed state in Sth America , as well as corporate exploitation of the USA's PEOPLE...... many also see the difference between art for art's sake, or in this case, fashion for societal-fashion-sales sake,.. in CONTRAST , with when emotions around it or parallel TO it, which can easily be exploited.While those committed to value in art BEYOND the personal, and of possession , etc ... do not even CARE, if their art, is valuable , and sells, etc.this film is another neo-CannF.F.-personal-belogings-RE-sale CRAMMING of mostly in the background, expensive-living.I'm not missing the point about ethics ... in saying that what happens to a extreme minority of gender identity ... NOT fashion... in PARALLEL , to other things a part of the characters... is NOT something, that MOST can say they relate to.Most cannot - most do NOT live, in-between a castle, and a clinic , where live & death are being taken away ; one for medical, one for defense... ...then 5 minutes later, a wise old woman by the fireside, wears a crucifix , but one is to somehow accept that she has NOT been a part of the out of proportion value, behind the no-doubt ALL PRIVATE PRACTISE ... of the doctor, and one-of-us ... not a unable-to-understand man...etcthe " silver-she-wears " ... is combed over, by the sexisit unity, in other words.private, compared to public ... as a separate theme, as is often present MORE, in true sci-fi... was absent.MUST give it negative-points that bring it down because of that, sorry.
cinamalover The Skin I Live In, is masterfully directed master piece. Telling a story far to often forgotten about The Skin I Live In does not hesitate when it comes time to show what we need to see, in order to really feel the effects of the film. The Skin I Live in is not just a film but an experience!9/10
Kirpianuscus it gives many ways to discover a profound message about contemporary world. about revenge and obsession and power to the life of the other. about relations. and about sacrifices. about beauty. and, maybe, about Almodovar. nothing surprising. only the performance of Antonio Banderas who does not only a great job but who propose a new level of a career who seems be easily defined. a film who gives many suggestions to interpreted it. and many opportunities to understand it as a personal portrait of every day society. cruel, poetic and cold. a parable and one of wake up films. De Sade and Mary Shelley. and the inspired music. an Almodovar who gives more than his common story about women and relations and revenges and shadows of the past. each of theme is present here but only as tool for a kind of image in mirror. because it is just a story about power. and its ways.