The Perfect Roommate
The Perfect Roommate
| 21 July 2011 (USA)
The Perfect Roommate Trailers

Carrie Remington seems like any other struggling waitress who's had a run of bad luck including a recent divorce. Things seem to be improving when she moves in with Ashley Dunnfield, a young woman from a wealthy background who's trying to make it on her own without assistance from her father, Richard. Ashley is thrilled when Carrie helps to win her father over, but when Carrie starts dating Richard, Ashley starts digging into her past and finds out that there is much she didn't know about her new roommate's sinister history.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Kittycat63 My god, what to say about this movie? It's one of those made for TV movies you come across one afternoon when you're a bit bored and channel surfing and decide to watch to see if it's any good, then when you realise how cheesy and lame the 'storyline' (if you can call it that) is, and how terrible some of the acting is (BOTI BLISS please step forward!!) you can't stop watching it because it's so bad it's entertaining for that reason alone! I won't go into details about what this movie's about (read some of the other reviews for that!) but it really is very lame and, as other reviewers have commented, Boti Bliss is one of the main reasons it's so bad. With her dark 'pixie' haircut she looked like an Audrey Hepburn wannabe, but failed miserably. She isn't 'femme fatale' or sexy enough to have played that role - she looked more like a bug eyed middle- class suburban housewife with a husband who has an incredibly boring but well paid job. Also, her acting in general was awful and she just wasn't believable in that role. To be expected to believe that William Moses's character would fall head over heels for someone like her was ridiculous. William Moses seems to have become the Susan Lucci of TV movies and he's not a bad actor so I wish he wouldn't lower himself to be part of crappy movies like this! He can do much better.Also, I noticed a goof in this movie, which doesn't seem to be mentioned on here. When the daughter rushes from the restaurant towards the end of the movie, after asking her boyfriend to take over her shift because she has to go and warn her dad about what's going on, her hair is in a ponytail, yet at one point when the camera goes to her driving along in her car suddenly her hair is down and not in the ponytail anymore. Presumably, if her character was so frantic to get to her dad before anything bad happened to him she'd hardly have taken the time to change her hairstyle on the way there! Oh, as for the first review on here of this movie - as someone else has commented, that the reviewer (Coop Burtonburger?!) has given this movie a 10 star review is hilarious! Either that person was associated with the making of the movie or he's connected to someone who was part of the movie - and given that he gushed twice about one of the actresses (I think the actress who played William Moses's character's daughter) I think maybe it was her boyfriend or someone who's obsessed with her !! Of course, the other alternative is that that Coop Burtonburger has recently landed from Mars and this was the first movie he has ever seen and he was so awestruck that he thought it was incredible! Oh, or he could have been as high as a kite when he saw it and reviewed it. Those are the only possible reasons surely for giving a 10 star rating to a movie that should really have a zero star rating ! !
Mike J In this unintentionally amusing turkey, a female crime team plots to have one of them marry and bump off a wealthy widower. The widower's daughter Ashley, her boyfriend Matt, and his brother double as super-sleuths who solve a mystery that the police and DA's mistakenly pin on Carrie's ex-husband. Carrie's partner-in-crime Anna takes out widower Richard's ex-girlfriend just in case she figures out what's going on. Somehow it all comes together in the end. Ashley and the boys missed their calling. They should've been detectives.Oh, and for a movie taking place in Philadelphia there are lots of Canadian accents. If you need some amusement, you can do worse.
mgconlan-1 Lighten up, fellow reviewers! I just watched "The Perfect Roommate" and I loved it. All right, Boti Bliss has a name that sounds more like a Buddhist blessing than a human being, she's not exactly drop-dead gorgeous and Barbara Stanwyck was playing this sort of role much better before Ms. Bliss's mother was born, but her half-gamine, half-gnome appearance is just right for the role and she's actually doing a quite capable Psycho 101. Christine Conradt's script is her usual engaging melodrama complete with some pretty big plot holes (like — and here's why I marked the "spoiler" button — at the end when, instead of phoning her boyfriend, her boyfriend's ex-cop brother or the police, Ashley tries to reach her dad at the New Jersey hotel where he's shacking up with the villainess and it never seems to occur to her that she might be intercepting the calls) but still tense and action-packed, and some of the supporting characters, notably Carrie's confederate Anne (a nice hard-boiled performance by Cinthia Burke) and Matt's brother Ethan (I'd like to know who this guy is, since IMDb erroneously credits the performance to a woman, Christie Watson — unless we're supposed to believe that's some uncommonly good FTM drag), add strength and power to the piece. I've come to love Conradt's work precisely because it's so over-the-top (though at least she resists the temptation of some other Lifetime writers and doesn't have what looks like half the U.S. Armed Forces come to the rescue of the heroine at the end) and I had a lot of fun with this good neo-noir TV movie.
Poolie The Perfect Roommate is a typical cheap and cheesy "made for Canadian Pay TV movie" like the several new movies each month that pollute The Movie Network" and exist for the sole reason than to help the network fulfill the mandatory, but unfortunately mostly pathetic, Canadian content required so they can keep their broadcast license.What separates this movie from other similar awful "Made for Canadian Pay TV" crap fests is that level of atrociousness in this one reaches such a new low (or height?) that I could not stop watching it, the same way you can't take your eyes off a car crash. The most ridiculous and unintentionally hilarious parts all relate to Boti Bliss in the main role. Firstly, the character is suppose to be this irresistible vixen, aka the "most beautiful woman I have ever seen" says naive billionaire and all around female connoisseur William R Moses. While Mrs. Bliss is not entirely repulsive, per say, she is way too freaky looking (bug-eyed, weird head and hair, bad plastic surgery everywhere and shockingly wide derrière which she tries to wide with bad teenage girl type loose clothes)to play that role. And then there is her acting. It is priceless in the worst, but most hilarious, way. Her robotic bad acting is classic and will make the day of any lover of "so bad its good" type movies and acting. She alone was the reason I was glued to the screen the whole time and its gets worse (or better?) as the movie progresses.I gave it 2 instead of 1, for the reasonable (with that awful script) acting job done by the veteran of this type of movies that is Mr. Moses and by the quite decent young actress who plays his daughter. Those 2 actors should get nominated for Genies if only for demonstrating the ability to keep a straight face while delivering their lines in their scenes opposite the mess that is Boti Bliss in this movie.
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