Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
R | 20 May 2016 (USA)
Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising Trailers

A sorority moves in next door to the home of Mac and Kelly Radner who have a young child. The Radner's enlist their former nemeses from the fraternity to help battle the raucous sisters.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
matahari20-1 That's the level of class this catastrophic failure aspires to, Nasty, nasty trash.
Floated2 Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising is the sequel to the hit Neighbors. It appeared obvious this film was greenlit as a sequel since the original was such a hit. This film does feel quite different but has some same elements. Overall, the entire plot about the girls sorority feels a little forced and played too hard for laughs. The problem is the female characters in the sorority weren't funny and the running joke was very forced and long running. After a while, we get used to it but it was too much and the entire "feminism" agenda was very obviously pushed. We are supposed to have sympathy towards them but nothing was there. There are some decent laughs but overall nothing completely original and funny. This sequel is somewhat disappointing and felt unneeded in the end. This was a major box office under performance compared to the original and it waved off any possibility for a sequel. Some decent moments but the entire film isn't as great.
Ateto van Dutch I have never imagined that the first review that I will write will be on a "movie" that I totally dislike. No plot whatsoever. If you consider that the first part of this disaster had plot, this one ruined it. Hopefully if you watched the first movie you will know who is who. This starts from nowhere and does not get anywhere. I am not a comedy watcher, but I've seen my fair share. This "movie" made me hate and laugh at all those "feminist, SJW, snowflakes etc" even more. The propaganda is really really strong in this one. Don't bother watching it. Trying to be something a comedy is not supposed to be. Generic humor, boring characters, points made on things that nobody takes seriously.
Emerson von der Goltz I don't know if Seth Rogen had a case of this politically correct syndrome its contaminating everybody or if he had some mental diarrhea or even if the weed is starting to damage his brain cells. Either way I don't know what the hell he was thinking when coming up with such a lame script and cast of boring uninteresting chicks. Very disappointing considering the awesomeness of the first movie.