Mythica: The Darkspore
Mythica: The Darkspore
NR | 24 June 2015 (USA)
Mythica: The Darkspore Trailers

Fighting through creature-infested lands and pursued by bounty hunters, Marek and her company are in a race to recover all the shards of the Darkspore before it falls into the hands of an evil wizard.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Leofwine_draca MYTHICA: THE DARKSPORE is the second film in the indie fantasy series that was funded independently via a Kickstarter campaign. You do wonder why they bothered when all the filmmakers seem interested in doing is making yet another LORD OF THE RINGS clone that heavily copies the Tolkien classic. This one is very close to THE TWO TOWERS in its depiction of a band of raiding orcs riding around the plains and slaying victims. The film as a whole looks quite nice and the effects are okay, but the story is A-Z basic and it lacks the professional touch to make it decent.
nightcrawlercyp-311-219346 A number of questions are answered, you have some character development (not too much, but a bit) and the story progresses a bit. The main problem is that Marek is so obsessed by Qole's body and her desire to hump him that she makes bad decision after bad decision. In the end the warnings from the only smart person in the team (that Marek uses like a battery for her powers) , Dagen prove to be correct and Qole to be actually working for the bad dude (did no one except me saw that coming? I mean it was pretty obvious) and betray everyone. I was full of glee as he was killed. But Marek cried for the bastard. Meanwhile the one that saved her at least 3 times so far (Dagen) does not get even a kiss because she thinks of him like her personal slave. Not even a thank you when he comes to save her. She thanks Thane but not Dagen. Is not like Dagen did everything to free her from providing the cash, finding the new owner, making the plan to force him to sign her release... oh wait, he did! At least a thank you kiss would have been in order.
Voda_AVA_1094 Marek and her company must go on a journey and prevent Szorlok from obtaining all the shards of the Darkspore, or all will be lost. Really??? They already lost the stone!!There's a lot of flaws here. Very poor visual effects, poor scenario and poor acting.Marek got strong powers but she still a slave tho, and needs help to be freed!!! The timeline is so slow.Marek and here friends had the portal opened but they didn't go into it until the evil wizard arrived to fight them.They saw his army and they got enough time to escape through the portal, but the stood still like idiots and got caught!!! I'm sure that the high ratings are very fake. I rated 1 for this movie because there's no less than 1 to give.
cruel_intentions-71527 It's not necessary to mention the terrible use of CG (most of which could have been done with cheaper, more realistic non computer effects), because that's not really where this movie can use improvement.While the acting is mostly good, the script is very weak. Character interactions are awkward. Their relationship seem forced, like there doesn't really look like there's enough motivation for them to stay together. The fighting scenes are really badly coordinated. With that same group and just a bit of tactics, victory would come easy (at least to enemies shown) but instead everyone fights like if they were drunk or disabled somehow; so whenever the heroes are defeated, being in good condition, it is not believable. Also, all heroes are unremarkable: the warrior is not a great fighter, the wizard cast magic sparingly or waits the worst moments to do so, the "thief" is not really stealthy or that quick on the feet, and the priest has no real divine magic or combat power (despite "being trained in combat", see the first part).Also the name/title of the enemy seemed like inspired from a video game, thus awkward and forced... the ending felt forced as well.In the end, unless they improve script and character development and interaction, not even "Hercules" can save this movie series...